Imagicard Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a hybrid card and video game based on the 2012 TV series for the LeapPad family of educational children's tablets. The LeapPad uses physical cards via augmented reality to perform specific tasks in the game, "Math in a Half-Shell".
- April O'Neil
- Casey Jones
- Chrome Dome
- Donatello (Rob Paulsen)
- Fishface
- Footbots
- Kraang
- Leatherhead
- Leonardo (Seth Green)
- Metalhead
- Michelangelo (Greg Cipes)
- Monkey Brains
- Mousers
- Mutagen Man
- Newtralizer
- Rahzar
- Raphael (Sean Astin)
- Rat King
- Shredder
- Slash
- Snakeweed
- Splinter (Hoon Lee)