

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

In the IDW continuity, Ivan is Silas' old partner in crime back when they were both normal humans. He is one of the victims of Old Hob's mutagen bomb, and has since become an important figure in black market smuggling through the Market.


Ivan is a cruel, unsympathetic and violent criminal that is highly manipulative and fiendishly clever.

He is greedy opportunist with a ruthless and selfish business-like mind set.


Ivan is a fairly tall individual with spiky black hair and a square jaw line. After mutating, he gained pointy ears, fangs and a nose-leaf (large, lance-shaped nose) similar to a bat and lavender skin.

He wears a red shirt and a black trench coat, pants and boots.



Ten years ago Ivan convinced his partner Silas to rob a store, but things went south when Ivan shot a bystander. They both fled leaving his partner's then-girlfriend Jennika behind.

Like so many others he was mutated when Old Hob's mutagen bomb went off during New York City mayor-elect Baxter Stockman's victory celebration and was transferred to the quarantine zone that became Mutant Town; after several months he managed to form a gang with two chemists. He supposedly got his hands on a cure for mutations and planed to sell it. He convinced his old partner Silas into retrieving the hidden money from the very same heist they made a decade ago for the cure, It was then he ran into Jenny for the first time since that night. After finding out to he was the one selling (and had recently beaten up his chemist henchmen) she didn't believe the cure was real, so he got out his smartphone to show her a video of a human-born mutant's mutation apparently being reversed.

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  • Ivan shares the same first name as Ivan Steranko, a character in the 2012 TV series who is also a black market smuggler. The IDW character's surname has never been revealed.

