
Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Inside Out, part 2 is a back-up story in The War to Come, part 2.

Appearing in Inside Out, part 2[]

Major Characters[]

Minor Characters[]


Leonardo makes his way to the park, still pursued by dozens of arrows, and hides among the trees to escape the Foot Soldiers. But instead of ninjas, he's confronted by grinning trees and blobs of earth shaped like Utroms, in a park he doesn't recognize. The ground under him becomes swampy, and he finds himself looking up at the farm in Northampton. Leonardo thinks he hears Alopex calling out to him.

Leo is attacked by tentacles and the water itself. Koya emerges from the water, screaming that she wants revenge as she attacks him. Leonardo tries to lead her back to the woods so she will have difficulty flying, but she sends the weird Utroms to pursue him. He makes his way into a storm drain, and challenges Koya to come after him.

See also[]
