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Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
Appearing in Krang War, part 3[]
Major characters[]
Supporting characters[]
General Krang has given the NRF twenty-four hours to give up the Fugitoid, or he will kill the Neutrino King and Queen before moving on to the rest of the Neutrino population. Initially Professor Honeycutt wants to give himself up to prevent any further bloodshed, but Princess Trib convinces him that's not what the King and Queen would want. She sends him off to the laboratory to repair the NRF's weapon, accompanied by Donnatello. Leonardo and Commander Dask devise a plan to rescue the King and Queen by initiating a distraction so that the Turtles may slip into the castle where they're being held unseen.
At the Turtles' home, April, Casey, and Splinter are researching Burnow Island, discovering that it's in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and ruled by the warlord General Krang. On Planet Neutrino, Krang is monologuing to King Zenter and Queen Gizzla, telling them about their race's impending doom.
On Burnow Island, Karai has infiltrated Krang's base to steal more of the Utrom ooze.
Honeycutt and Donatello arrive at the NRF lab to help repair the END missle, the weapon they hope to use to defeat Krang. It is an Electronics Nullifying Device, designed to disable the enemy's weapons through high-powered microwaves.
Leonardo and Michelangelo are preparing to infiltrate the Neutrino royal castle where the King and Queen are being held with Commander Dask and Kala when Princess Trib informs them she will be coming as well and there's no convincing her otherwise. Meanwhile, Raphael and Zak prepare to lead the frontal assault to serve as a distraction. Once the attack begins, Krang immediately orders his forces to lead a counter-attack. With the distraction underway, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and the Neutrinos infiltrate Krang's base.