

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Jennika is a human-born mutant turtle who was a member of the Splinter Clan.


Jennika is seen when Big Lita opens a portal to take Rahzar and Tokka into the future. This future was changed by Lita's actions and Jennika avoided her fate in Lita's original future. Jennika and Sheena sit next to each other, Sheena's arm curled around Jennika's. TMNT #117

When Donatello, Venus, and Bob travel to a later time in this branch, Leonardo tells them that Jennika and Sheena had left the village to start their own family. TMNT #146

Later down the line, Jennika had moved to Mutant City and taken up work as a private investigator under the name "Jennika Hamato" and received cybernetic enhancements. She met up with Don, Venus, and Bob after they escaped from the Time Citadel and took them back to her place. She told Don she wasn't a very good PI, as she could not locate Mikey after he disappeared. As Jenny introduced the differences between Mutant City and not just the past, but the outpost where the Splinter Clan had been living in her timeline, and the other three talked about Armaggon, the police arrived to apprehend Jenny. Bob helped her stave off the cops. TMNT #147 TMNT #148

Jenny, Bob, Don, and Venus fled the cops, and Don stated that he needed to find another time portal to get out. Jenny admitted that she knew where one was, in the bunker under the old Church, but she had been keeping that information from them because she missed them and wanted to spend time with them. She led them there and as the time-travellers jumped into the portal, the cops caught up with her and placed her under arrest. TMNT #149

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