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[As we continue on to part three, the team were at the cold mountains.]

Kintaro: [still upset] Why isn't anyone carrying me? Someone should be carrying me. Brr. I’m cold. And I;m tired. And I’m hungry. Ugh...

[Usagi shuts his eyes, losing his patience.]

Kintaro: This is unacceptable. I hate walking!  Long ear, either carry me or build me a carriage. I demand it!

Usagi: You will never find your center by being self-centered, Kintato-sama. Do not expect your true power to come from being a boastful brat.  

Kintaro: You don't tell me what to do, I tell you! Now use your long ears and listen when I say: Be silent!  One day, I'll be strong enough to lift an entire mountain.  

Raph: We could use your help right now. Looks like there was a landslide.

Donnie: It's have to move. Well, here's your chance, small fry. Let's see you move the "mountain."

Kintaro: Ha! Stand aside, peasants.

[Kintaro pushes hard on the boulder, but it does not budge.]

Raph: Did you see it move? 'Cause I sure didn't.

Kintaro: My paws are cold. I can't get a..ngghh...good grip! [fails down]

Raph: Hey, what happened to your "great strength", Golden Boy?

Kintaro: Your foul stench poisoned me!

Leo: Hey, lighten up, Raph. The kid tried. That's something.

[Usagi uses his katana to cut down a tree that was holding the boulder with ease which surprises the other Turtles and impresses Leo.]

Usagi: Sometimes, strength is not enough.

[Kintaro smiles then they walk on, unaware that blue eyes glowed in the cave.]

[Theme song]

[They continue on the snowy path. passing every obstacle, falling into deep snow, and reading the signs. A while later, Usagi and his team had arrived at the top of the mountain.]

Usagi: We have reached the top. The high pass of Haha Naru Yama.  

Leo: We made it, boys.  

Kintaro: At least the hard part is over.  

Usagi: No, the hard part is before us.  The Sen no Hihem Dani, the Descent of a Thousand Screams.  

Mikey: Wow, that is a long way down.  

Leo: We're so high you can see the top both of those clouds.  

Mikey: Can’t be that bad.   I’ll find out how far down it is.  

[Raph and MIkey tackle but Donnie pulls them away from the ledge.]

Donnie: Hey! Do you two want to fall?  

Leo: Quit messing around! Come on, Usagi’s getting ahead.

[The boys continue on the icy passage, carefully avoiding the edge. Mikey saw a figure of Jei in the distance.]

Mikey: Donnie, Donnie, look! It’s him, Jei! He’s out there!  

Donnie: I don't see anybody, Mikey. You gotta relax.

Mikey: He was out there, Raph. I’m telling you, bro! He.. was.. out there!

Raph: No, I think you’re letting this place to get to you. There’s no one ...out... there. Dang it, Mikey. You’ve got me hallucinating now!

Mikey: No dude, this huge Jei in the clouds just now? I saw it too.  

Leo: What we're seeing doesn't matter. Jei might be messing with our heads somehow  but he doesn't control us anymore.  

Usagi: I have heard tales that Jei is an immortal.  Even if his body is destroyed, he can live on.  

Kintaro: Don't be like those superstitious fools.  They're just afraid.  

Usagi: And yet  their courage has saved your life.  Instead of judging them, you should be have compassion for them.  When you understand others, their strength can become yours.  

Kintaro: I don't need anybody's strength. I'm plenty strong myself.  [he nearly fell off the cliff]  

Usagi: if you are too strong, perhaps you should stop being such a chicken.  

Kintaro: Chicken?  I'm the bravest warrior in the land.  

???: Then you must prove it, young one.  

[Usagi looks as they hear laughter. Suddenly, white ninjas come out of the snow.]

Leo: I knew someone was watching us.  

Mikey: Wait, hold i!. They're wearing white. so maybe they're good ninjas.  Hey Ninjutsu brah. Wah!

[The ninja almost sliced his arm.]

Donnie: So for the record: bad ninjas.  

Raph: Get em!

[They charge but they retreat to the snow and come out. Kintaro starts to run but the cat grabbed him.]

Usagi: No!

[Kintaro begins to fall.]

Mikey: They got Pugtato!  

[Mikey goes after him as Usagi begins to head down, defeating white ninjas. One of the cats threw a bomb at Mikey which he started to fall on.]

Donnie: Mikey!

[Leo saves MIkey.]

Leo: I gotcha!  

Mikey: Whew. Thanks Leo.

[Usagi begins to battle the ninja and almost makes it alive. Kintaro got himself saved.]

Kintaro: That was lucky. Usagi!

[He starts to fall]

Usagi: Kintaro.

[Usagi managed to save him.]

Kintaro: You did well, Usagi.  Not that I need your help 'cause I didn't.  

[Carrying Kintaro, Usagi cuts the ice ledge off and slammed the wall, causing the white ninjas to fal.]

Raph: Didn't sound like a thousand screams to me.  

Mikey: It's okay. Cats always land on their feet.

[They soon made a long way to the bridge and saw the temple.]

Usagi: The temple Palace of the Sky Buddha.  It'll be dark soon. We must keep moving if we are to make it by nightfall.  

[Kintaro is being fixed by Donnie.]

Kintaro: Ow!  You clumsy reptile, that hurts!    

Donnie: Yeah, it wouldn’t hurt if you hold still. I'm trying to help.    

Kintaro: You're failing.  And causing me untold pain knave! I will have your head chopped off!    

Mikey: Ah, I love Pugato’s threats. You're pure comedy little dog dude.    

[Kintaro's face turns red.]

Kintaro:  I am not funny, I am impressive!  

Leo: Usagi-san, allow me to protect your young charge for a while. Give you a rest.    

Usagi: I appreciate and accept, Leonardo-san.    

[Leo walks to Kintaro.]

Kintaro: What do you want?    

Leo: Only to walk with someone who I think is pretty brave.    

Kintaro: What do you mean you think I'm ..I'm brave?    

Leo: I saw you on the mountain. You held your ground and try to help fight the ninja. That was pretty impressive, Kintaro.    

Kintaro: It was? I mean- Of course it was. I was born to be a hero after all.    

[They have arrived at the Sky temple.]

Usagi: Finally. the temple of the Sky Buddha. There should be warrior monks guarding the entrance. Let us be cautious.    

[They enter inside as Kintar olook around the empty palace, scared and clutching his ax. The turtles prepare themselves for battle.]

Leo: Excuse me, sir!  We're looking for the high priest.

[The old man stands up, revealing himself as Jei!]

Jei: Greetings, my warriors.

Usagi: Jei.

Jei: Thank you for bringing the Golden Boy to the temple. It is the only place I could perform the ritual of the new dawn.  

[Kuma stepps up to the group.]

Kuma: Shall I destroy him, master?  

Jei: Destroy Usagi. The turtles may still be of some use to me.

[The turtles and Usagi defeat Kuma, Kintaro hides for cover. Usagi holds back Kuma's bo and then throws hiim aside, defeating the bear. He looks over to see the turtles fighting Jei.]

Jei: Excellent. You have more than proven your worth.  

Leo: Our worth?  

Jei: Did I truly give up mind control over you?  No! How do you think I've been spying on you this whole time?  I have been watching through with your eyes.

[He once again brought the turtles back to his spell. The turtles tried to fight it but it was too late. Kintaro watched in horror and whimpered.]

Jei: Now turtle ninja, destroy Miyamoto Usagi.

[The brainwashed turtles turn against him and started defeating the rabbit]

Kintaro: Usagi Nooo!

[just as Leo is about to slay Usagi, Kintaro saves him and started to float in the air. He has earned his powers!]

Jei: What?!

Kintaro: Jei, release them from your power, evil one!

[Jei refuses. The turtles leap at the pug but Kintaro managed to overpower the turtles, knocking them unconscious, even defeating Sumo Kuma.]

Kintaro: Are you alright, my friend?

Usagi: You did it.

[Kintaro got himself captured by Jei's chian.]

Jei: Not even your great strength can break the enchanted chain, Golden Boy.

Usagi: Hold on Kintaro, I will-

Jei: You will do nothing Ronin, all that has happened is as I intended.  I wanted you and the turtles to teach Kintaro humility, compassion and courage, to unleash the boy's power. You have transformed him into a perfect vessel for me.

Usagi: For you? Then it is true.

Jei: Yes, I am immortal. Having traveled from body to body for many centuries. But the Golden Boy's form will be the most powerful of all.

[Usagi clares as the sky turned red]

Jei: Old Gods of the new dawn hear me!  Deserve You For Eternity, grant me the power to move my soul to this new form.

[He speaks japanese as thunder flashed. The turtles begin to wake up.]

Mikey: Was feeling really evil there for a minute.

Donnie: I think we've been hit so hard by Kintaro's spiritual power.

Raph: Smashed but evil right out of us.

Leo: Yeah but he doesn't know that.  Put your evil eyes back on.

Jei: Hold him my disciples,  But do not finish Usagi yet. let him bear witness as your master ascends to power!

[Jei ejects his soul from his chest and prepares to possess Kintaro. At one point, Leo winks. At the last second, Leo turns around and flings his katana at Jei, stabbing him in the chest, forcing his soul back into his body, and interrupting the ritual, much to Jei's chagrin.]

Jei: [furious] Treachery!

[The four Turtles charge at Jei, but are once again bested by the wolf-demon, who effortlessly takes them down with ease. Jei also uses Kintaro as a living weapon against two of the Turtles,]


[Infuriated, Usagi furiously charges at Jei, fighting harshly against his foe with all his might, but Jei (despite being stabbed in the chest and holding Kintaro with one hand) still has the edge, dodging and deflecting all the blows. The duel to the death leads to the cliffside deck. Usagi delivers another powerful, fatal slash, but Jei dodges and deflects this with his spear, disarms Usagi, and shoves the rabbit to the ground before dangling Kintaro over the edge.]

Jei: It ends here, Usagi. No blade can stop me. No mortal can stop me. I will live forever!

[Kintaro takes advantage and chomps down hard on his wrist. The wolf-demon shrieks in pain, momentarily thrown off guard by this surprise attack, allowing Usagi to quickly get back on his feet, grab Leo’s still embedded sword, and fling Jei off the cliff.]

Jei: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

[Jei screams as he falls right towards his death, finally meeting his demise and ending the curse.]

Mikey: You hear him land? I didn’t hear him land.

Raph: I don’t think you’re going to.

Usagi: Leonardo.

[Kintaro hugs Usagi.]

Kintaro: Thank you, Yojimbo.

Usagi: All is well, Kintaro. You are safe..

[Later on, following the death of Jei at the hands of Usagi, the turtles, Usagi and Kintaro return to the temple, where they speak with Sumo Kuma.]

Kuma: Forgive me, friends. I, too, was enchanted by the wizard’s evil. I am grateful you freed my temple.

Donnie: Your temple?

Kuma: I am the head monk of the Temple Palace of the Sky Buddha. Now that Jei is gone, I will send for the return of my fellow monks so that we may attend and protect. Kintaro, the Golden Boy.

Kintaro: I am thankful to you turtles too.

Mikey: Aw. See? I told you Pugtaro was a good dog. Up high little pup! Ok, ok, down low.

Donnie: Um, we still have a problem guy. How do we get home?

Kuma: Spiritual power brought you here. So it is the key to return home. Kintaro, you can make the way.

[Kuma gives him his ax. Using his power, he opened the portal]

Kuma: This doorway will not last long.

Raph: Then It's time to go. So long Kintaro. You did great.

Mikey: Catch you on the flip awesome rabbit dude. Later Pugtaro brah.

[the three leave into the portal]

Leo: Goodbye, Usagi-san.

Usagi: Farewell, My brother.

[Leo leaves into the portal. Usagi picks up the four turtle relics from the ground.]

Kintaro: You don't have to go, Ronin. You could stay.

Usagi: I must go. There are others. Innocence in need of my sword. But if you ever need me, I shall return. Goodbye, Kintaro-sama.

Kintaro: Thank you, Yojimbo. Sayonara, Usagi-san.

[Usagi roams the snowy lands, holding the relic of the Turtles' tied to his katana.]
