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[The episode opens in Dimension X where a creature that is frantically running inside a Kraang facility. This creature turns out to be Leatherhead now aged and covered in scars. He spaces the building and attempts to hide so he can contact the Turtles with a Kraang Communicator.]
Leatherhead: Turtles! The Kraang have perfected the mutagen. They're about to....
Kraang: Halt, that which is referred to as "intruder. "
[Some Kraang soldiers manage to catch up to him and distract him. He successfully destroys the first round of Kraang, but reinforcements catch up to him and defeat him with stun guns.]
Leatherhead:[Distorted voice, glitching] Turtles! The Kraang have perfected they're about to -
[He was not able to finish after Kraang knocked him out.]
[theme song]
[From their lair, the Turtles watch the finale of Super Robo Mecha Force Five Team 5.]
Leo: This is it, the final episode of Super Robo Mecha Force Five Team 5. [opens up the VHs cover]
Mikey: Ah! I love this show so much. I wish they were real and we were fake. [Gasps] Wait, what if we are?
[Leo turns on the TV and puts the tape in.]
Mikey: What if someone somewhere is watching us on TV right now? They'd be watching us watch TV on TV, bro.
Blip: Oh, no. It's the entire Cyberoid fleet. Captain Dash, what are we going to do?
Coolstar: Our chances are only one, to flee through the space wormhole in space, is what I'm saying to you now.
Lunk: But Dash, the space wormhole would mean almost certain doom would happen to us. Oh!
Coolstar: Ah ha, despite your fearful pleadings, I insist. Forward, into the hole of the worm, in space!
Mikey: Oh, my gosh. Donnie has to see this.
[He grabs the TV.]
Leo: No! Mikey!
[But the TV lands on him and the tape spills out. Raph groans. In Donnie's lab.]
Mikey: Uh, Donnie? Can you fix this?
[He gets startled by a robot claw.]
Mikey: AHH! Monster hand! Monster hand!
Donnie: That's just part of the Turtle Mech I've been working on.
Mikey: Whoa. It must be huge.
Donnie: Yeah, so huge, I can't find a power source for it. If I can just get it working!
[He slammed it, causing a Kraang portal generator off of his desk, causing it to float up and become a gateway into Dimension X.]
Raph: What did Mikey do?
Mikey: I didn't do it!
[Some pink air from Dimension X then starts to come into the lair.]
Leo: What is that?
Donnie: It's Kraang atmosphere. Here, filtration units. They'll allow us to breathe it safely.
[They put the filter units in their pockets and stick small straw-like hoses into their mouths so that they can breathe.]
Donnie: Guys, I think this goes to Dimension X.
Leo: Where the Kraang come from?
Donnie: Yes, it-
[The orb begins to activate]
Leatherhead: Turtles!
Mikey: Leatherhead. He's alive!
Raph: Shh, he's saying something.
Leatherhead: They're about to... Turtles, The Kraang have perfected the mutagen. They're about to-
Mikey: Oh, no! They got him! He needs our help!
Donnie: He must be in Dimension X. As soon as the portal opened, his signal came through and activated the orb.
Mikey: So can the orb tell us where he is?
Donnie: Maybe, if I can-
[Mikey grabs the orb and tries to break it.]
All: Mikey!
Mikey: Where's Leatherhead? Where is he?
[The orb powers down]
Leo: Mikey!
Donnie: I can fix this, but it may take awhile.
Leo: Okay, we need to come up with a plan. Part one is, Mikey stays here.
Mikey: Wait, why?
Leo: You been messing up too much lately. We can't take the chance.
Mikey: Leatherhead.
[Mikey has every memory, every moment he spent his time with Leatherhead the day he found him. Not wanting his good friend to rot in Dimension X, he runs into the portal.]
All: Mikey!
MIkey: Booyakasha!
Raph: We got to go after him.
Leo: Let's move.
Donnie: Wait, the environment in there could be toxic-
Leo: There's no time!
[The three enter the portal into Dimension X. They land on the ground first and there they see it, for the first time.]
Leo: Guys? Uh, look.
[All around them there were space worms, Technodromes, floating platforms, crystal trees and even alien eyeballs.]
Leo: So this is Dimension X.
[They get kncoked down by a space worm]
Raph: Freak show.
Donnie: There's no sun, there's no anything. How can it-
Raph: Look out!
[Donnie falls over. But it was revealed that he is on the other side.]
Donnie: This is ridiculous! Gravity cannot work like this.
Leo: Apparently, here it can.
Donnie: Yeah, different dimension... Different laws of physics.
Raph: Let's just hurry up and find Mikey!
Donnie: Any idea where to start?
Leo: That's as good a place as any.
Raph: Let's do it.
[Raph leap to the other side.]
Raph: What are you waiting for? Come on!
[Leo and Donnie leaped over there. They begin to head around the dimension.]
Leo: Why aren't we seeing any Kraang around here?
Donnie: I don't know, but at least they don't know we're here.
Raph: Except for those. Aw, look at the little guys. They're all cute and sparkly.
Leo: Wait, are they little?
[Electric scatterpillars started to come near.]
Donnie: Nope.
[They run away from the scatter pillars as the two alien things attack. Raph and Leo charged but got electrocuted by them. Donnie threw ninja stars at them but they easily dodged. Donnie was then hurled up and had his mouth covered. The scatta pillars leave.]
Leo: What the heck were those things?
Raph: If Mikey were here, he'd come up with a name for 'em. He's probably Kraang bait by now.
[Donnie notices a crystal attached to a branch.]
Donnie: Guys, I think these are the same kind of crystal that was in the Kraang power cell.
[He pulls out a crystal]
Leo: Donnie, I don't know if you should mess with that.
Raph: What is that?
Donnie: Something not good. Go, go, go!
[It explodes, sending them crashing to the ground. Shards of crystals landed around them.]
Leo: New rule. Nobody touch anything.
Kraang: The one who is known as Leatherhead has sabotaged Kraang's plans for the time which is known as "the last."
Kraang: Kraang believes it's sabotage. And no longer will he be an irritant to our dorsal regions.
Leatherhead: I think the phrase you're looking for is "pain in the-"
[The turtles continue on.]
Donnie: Man, I kind of don't blame the Kraang for invading us. Their dimension stinks.
[Leo notices a small creature.]
Leo: I don't know. That thing's kind of cute.
[Leo starts to approach it.]
Raph: Leo, the one thing we know about this dimension is don't mess with anything cute.
[Leo mimics the creature and he pets it gently.]
Leo: Oh, it's so small though. How can it-
[The creature is revealed to be attacked by a much larger alien creature. It emerged from the ground, causing them to cover their ears. The three run away from it.]
Raph: I hate cute things! I hate 'em!
[They climb through each metal object and continue to run away from the beast. Something pulled Donnie and then Raph and Leo. Mikey was here and had a Kraang skeleton on his face.]
Mikey: Stay away from my brothers!
Turtles: Mikey?
Mikey: Buzz off, Rockatopus!
[He used explosive rocks on the alien qnd knocked the tiny mop mo[ creature dowb, the creature tilts and falls off the platform.]
Donnie: You're okay!
Leo: We were worried about you.
Mikey: Well, what took you so long? I've been here for months.
Leo: Months?
Mikey: Or maybe a few hours, I don't have a watch.
Raph: But we went through the portal like fifteen seconds behind you.
Donnie: Obviously, time passes faster here than in our own dimension. There's a temporal differential.
Mikey: I love Tempura!
[He yells at the Rockopus to get away.]
Donnie: Wait, how did you-?
Mikey: Let's get moving. That thing's gonna keep coming back, and we've got to rescue Leatherhead. Ooh, better stock up on bang rocks.
Donnie: Mikey, be careful!
[Mikey let out squeals.]
Donnie: How did you do that?
Mikey: A lot of stuff here responds to sound.
[He takes some worms for his brothers]
Leo: What are we supposed to do with these?
Mikey: Like this.
[He squeezed one and its tongue came out. It got them to the other side]
Raph: Wow! How'd you know how these bug things work?
Mikey: Just seemed sort of obvious.
Raph: Mikey, you're, like, a genius here.
Mikey: Hey, in crazy backwards land, crazy backwards dude is king. They're tasty too.
[Mikey squeezes the worm so tightly that a green substance comes into his mouth. His brothers are completely grossed out by this.]
Mikey: So let's go rescue Leatherhead!
[Later, they travel the dimension and into the kraang space station.]
Mikey: [hanging upside down] Okay, I got some good news, and I got some bad news.
Leo: What's the good news?
Mikey: There's thousands of Kraangdroids in there.
Leo: I said "good news".
Mikey: I know. That's the bad news.
[The bad news from Michelangelo is that in front of them is Traag and there was another pink stone monster. He completely looks like Traag, he also has blue eyes that breathe blue fire. The white golem starts to attack them.]
Mikey: I got this! Just-
[Mikey goes after him]
Leo: Donnie, right! Raph, left! Move!
[They went separate dodging the earth golems attacks while Leo climbs on top. He knocks the pink golem down but Traag grabs him.]
Mikey: Hey, Traag, Granitor! Put him down! Now!
[He throws crystals at them, dropping Leo]
Mikey: I told you, I've got this.
[he changes after them.]
Donnie: He's so-
Raph: Un-Mikey-ish?
Leo: Exactly.
[Mikey continued on throwing rock crystals at the two golems as they back away from the ledge.]
Mikey: Take that!
[Just as they were close to the edge, Mikey let out a shriek which caused the platform to break, making the golems fall to their deaths.]
Mikey: Let's move.
Leo: [Scoffs] I say that.
[Once they're inside, they begin to use stealth mode and start to pull the kraang out with the worms.]
Raph: Smooth.
Kraang: Initiate that which is called mutagen transformation sequence. That which is called mutagen transformation sequence initiated.
[They look and see a tree being transformed into a living crystalized tree with mutagen.]
Donnie: You see that? That's what Leatherhead meant when he said they've perfected the mutagen. They're gonna use it to transform everything on Earth, even the people! They're going to turn Earth into another Dimension X!
Mikey: So I'll be a genius there too?
Donnie: Yes, Mikey. Thank you for finding the one mildly positive thing among TEN BILLION SCREAMING NIGHTMARES!!
[They continue on as the kraang sneak up on them.]
Leatherhead: What do you want from me?
Kraang: That which is called, screaming.
[They destroy the kraang droids and knock them out.]
Mikey: Leatherhead! Are you okay? What can I do for you? Can you. ow! [Leatherhead falls and crushes on top of him as Mikey speaks with a tiny voice] Get off of me!
Leatherhead:[gets up] Thank you, my friends. I feared you would never come.
Mikey:[shocked and surprised of seeing his friend so aged] Dude, did you quit moisturizing or something? You look, like, a ton older.
Donnie: It's the temporal differential, Mikey.
Leatherhead: Yes, I have been in this place for many decades now, spying on the Kraang. [puts his hand on Mikey's shoulder.] When I discovered that they had perfected the mutagen, I had to contact you. The time has come. Their invasion begins now. Follow me!
[He leaves and roars at the Kraang alien who retreats]
Mikey: [quietly] He's a little cranky.
[They enter the portal room]
Donnie: Oh, that's not good.
Leo: So many portals! Why so many?
Leatherhead: Look.
[Doors begin to open as thousands of Kraang droids begins to enter.]
Donnie: So looks like we're done here?
Leatherhead: The tunnel leads to the hive factory, where the Kraang Droids are manufactured. Their numbers are effectively limitless.
Donnie: So what can we do?
Leatherhead: We can go down fighting. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
Donnie: Well, I wouldn't. I have knee pads. The only sensible course right now is retreat!
Mikey: No! Leo and Raph, block that tunnel. Donnie and I will sabotage the portal generator. Leatherhead?
Leatherhead: Crush Kraang?
Mikey: A lot! Let's hit it!
[They jump down and begin to attack the Kraang. Leatherhead started biting down the droiids while Leo and Raph took care of the others.]
Leo: There, some kind of blast door.
Raph: If we can get that closed-
[Leo sliced a robot limb and used it to shut the doors. The robot machine started to attack. Donnie starts to hack down the machine.]
Donnie: Okay, we need to shut down all but one portal, so we have a way home. Then set the whole thing to blow after we're through.
[Raph starts to fight as one droid and throws a ninja star in the robot's laser.]
Raph: Aw, crud nuggets.
[Raph started to punch them. and pulled the kraang alien out of its stomach. Leo continues to dodge the robot lasers.]
Leo: Leatherhead, I need a lift!
[Leatherhead grabs Leo and gets him to the top where he attacks the Kraang. Then Leatherhead used his crystal stack to destroy it. The laser closed, struck the door and opened up.]
Mikey: Oh, just let me do it.
[Mikey starts typing and closes all the portals, leaving but one.]
Mikey: Come on! Thirty seconds.
Donnie: Time to go, now!
Leatherhead: Go through without me. I'll keep them busy.
Mikey: Not this time, buddy. Ha!
[Not wanting his good friend to be stuck in Dimension X again, Mikey kicks him through the portal!. Leatherhead can be seen holding onto the edge of the roof.]
Leatherhead: I'm okay.
[Leo, Raph and Donnie jump through into the portal.]
Mikey: Well, goodbye, being smart.
[Mikey jumps in before the portal closes he used his worm tongue to pull the crystal out from teh ceiling.]
Kraang: Prepare for that which is called explo=
[The crystal explodes.]
Mikey: Donnie! I got you a power source for your Turtle Mech.
Donnie: Mikey, you are a genius!
Mikey: Not anymore. [takes off Krang skull] Now, I'm just back to being regular "mess everything up" Mikey.
Leo: No way. Saving that power cell was brilliant, and you did that here.
Mikey: Yeah, I did! Maybe I'm not such a screw up after all! Whoa! [Impact] I'm okay!
Donnie: That overload should have taken out their whole facility. Their invasion will be set back for months!
Raph: Yeah, but how long is that with the time differential thing?
Donnie: I don't know. Hours? Maybe a day.
Leo: Guys, there's a storm coming. Are we ready to fight?
All: Yes!
Mikey: I need a minute. Okay, now I'm ready. Booyakasha!
[All give high three!]