
In Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Jupiter Jim is a recurring fictional character who is the protagonist of a science-fiction media franchise. He is portrayed in-universe by Marcus Moncrief. Jupiter Jim is a staple in Splinter and the Turtles' household, including April O'Neil, and the Mad Dogs have been fans of it since they were young.

Physical appearance[]

Jupiter Jim has two main designs. His debut design has Jupiter Jim depicted as a middle-aged black man with short curly graying black hair, a black moustache, white arm and chest hair, dark circles under his eyes, olive green eyes, dark brown skin, and a plump figure. He wears a grey space suit with dark grey accents on the arms, torso, and legs and a white collar. On the center of his chest is a graphic of Jupiter. He wears a white belt, white pauldrons, white gloves with light blue trim, matching boots, and a transparent space helmet with a grey fin on its crest. He also wears a white jet pack with yellow barricade tape.

Jupiter Jim's second design debuts in "The Fast and the Furriest" and depicts him as a younger black man with curly black hair styled in an afro, a black mustache, black chest hair, olive green eyes, dark brown skin, and a muscular figure. He wears his usual space outfit.


Jupiter Jim is heroic and values interplanetary peace above all else.


The franchise follows Jupiter Jim, a space adventurer who travels throughout the galaxy in his SS Starbolt spacecraft with the prime directive to nurture interplanetary peace.


The in-universe fictional character Jupiter Jim belongs to a long-running science-fiction comic series published by the 50-year-old Atomic Comics of the same name that has spawned films and merchandise. One of its comic series is Jupiter Jim's Last Trip to the Moon which has at least 60 issues and the franchise has 80 titular films. The franchise also has an expanded universe ("The Purple Game").

Jupiter Jim was first mentioned in "Mystic Mayhem" by Raphael when he and the rest of the Mad Dogs snuck into Baron Draxum's laboratory and glimpsed his store of ooze.

Jupiter Jim was first depicted in "Repo Mantis" when Donatello recalled the iconic Jupiter Jim Moon Buggy driven by him with Michelangelo after discovering a replica at Repo Mantis Salvage. It is this Moon Buggy that is the base structure of the Turtle Tank.

Splinter pitched a Lou Jitsu-Jupiter Jim crossover film while in a flu-induced passion to Mikey and Raph in "Down with the Sickness".

A Jupiter Jim bobblehead figure was shown on the Turtle Tank's dashboard in "The Fast and the Furriest".

In a flashback in "Mascot Melee", the Turtles were watching a Jupiter Jim film in the lair TV room. Later, Donnie, Mikey, and Leonardo dressed as the Jupiter Jim franchise's antagonistic turtle aliens as they entered Times Square to rescue Raph. Two of Raph's assailants were also dressed as characters from Jupiter Jim: Atomic Lass and Robot Vampire.

Leo's Jupiter Jim figure fell from his wall shelf onto his bed due to Donnie's blaring music in "Smart Lair".

While wandering the streets of New York City in "Late Fee", the Turtles were thinking of unconventional descriptions for their disguises, Leo describing his attire as a hypothetical Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim crossover film starring a kid with professional basketball skills.

Leo was dismayed to find Bullhop using one of his Jupiter Jim comic issues as a napkin in "Bullhop".

Mikey, Raph, and Leo were happy to find a comic issue in "Mystic Library" where Jupiter Jim rescues a cat at the New York Public Library.

Donnie was gifted a Jupiter Jim figure from his brothers from FanCon in "The Purple Game" and later used its chopping action to press a button on his tech gauntlet to remotely summon his Battle Shells when he was bound to a chair by the Purple Dragons.

In "Snow Day", the Mad Dogs constructed a snowman version of Jupiter Jim at Bronx Park and had a snowball fight between one another over whether Jupiter Jim Sails the Seven Galaxies or Jupiter Jim's Pluto Vacation IV is superior. They recounted the fact that Raph always dozes off while watching PV IV and breaks something when he falls and that Leo and Mikey argue over wanting to wear the Jupiter Jim costume every time they watch Seven Galaxies. Later, they tried to protect their Jupiter Jim snowman from being destroyed by Ghostbear, but were unsuccessful.

The Turtles went to Galaxy Con in "Jupiter Jim Ahoy!" to attend a meet-and-greet with Jupiter Jim's original actor Marcus Moncrief and Donnie brought his ultra rare mint condition Jupiter Jim Super Collector's Edition Number 1000 with the intention to get it signed, but used it to learn how to reverse Jupiter Jim's nerve pinch technique.

Leo removed a Jupiter Jim poster from his bedroom wall in "Insane in the Mama Train" to encourage himself to mature and move towards becoming a Hamato Clan ninja.

Splinter and the Mad Dogs were struck by the revelation in "End Game" that the faceplate of the Kuroi Yōroi was damaged by a Jupiter Jim figure jammed into a fracture, something the Turtles did as young children when the faceplate still took the form of Skully, but never told Splinter. April O'Neil struck the figure with a baseball and removed it, inadvertently allowing the Kuroi Yōroi to function properly instead of further damaging it as intended and empowering the Shredder to resurrect.

A Jupiter Jim figure is among Leo's box of possessions that he moves into his new bedroom at the end of "Lair Games".

Mikey had a Jupiter Jim plush be an audience member during his Hug It Out seminar for Donnie in "Breaking Purple". Later, Donnie was shown sleeping in his bedroom with the Jupiter Jim figure he was given in "The Purple Game".

The Turtles attended a theater showing of a Jupiter Jim film marathon in "Sidekick Ahoy!" and later that night found Red Fox preparing to perform for Jupiter Jim: The Musical.

A Seven Galaxies poster was shown hung on Leo's bedroom wall in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie and Leo attempted to read Jupiter Jim Super Collector's Edition Number 1000 before being interrupted by Raph.


  • Astronautics mastery: Jupiter Jim is a seasoned interstellar explorer and presumably has amassed great knowledge on interplanetary survival.
  • Gun proficiency: Jupiter Jim's signature weapon is a laser gun.
  • Jet pack proficiency: Jupiter Jim typically wears a jet pack to navigate space.
  • Nerve pinch: Jupiter Jim has the capability to paralyze opponents by striking specific nerves and has a reversal technique as well.


Friends and allies[]

  • Atomic Lass: Atomic Lass is a character from the expanded Jupiter Jim universe and is a close ally of Jupiter Jim. However, Raph and Mikey imply that at some point they have a bad falling out in "The Purple Game" and aren't in contact with one another for a while.
  • Atomic Lad: Atomic Lad is Atomic Lass' love interest as stated in "Mascot Melee" and as such is presumably an ally of Jupiter Jim.
  • Red Fox: Red Fox is Jupiter Jim's sidekick and close friend. She aids him on essentially all of his missions, such as freeing him from binds to allow him to deactivate explosives.


  • Plutonians: One of Jupiter Jim's alien foes.
  • Robo Bloodsuckers: One of Jupiter Jim's alien foes.
  • Turtle aliens: Jupiter Jim has been enemies with the turtle alien species for "centualons".
  • Kangarooians: One of Jupiter Jim's alien foes.
  • Sectrons: One of Jupiter Jim's alien foes.
  • Scor-Pion: Scor-Pion is one of Jupiter Jim's alien foes.


  • Jupiter Jim's catchphrase is "Jupiter Jim ahoy".
    • The Turtles, especially Raph, reference this as a battle cry, but typically alter it (e.g., "Weapons ahoy!" ("Mystic Mayhem").
  • Some of the aliens Jupiter Jim is depicted fighting are identical to the mutant silverfish.
  • Jupiter Jim is regarded as being "dorky" in "Repo Mantis" and referred to as "low-budget sci-fi" by Leo in "Jupiter Jim Ahoy!".
  • While all the Mad Dogs are long-time, adamant fans of the Jupiter Jim franchise, Leo is known as the ultimate Jupiter Jim fan in the family ("Jupiter Jim Ahoy!", "Sidekick Ahoy!").

