
This is a transcript for Leo Nardo Stands Alone, the first episode of season 1 of Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Two Months Ago
Re-cap of the events from the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. Leonardo is pinpointed in a bulls-eye with the caption “target acquired”.
Blogger 1 The mutants that stopped that giant monster, they’re heroes.
Bulls-eye on Michelangelo – “target acquired”.
Blogger 2 You’re heroes!
Bulls-eye on Donatello – “target acquired”.
Blogger 1 I saw them. [Bulls-eye on Raphael – “target acquired”.] They saved everyone.
Blogger 2 You’re heroes.
Crowd You’re heroes!
Close-up on Leo, on his bed in the lair. He is drawing and writing and singing softly to himself.
Leonardo They’re heroes.
Donatello Leo.
Leo Yeah.
Donnie Leo.
Leonardo Woo-hoo
Donnie Leo!
Raphael Dude, come on! Let’s go already.
Michelangelo We’re getting breakfast.
Donnie Bacon, egg and cheese!
Splinter Speaking Vermin.
Raph Ugh. Dad, why are you still talking in Vermin? God, it’s so annoying.
Leo He’s doing it for Scumbug. She wants him to make more of an effort in their relationship. But anyways, just - - just go on without me, all right? I – I’m not hungry. You’re good.
Mikey No hungry? That doesn’t even make sense.
Raph What are you doing?
Leo Nothing! You - - you know, it’s homework.
Donnie He’s doing his stories again.
Leo I’m definitely not working on my comic book! Just pick me something up.
Raph All righty, your loss.
Mikey Gonna get that bacon, egg, cheese!
Raph Fair warning, Leo, I’m gonna eat yours.
Leo continues working on the front cover of his comic book.
Leo “Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, issue one, starring Leonardo.
Turns page, crowd sounds.
Blogger 1 They’re heroes!
Blogger 2 You’re heroes!
Leo thinks for a moment and then begins writing.
Leo “They’re no heroes,” she said very dramatically.
Cut to a computer station with multiple displays. A fist strikes and shatters a monitor.
Josefina Bishop They’re no heroes. They’re the danger.

{Opening sequence; title song}

Interior pages of the comic book.
Leo “In the secret lair of the Ninja Turtles” - -
Scene shifts to live action. Cell phone conversation between the Turtles and April.
April O'Neil You guys agreed to be there, right? Not that I’m not great at parties, but seriously, if you guys aren’t there, I’m gonna freak out.
Mikey Not go to a party? Dude, I am the party.
Donnie Of course we’re going. It’s a costume party. We’ve got costumes.
Raph is struggling to help Leo with his costume.
Raph Come on! [grunts] Almost. Ah. You couldn’t have gone with a more shell-friendly outfit?
Leo Come on, just pull.