Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
Inside Out, part 5 is a back-up story in Urban Legends.
Appearing in Inside Out, part 5[]
Major Characters[]
Minor Characters[]
- April O'Neil
- Casey Jones
- Dark Leo
- Kitsune (mentioned)
- Rat King (mentioned)
- Tang Shen
Leonardo suddenly finds himself on the street in New York City, where he’s attacked by Casey Jones. Casey tells Leo that while he wears a mask to gain an identity, Leo wears a mask to conceal his identity. Leo then comes face to face with Dark Leo - the brainwashed one from City Fall, who claims to be his “true” identity. Dark Leo pummels Leo, who starts to doubt himself, accepting that maybe Splinter was right and all he’ll ever be is a Foot Soldier. Suddenly, Leo sees a vision of his mother, Tang Shen, telling him that he must believe in himself just as his father does. With a final burst of energy, Leonardo defeats his darker self.
Leo awakens from his meditation as April O'Neil watches over him. April expresses relief that he's back and asks him if he learned anything about the mental techniques of Kitsune and the Rat King. Leo says that they use your worst fears and insecurities against you in order to warp you into something you aren’t. However, if you believe in yourself, you can overcome their mind-control. "Now I stand. Now I lead," he declares.