
In Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kendra is the leader of the Purple Dragons Tech Club and one of April O'Neil's classmates.

Physical appearance[]

Kendra is a slender, brown-skinned Indonesian teenage girl with black eyes and messy, mid-back-length, dyed lilac hair with bangs. She also has a mole under her left eye, and wears cyan lipstick for makeup.

Her attire consists of a red beret on her head, a cropped Purple Dragons club jacket over a cyan turtleneck, black capri leggings and black flats with cyan soles. She accessorizes with three black hoop-piercings on her right ear.


Kendra is the most conniving of the Purple Dragons Tech Club as she is the club leader. She is often callous towards others such as when she says she doesn't know who April O'Neil is despite April stating that they have known one another for years, responding with dismissive skepticism ("The Purple Jacket").

Kendra is also deceptive and manipulative as she pretends to befriend S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. to use him in "Breaking Purple" when the truth is she doesn't care about him at all. Although she is willing to betray both of her club members Jeremy and Jason for her own benefit, Kendra makes no effort to temper or hide her favoritism for Jeremy.


Kendra debuted in "The Purple Jacket". She and her club members were rehearsing their infiltration of the Nakamura vault when she was approached by a disguised Donatello, interested in joining the club. Kendra initially dismissed Donnie, but after he showcased his inventions, she agreed to make him a Purple Dragons member. She gave him a club jacket which, unbeknownst to Donnie, had technology embedded in it, allowing Kendra and her club to remotely command his Battle Shells and Tech-Bō to travel to her location later that night. She used Donnie's inventions to rob various New York City electronics stores before breaking into the Nakamura vault with the plan to download the main server's source code. She successfully downloaded the code by the time April and Donnie arrived and fled from them using Donnie's Flight Shell. She managed to fend off April and Donnie in their aerial pursuit of her and after they crashed into an alleyway, hacked the Spider Shell Donnie was wearing to attack him as she escaped. However, she was stopped once Donnie threw his Purple Dragons jacket into the rotors of Kendra's Battle Shell and she was promptly arrested by the New York Police Department.

Kendra was depicted in "Mind Meld" as a drawing on a sticky note placed over the power switch of the Dragon's Tooth's protective case in the computer laboratory of Washington Irving High School.

Kendra reappeared in "The Purple Game". As an act of revenge for foiling the Purple Dragon's Nakamura vault heist and consequently getting them put on house arrest, Kendra and her club created an online video game named The Purple Game to fool Donnie into piloting the Giant Mech in New York City under the guise of a video game. After Donnie unlocked a chair fitted with Purple Dragon technology from The Purple Game as an achievement, she activated the chair's restraints and hacked the monitor in the lair's arcade, intending to force Donnie to watch the club hurt his brothers with their Giant Mech.

Kendra was flight testing Jase's drone at a New York playground in "Breaking Purple" as she wanted to participate in a drone race to win the Shadow Transmitter which would give them the power to hack any computer worldwide. The club's practice was interrupted by S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.'s appearance who ran away from the lair, but Kendra helped S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. escape his restraining bolt that was fastened to him by Donnie. She invited him to hang out with the club for the rest of the night and eventually made him member of the Purple Dragons. Later that night, Kendra entered S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. into the New York City drone race at Thunder Drone, but he lost the race and, by extension, the Shadow Transmitter due to Donnie's sabotage. Angered by the race results, she made her ill-intent towards S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. clear, effectively expelling him from the Purple Dragons, and attempted to attack Donnie to take the Shadow Transmitter from him by force using a robotic dragon the club had constructed. However, the attack failed as the robot malfunctioned and Kendra and her club left the building vowing revenge.


Kendra proved capable to hack through Donnie's equipment and even control his Battle Shell through remote microwave encryption. She was able to turn his Tech-Bō into a blaster gun, possibly through her own modification.

Kendra is brainy enough to lead a high-tech heist and ruthless enough to eliminate any obstacle on her way.



  • Kendra's parent(s)
    • Father: In "Breaking Purple" Kendra revealed that she resents the fact that her father married Jase's mother. However, their relationship beyond that is currently unknown.
  • Jason: Jason is Kendra's stepbrother and a fellow Purple Dragon. However, she belittles Jase as the "low man on the totem pole". Kendra enjoys taunting Jason and it is implied that he is only a member of the Purple Dragons due to being her stepbrother.

Friends and allies[]

  • Jeremy: Jeremy is a fellow Purple Dragon. Kendra seems to get along better with him than with Jase and considers him a legitimate member of the club. However, their relationship beyond that is currently unknown.


  • The Mad Dogs: Kendra's primary enemy is Donnie after "The Purple Jacket" and as such she is willing to harm the rest of the Mad Dogs in order to hurt him. However, she is keener on obtaining powerful technological devices such as the Shadow Transmitter to suit her club's own malicious plans than eliminate the Mad Dogs.
    • April O'Neil: April is Kendra's high school classmate. She has known April since kindergarten and she doesn't appear to care for her. However, their relationship beyond that is currently unknown.
    • Donatello: Kendra refers to Donnie as "Othello Von Ryan". They actually share the same sharp banter and inflated ego. She even went as far as to blow him a kiss before flying off on a jet pack. She seems to both know a fair amount about him via spying and enjoys bedeviling him as she is aware he has brothers and tries to hurt them in "The Purple Game".
    • Raphael: Kendra used the Giant Mech she and the Purple Dragons constructed to hurt Raph as a way to hurt Donnie in "The Purple Game".
    • Michelangelo: Kendra used the Giant Mech she and the Purple Dragons constructed to hurt Mikey as a way to hurt Donnie.
    • Leonardo: Kendra used the Giant Mech she and the Purple Dragons constructed to hurt Leo as a way to hurt Donnie.
  • S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.: Kendra took advantage of his familial anguish in "Breaking Purple" to befriend him so she could use him to win the New York City drone race. When S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. didn't win, Kendra swiftly abandoned him.




