
This is a transcript for Junklantis, the seventeenth episode of season 2 of TMNT (2003 series).

Donatello They say the sea is the last unexplored frontier on Earth, and I would have to agree, because what we're looking at is one of the strangest things I've ever seen. And that's saying a lot coming from five-foot-tall talking turtle. What started out as a test run of the new Shell Sub quickly turned into a discovery of bizarre proportions. Of course, all exploratory missions should be undertaken with great caution. If you venture into new territory unprepared, it can really come back to bite you in the shell.

{Opening sequence; title song}

The episode begins on a foggy night over the New York Harbor. A foghorn honks, and then a ship appears from out of the gloom. Crewmen inside the ship’s bridge closely monitor readings.
Captain Helm, three degrees north-northeast.
Helmsman Three degrees north-northeast, Captain.
Captain Should be smooth sailing into the harbor once we get through this fog.
Behind the ship, a large, dark shape appears under the water. Something hits the ship and everyone falls.
All Whoa!
Helmsman It wasn’t there a second ago.
Captain That’s impossible.
Metallic tentacle arms shoot out of the water and clamps on the ends of each one dig into the ship to pull chunks loose.  Water floods into the hull as the ship is continually pulled apart. Alarms blare as the ship sinks.
Helmsman Captain, we have a breach! We’re going down, sir!
Captain All hands, abandon ship. Abandon ship! Yaa-gh!
The roof is ripped off of the bridge and the Captain falls. The ship disappears. Life rafts carry the crew to safety. The captain’s hat floats past, and then sinks into the water.
News anchor In the third such even in the last month, a freighter has disappeared without a trace in New York Harbor. This brings the total number of ships mysteriously lost in this way to fifteen, prompting a call for....
The TV array in the turtles’ lair plays the news, but the family is gathered around the tidepool, where Donatello is about to unveil his latest creation.
Donatello Your attention, please. Let the ceremony begin.
He holds up a milk carton, tied to a rope. Michelangelo pulls the covering off of Donatello’s creation.
Donatello I christen thee... [He swings the milk carton and it smashes against the new water vehicle.]  the Shell Sub!
Splinter Excellent work, my son. It makes one think of the giant undersea turtle of Japanese mythology.
Donatello Now that the underwater access way is completely finished, it’s time to take the Shell Sub on her maiden voyage.
Michelangelo Can I launch her? Can I? Can I?
He pushes past Donatello to reach the controls.
Donatello Careful, Mikey. If you even put one scratch on it...
Michelangelo laughs and pulls a lever, dropping the Shell Sub into the pond. The splash soaks everyone.
Raphael Thanks a lot, Mikey.
Splinter Just what I needed, another bath.
He shakes his head and splatters water on Raphael and Leonardo.
Raphael Ahh!
Leonardo Yah!
Michelangelo Dibs on the first ride! [He leaps onto the Shell Sub.] First Mate Michelangelo ready to launch, sir. Ah-ooga! Ah-ooga! Dive! Dive! Torpedoes away! [He jumps inside the sub.]
Donatello Mikey’s my first mate. Wish me luck.
Inside the sub, Michelangelo is buckled into a seat and is fiddling with various controls while he sings.
Michelangelo Rule Britannia. Britannia rules the waves. I don’t know the words to this stinky song. [Donatello enters.] All I know is Britan—[Donatello slaps his hand.] Ow!
Donatello Initiating launch sequence. [He presses buttons the engine whirrs to life.] Release umbilical.
Michelangelo Umbilical released.
He throws a lever and the cords holding the sub release.
Donatello Blowing ballast tanks. [The sub sinks into the pond.] Dive! Dive! Dive!
When the sub reaches the bottom of the pond, it shoots forward. At the end of the tunnel, a hatch opens and the sub enters the harbor.
Michelangelo This is very, very cool.
Donatello Let’s take her deeper. [He dives into a chasm. At the bottom is a wrecked ship.] Look at that.
Michelangelo Wow, the S. S. Putney.
Donatello The Putney was an old whaler back at the turn of the century, when New York was the greatest seaport in the world.
The sonar begins beeping, showing them something moving on their viewing screen.
Michelangelo Uh, Donny, what’s that?
Driving along a trench on the bottom of the river is vehicle, pulling a wagon filled with salvage.
Donatello It’s a car.
Michelangelo Um, what’s that car doing on the bottom of the river?
Donatello About twenty miles per hour.
The car stops alongside the wrecked ship. Propulsion units lift the car high enough for its metal arms to pull parts from the wreckage.
Donatello Actually, it looks like it’s salvaging parts. [The car drives away.] Let’s check it out.
Donatello maneuvers the sub so that it glides along a ledge above the trench that the car is following, keeping pace with it. They soon see a line of the same types of vehicles joining a procession.
Michelangelo Figures that New York’s got a traffic problem even at the bottom of the river.
Donatello But where are they all--  whoa.
Ahead of them is a huge underwater edifice.
Michelangelo Y-You don’t suppose that could be Atlantis, do you, Donny?
Donatello Atlantis is a myth, and even if it isn’t, I don’t think it’s a suburb of New York.
A hatch opens in the building to allow the vehicles entry. As the turtles draw closer, they see that the edifice is built of all types of scrapped material.
Michelangelo That’s not Atlantis. It’s Junklantis.
Donatello Let’s just back off a bit. This is getting really creepy.
Michelangelo [gasps] Um... I think it just got creepier.
He points at two giant metal arms shooting up from the edifice. One of the clamps catches the sub. The object that the arms are attached to floats up from the edifice, proving to be another type of underwater contraption.
Michelangelo What is that?
Donatello I don’t know, but it’s got us!
They both yell as the clamp holding them pushes the sub into an opening lined with sharp points. The opening closes behind them, plunging the turtles into darkness.
Michelangelo Okay. This is officially one of the creepiest experiences of my life.
Donatello pilots the sub through a chamber and then brings it up to the surface of a large pool. The sub moves towards a docking area with a tower at its center. A door on the tower opens and several figures step out, each holding a weapon.
Michelangelo Now what?
Donatello Come on. Let’s go. [They exit the sub and look at the menacing figures.]  Uh, we come in peace.
The staffs the men are carrying whirr to life, electricity sparking from the tips.
Michelangelo Forget coming in peace. I really wish we brought our weapons. So, kind of wet out today.
Their ride turns out to be a whale shaped underwater vessel.
Michelangelo I feel like Jonah trapped on this whale thingy. Where do you think they’re taking us?
The hatch on the edifice opens and the ‘whale’ swims inside.
Donatello I have a feeling we’re about to find out.
The ‘whale’ pulls up to a dock and the ‘mouth’ opens. The turtles and their captors climb onto the dock and start walking.
Michelangelo Time to kick out way out of this freak show?
Donatello Not yet. [They stop.] We don’t even know where we are. [The shock stick held by the man behind him buzzes and the man shoves him.] Hey!
As they walk, the turtles watch as workers process junk, using torches to cut apart large parts and giant electromagnets to move scrap metal.
Donatello This is amazing.
Their guards suddenly stop. Michelangelo is looking to the side and runs into the man in front of him, who pushes him back into the man behind him. That man shoves him. Michelangelo grunts, and then sniffs the air.
Michelangelo Which one of you is wearing the eau du fish? It’s kind of nasty.
Donatello Mikey, look!
On a platform just in front of them is a bank of monitors and controls. A clanking sound accompanies the contraption that begins moving in front of them. Two metal arms extend from it as it turns and walks forward on spiky legs. Inside the contraption is the Garbageman.
Garbageman You.
Donatello The Garbageman?
Michelangelo But he went into the river. In this river.
Garbageman Yes, this river, my river.
Donatello What is all this?
Garbageman Silence!
The guards move forward and shock both of the turtles with their stun sticks. Yelling in pain, the turtles drop to their knees and then fall.
Garbageman First rule, my friends--  I talk, you listen. You know, I  should thank you for setting me on this path. Dumping me in the river opened my eyes [His metallic arms pick up both turtles by their carapaces.] to a world of hidden treasure just waiting to be salvaged, so thank you.
Donatello You’re not welcome.
Garbageman I’m actually pleased that you’re here. I’ve often wondered what you are. Now I’ll be able to find out.
Guard Sir, our man on the dock says the target is weighing anchor.
Garbageman Perfect. [He drops the turtles.] Everything is on schedule. Assemble the men. I wish to speak to them. Take these two to the brig, and hold them there. I’ll want to dissect them later. Ha, ha, ha, ha!
The turtles are lead through a corridor. On both sides of the corridor are prison cells. A guard opens one of the cell doors and the turtles stop just at the entryway.
Donatello You know, Mikey, I think now is the right time for what we talked about earlier.
Michelangelo Sounds good to me.
A guard goes to push Michelangelo, but he catches the man’s wrist and tosses him across the room. Donatello kicks the guard who is behind him. Another guard lunges at Donatello with his stun stick, but the turtle jumps over it, grabs the cell door, and slams it in the man’s face. Michelangelo jumps back from a stun stick and finds there’s another guard coming up next to him.
Michelangelo Whoa!
Both men jab their stun sticks at Michelangelo, but he ducks and they shock each other instead. Groaning, they collapse against each other. Michelangelo laughs as he shoves them onto the floor. The turtles lock the guards into a cell after taking the uniforms from two of them, and putting them on.
Michelangelo Aren’t you a little short for a junk trooper?
Donatello Very funny. Come on. Let’s find our way out of this madhouse.
They head out of the prison area. Meanwhile, the Garbageman delivers an address to his troops.
Garbageman You, my followers, know that I believe garbage is power, and our salvaging the various wrecks and refuse littering the bottom of the sea has proven my words. We have grown in power and strength. [The turtles move in behind the audience to listen to his speech.] We no longer have to only pick the leavings from the bottom. We now make our own wrecks to salvage. We have sunk ship after ship unchallenged, and our next prize awaits on the surface, a cruise ship loaded with wealth.
Donatello A cruise ship.
Michelangelo All those innocent people.
Garbageman And no one can stop us. No one! [The audience cheers.] This cruise ship will be our greatest prize yet. [He leads the way into the ‘whale’.] Once more into the breach!
Guards follow him and when the end of the line passes the turtles’ hiding place, they jump out to follow.
Donatello Now’s our chance. Come on.
When they near the pond where their sub sits, Michelangelo pulls Donatello to a stop.
Michelangelo Hey, there’s the Shell Sub. Let’s take it and get out of here.
Donatello We have to stop the Garbageman from sinking that cruise ship. Come on.
The ‘whale’ ship exits the edifice. The viewing screen on its bridge shows the cruise ship, moving through the harbor.
Garbageman Target dead ahead. Prepare to send her to the bottom. Activate tentacle arms. Full speed to surface!
The ‘whale’s’ mouth opens and its metallic tentacle arms extend. The public address system squeals to life as the Garbageman’s voice is heard throughout the vessel.
Garbageman Brace for impact!
Donatello We better make our move. Now!
The quickly attack the guards, sending several of them into the water. Stripping off their gear, they take on even more guards who are charging at them.
Donatello Yah!
Michelangelo Hyah!
They easily defeat the group of guards and Donatello acquires a stun stick during the battle.  Just as they start to look pleased with themselves, more guards appear through an inner door.
Guard Get them!
The turtles leap over the guards, bouncing off of them and racing through the doorway. Before the guards can follow, Michelangelo closes and seals the door. Both turtles run up the stairs which lead to the bridge. The stop at the head of the stairs to look up at the viewing screen.
Donatello We’ve got to turn this thing around now.
Michelangelo Somehow I think that’s gonna be a lot harder than it sounds.
The guards move towards the pair.
Garbageman Get this trash off my bridge. [The turtles handle the guards easily.] You freaks. This time, you won’t escape me.
He climbs down from his chair as the turtles back away. Suddenly one of his metal arms reaches down to clamp onto Donatello, lifting him off the floor.
Donatello Whoa-aa! Uh! Uh!
Michelangelo Don!
Donatello Mikey, the oxygen tanks!
Michelangelo Got it! [He grabs one of the tanks and then slides beneath the Garbageman, shoving the base against the bottom of the man’s special chair.]  Time to ventilate crab boy. [He knocks the tip off the tank.] Hyah!
The released oxygen shoots the Garbageman up to the ceiling. He slams into it and drops Donatello. Stunned, he lands next to them with a groan. Donatello turns and runs to the controls and is joined by his brother.
Donatello Okay, this must be the acceleration module.
Michelangelo Good. Accelerate it somewhere else. We’re about to hit that ship!
He indicates the screen, which shows the ‘whale’ nearing the ship. Donatello begins pressing buttons.
Donatello Come on. Come on.
Donatello throws a lever and the ‘whale’ veers off just before striking the ship. Both turtles are thrown to the ground as the ‘whale’ jumps out of the water and then dives in again.
Both Whoa!
Michelangelo Okay, that was good. Now, how about stopping it?
Donatello I’ve got a better idea. Let’s bag two birds with one stone, shall we? A little change of course, and voila!
The ‘whale’ starts swimming towards the underwater edifice. Neither turtle sees the large figure looming up behind them.
Michelangelo You’re wicked. I like it.
The Garbageman yells in anger and punches at them with a claw.
Both Whoa!
They dive aside and the claw hits a control panel, sending sparks flying. The ‘whale’ is on a direct course to collide with the edifice.
Garbageman Yaa-gh! [He tries to strike them again, but misses.] Hold still, you.
Lifting two of the leg spikes, he jabs at the turtles, but they leap out of the way and he hits another set of controls. Electricity shoots into the robotic body and the Garbageman stumbles backwards, hitting the collection of oxygen tanks.
Michelangelo Now that was really shocking.
Donatello We’ve got to get out of here.
Michelangelo To the Shell Sub, Boy Wonder.
He races off and Donatello follows. The ‘whale’ draws closer to the edifice. The turtles reach the pond and Donatello jumps onto the sub.
Donatello Get the doors open while I get the Shell Sub powered up.
Michelangelo Get the doors open? But won’t that flood the room?
Donatello Duh! The Shell Sub doesn’t float in the air, Mikey. Now let’s move it!
Michelangelo turns to the controls and stares at them in confusion.
Michelangelo Uh... um...
Donatello Come on. Come on, start!
While he fights with the controls, Michelangelo begins pressing buttons and pulling levers as fast as he can. He finally grabs a pipe and slams it into the panel. That does the trick and the doors open. Water floods into the chamber. Michelangelo hops onto the sub as the water barrels towards him.
Michelangelo Uh-hh--  whoa! [He enters just in time.] Donny, hurry up!
Donatello I can’t get the engines to start. [The engines whirr and die.] Start. Come on!
Michelangelo We’re gonna hit!
The ‘whale’ is almost on top of the edifice as Donatello continues to fight with the controls.
Donatello Come on! Come on! [The engines clatters and then roars to life.] Yes! Hang on.
Michelangelo Yeah!
The sub races for the exit. In the water behind them, the Garbageman’s head rises above the water to watch them leave.
Donatello This is it.
The sub exits the ‘whale’ only seconds before it slams into the edifice. A huge explosion tears open the edifice and the turbulence sends the sub spinning and the turtles rocking in their seats.
Both Whoa!
Finally, the sub glides past the turbulence and the ride smooths out.
Donatello We made it, Mikey.
Michelangelo Yeah, but I think I left my stomach back there.
Donatello Don’t sweat it. I’ll build you a new one.
Appearing in the water behind the sub is another small vessel, belonging to the Garbageman. The garbage sub is equipped with long, mechanical arms. The Garbageman yells his fury as he bears down on the unsuspecting turtles. One of the mechanical arms shoots out and slams down on top of the Shell Sub.
Michelangelo Whoa!
Donatello Unh!
An alarm starts beeping and water seeps into the sub. The garbage sub has raced past them and now turns to come at them head-on.
Donatello It’s him, the Garbageman.
Michelangelo That guy doesn’t know when to give up.
Donatello We whipped him once, Mikey. We can do it again.
They smash into the garbage sub and then dive past it. The Garbageman turns and pursues, growling his frustration, and extending one of the clamps attached to the mechanical arms.
Donatello Deploying depth charges.
Michelangelo We have depth charges? Sweet.
Three depth charges shoot from the back of the Shell Sub and explode just as the garbage sub reaches them. The Garbageman yells as he fights for control, but he continues his pursuit.
Donatello Hang on, Mikey. This is going to get rough. [He stops the sub at the edge of a steep drop-off.] Arming torpedoes.
Garbageman I’ll destroy you.
Michelangelo He’s too close!
Donatello Setting for detonation at ten yards.
Garbageman You lose, turtles!
His mechanical arms clamp onto the front of the Shell Sub.
Donatello Firing torpedoes!
He presses the firing mechanism and two torpedoes shoot out of the Shell Sub, exploding right behind the garbage sub. It’s mechanical clamps snap off and the garbage sub hits the ledge and then starts to slide backwards.
Garbageman No. No. No! [It plummets over the edge.] Not again!
The garbage sub disappears into the darkness. Donatello maneuvers over to the edge so they can look down.
Michelangelo Whew!
Turning the sub, Donatello heads for home. In the lair, Leonardo is spotting Raphael as he lifts weights. The sub rises to the surface of the tide pool and Donatello has to bang on the latch to open it before he can exit.
Leonardo It’s about time you guys surfaced. We were getting worried.
Raphael spots the clamps still clinging to the sub.
Raphael Whoa! What happened?
Donatello Long story, guys. A very long story.

{Roll end credits}
