Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
Enter the Upside Down! Leo, Mikey, Will, Lucas, and Dustin enter the Upside Down to learn more about the Demodogs running around NYC. However, as the Turtles enter new territory, they’ll find something familiar. And in Baxter Stockman’s lab, Eleven must wrestle control of her mind away from the mad scientist. Luckily, she’ll have help in this battle of minds from the Turtle with the most mental restraint: Raphael! …Wait, what?
Appearing in In the Mind's Eye[]
Major characters[]
- Donatello
- Dustin Henderson
- Eleven
- Leonardo
- Lucas Charles Sinclair
- Maxine Mayfield
- Michael Wheeler
- Michelangelo
- Raphael
- William Byers
Minor characters[]
- Baxter Stockman
- The Mind Flayer
- Utroms (debut)
- New York City
- 12 Lavigne Street
- Subway
- The Upside Down
Objects and vehicles[]
Beneath a computer console, Donatello splices wires together and then calls out that his fix should keep things stable. He asks Dustin if the readings agree and the boy, who is at one of the system computers, tells him they’re not bouncing all over the place anymore. Max is standing next to Raphael, whose mind is deep in the machine created by Baxter Stockman. Dustin and Max are concerned about their other friends, but Don says that at least they know where the others are. There is no telling where the three here are, between Eleven’s psychic powers and Stockman’s simulators.
Inside the simulation, Raph has Stockman pinned against a wall, a sai at his throat. Stockman tells him that before he does something stupid, he needs to remember that they are in his machine and he’s in control. That should be enough for the two of them to understand. Raph demands to know what that is supposed to mean and Stockman says they were made, that their entire existences have always been outside of their control. Stockman then proceeds to show them what he sees and replays Eleven being carted away by lab techs, an abandoned child molded whether she liked it or not. Then the scene shifts to four baby turtles and a rat in the sewer touched by green ooze. Stockman says that Raph is the petulant reptile who prides himself on a myth that he built himself into a warrior. In reality, he’s nothing more than an accident, a freakish mistake.
Still holding Stockman by the neck, Raph turns to Eleven and tells her that maybe her powers weren’t a gift but who cares that they didn’t have a say in how they were “made”. He says that Stockman sees that as a weakness, but he says it’s a badge of honor that they are still standing. Raph releases Stockman and turns to Eleven to tell her that every choice she makes adds up and after a while she’s not a test subject. Stockman interrupts to say that she’ll be dead unless she does as she’s told and opens that gate. Raph says that he’s just trying to convince them he’s in control because it’s just an illusion. He tells Eleven that Stockman is playing in their minds and though he doesn’t have teleki-whatever, who does she really think is in control here. Eleven responds with a growl and lifts her hand towards Stockman.
Back in the subway car, Mike, Lucas and Will are slashing away at the vines spilling from the open gate while Leonardo and Michelangelo continue fighting Demogorgons. Will stops when he spots something at the feet of a passenger and finds a lighter. Mike calls out that they need help and Will proceeds to wrap cut vines around one of Leo’s katana, stating that he’s found a way to speed things up. Leo approaches him and asks if the creatures don’t like fire, to which Will responds that they hate it. Taking the sword, Leo says they’ll put that to the test and Will sets the sword on fire.
The two Turtles, now armed with blazing weapons, attack the Demogorgons and make short work of them. Then Lucas, who is looking through the gate into The Upside Down, thinks he sees people on the other side. Mikey agrees and Leo says they have to get them out. Mike disagrees, saying they barely survived the Demogorgons and should wait for Eleven. He tries unsuccessfully to get the walkie-talkie to work while assuring Leo that Eleven will come through. Leo asks how long that will take and they don’t know if she’s even getting their calls. He wants to know how long someone can survive in The Upside Down.
Will, who is standing at the gate entrance, says it doesn’t matter, no one should have to. Mike apologizes, saying he didn’t mean it like that and that Will is right. Leo tells Will that anyone would understand if he doesn’t want to go back, having survived in there before. Will replies that is why he has to because it’ll help someone else. Grinning, Mikey asks if they are staging a rescue or what?
Still strapped into his machine, Stockman awakens. Looking down, he sees the two Turtles and three youths. Dustin informs him that he’s in trouble. Donatello tells Stockman he wants answers to questions and Max adds that Stockman will have to take it up with Raph and Eleven if he refuses to answer. Stockman says he’ll answer as long as they leave him out of what comes next.
He says that his Mousers found Demodogs skittering through the city. At first they were a strange curiosity, until they grew. Stockman became consumed by thoughts of where they came from and his mind raced with potential applications. After trapping specimens, he worked to fuse his mousers technology into them in order to infiltrate the pack. His Demomousers can mimic the Demodogs calls, monitor their movements and be Stockman’s eyes.
Stockman says it was working until they all decided to butt in. However, he recognized Eleven’s powers because he knew her “Papa”. He says that he and Dr. Brenner were peers because they both shared a willingness to push boundaries. Stockman needed Eleven because he wanted to see if Brenner’s boasts had merit. He couldn’t pass up a chance to create a doorway of his own. His hybrids could follow the creatures to their home, but he doesn’t think getting past them is possible.
Elsewhere, Leo slices through the gateway and he and his group enter the Upside Down. Lucas says he hoped never to see what it was like and Mike checks that Will is okay. Mikey wants to know what’s so special about this place that everyone’s trying to get in. Leo responds that he’s more worried about how they get the passengers out. Suddenly, the subway car begins to move. Leo says they might as well see how far it takes them.
Mike sits down and admits to being tired because he feels like they’ll be in this battle forever. Leo tells the kids that everyone has their challenges. Some are bigger than others, some below the surface, but every time it’s the ones who have people by their side that make it through. Mikey tells them when it comes to that, they couldn’t be luckier. There is a ding and the subway car stops. The groups steps out onto the subway platform and sees people piled on top of each other on the stairs. Will hangs his head, saying that they are too late. Mikey kneels at the bottom of the stairs and touches a man’s leg. His hand comes up dripping with a pinkish goo.
In the lab, Raph demands to know what they do now. Don admits that he doesn’t know. Stockman created the Demomousers, but he couldn’t open the gate. Max asks Stockman why he couldn’t do it on his own and he says no one can open doors to other worlds. That’s why everyone wants Eleven – she’s a tool. Eleven sweeps a hand into the air and uses her power to smack Stockman across the face. Then Don reminds Raph that technically speaking, they’ve been to other worlds. Raph gives him a look and starts to ask “You don’t think…”
Cut back to the group in The Upside Down. Leonardo is examining one of the prone humans and Mike asks what he’s thinking. Leo says that they might be in for more surprises as he opens the man’s shirt to reveal an Utrom. Leo tells the boys that Utroms are alien beings hiding on Earth, but that they thought they were all gone. Mikey says that the one they just found looks a little sick and he’s never seen one with veins like it has.
Will immediately flicks open a lighter and sets fire to the Utrom. Leo jumps forward and demands to know what Will is doing. Will replies that he’s saving it. A smokey substance comes out of the Utrom and drifts up the stairs. Leo asks where it’s going and Will tells him that it’s rejoining the rest of The Mind Flayer, their enemy – wherever he’s hiding. The last panel shows The Mind Flayer perched atop a tall building.
To Be Continued…