Introduced in Mirage volume 4, Jay is the boyfriend of Shadow Jones. He and Shadow meet in secret in the woods, to keep him away from her family, who would be considered "bizarre" by the outside world. Jay yearns to meet them, especially her grandfather who she lives with, but she doesn't think he can handle it.
Her fears are somewhat founded, as Jay, in his hubris, looks at Shadow's home through the scope on a hunting rifle, and sees Splinter. Jay ends up attacked by Metal Head, to keep him from seeing any more. Jay is "rescued" by Shadow's "uncle" Steve, who takes him back to the house for interrogation. Splinter and Steve bring in Louis Braunze, who probes his mind and wipes his memory of the event.
Later, Shadow begins suspecting Jay of hiding secrets of his own. She witnesses him making a banner for the xenophobic terrorist organization Xihad, but before she can confront him, she is attacked by Emphy the Guardifriend.