This version of Krang appears in the episode Shredderville. He lives in the Technodrome, which sits in the middle of the city. Like everything else in Shredderville, the Technodrome is in a serious state of disrepair and is on the verge of exploding because the power generators are overheating.
Krang does not have his robotic body nor does he wield any of the power enjoyed by his counterpart. When the Turtles confront him and accuse him of being responsible for the mess the city is in, Krang responds by saying "Me? You’ve got that treasonous ninja Shredder to thank for all this. Why do you think they call this place Shredderville?"
Krang also tells them that he can't do anything about the overheating generators because Shredder has diverted all the coolants for his own use at his headquarters in the Channel 6 building.
When the Turtles leave without making any repairs, Krang becomes enraged and calls for the Rock Soldiers, who are still under his command, to catch them. With Zach's aid, the Turtles manage to get away.
Later, after an explosion shakes the ground, the Turtles encounter Krang on a city street. He is being carried by two Foot Soldiers and informs the Turtles that "The power generators have overloaded. They're going to self-destruct." The Turtles tell him he must go to Shredder and tell him to redivert the coolant. Krang tells them that instead, he is going to put as much distance between himself and the Technodrome as possible.
Krang is not seen again as the entire Shredderville visit proves to have been a shared dream by all four of the turtles.