This is a transcript for Identity Crisis, the seventh episode of season 7 of TMNT (2003 series).
Open on Foot Headquarters. Inside, Khan is prostrate upon the floor in the throne room. | |
Khan | My lord and master, I must report that our efforts to create a Cyber Portal have failed yet again. |
A hologram of the Cyber Shredder stands before him. | |
Cyber Shredder | Silence, Khan. I do not want to hear of failure. I want to be released from this cyber world. I have been trapped here long enough. For the Foot to be revived I must be in the real world, and you have been charged to make this so. |
Khan | Yes, I understand this my Lord, but my…. |
Cyber Shredder | But what, Khan? |
Khan rises to his feet. | |
Khan | My liege, we… we have suffered setbacks. The Turtles have…. |
Cyber Shredder | The Turtles? The Turtles will no longer interfere after I am through with them. I have prepared a little surprise for them in cyberspace, and after that, I shall send them to you. Yes, soon, very soon, the Turtles shall serve me! Hahaha! |
{Opening sequence; title song}
Pan down to the Turtles’ lair. A monitor shows an outline of Splinter’s form, now partially filled in by retrieved data bits. April and Donatello are seated at the control panel. Near them, Klunk grooms himself. | |
Donatello | So April, what do you think? Any problems? |
April O'Neil | Problems? Not at all. You’ve thought of everything. This tech gear? Really impressive. And travelling into cyberspace? I mean, so amazing. |
She looks over at the other Turtles, who are standing near the Cyber Portal. | |
Raphael | I don’t know. Getting all digitized and re-digitized or whatever still gives me the creeps. |
Leonardo | Same here, but at least having April watch our backs while we’re in there makes me feel…. |
Michelangelo | All warm and fuzzy inside your shell? |
Leonardo | Not quite how I’d put it, but something like that. |
Serling comes skating towards them, struggling to stay upright on his roller skates. | |
Serling | Oh~h, no! This is an outrage! |
He smacks into a support post and clings to it. Casey Jones skates along the ramp and onto the platform as well. | |
Casey Jones | Come on, Serling, you’re almost getting the hang of it. |
Leonardo | Taking up hockey, Serling? |
Serling | Not of my own accord. That hooligan welded these skates to my feet while I was powered down. |
He slides down to his knees and Casey laughs."" | |
Casey | Pretty good idea, huh? I thought old Serling here should learn something useful, you know, like sports. |
Serling | It’s not bad enough that I’m stuck in this dreadful time with the Turtles but suffering such humiliation – [He makes it to his feet and releases the post.] - it really is too much! |
He struggles to stay upright, but the skates roll out and he falls on his back. Everyone starts laughing. | |
Serling | Yes, go ahead and laugh at the robot. |
He makes it to his feet, but the skates go out from under him, and he falls on his face. | |
April | On that note… [She turns back to the computer and activates the Cyber Portal.] You guys be careful. |
Donatello | Always are. |
Raphael | Especially with the shred-head on the loose in there. |
Leonardo | Right. But until we retrieve all of Master Splinter’s data bits that’s a risk we’ll just have to take. |
The Turtles leap onto the Cyber Portal platform. The machine arms come down to turn their solid forms into binary code and transport them into cyberspace. They reform wearing their cyber battle gear. Raphael’s form starts to glitch. | |
Raphael | Like I said, creepy. |
Leonardo checks his gauntlet, pulling up an image of his Code Runner. | |
Leonardo | Let’s get moving. We have a lot of ground to cover. |
Donatello | Good thing we have a lot of sonic cyber speed to cover it with. |
He activates the Code Runner button on his gauntlet and the vehicle appears, as do Leonardo’s Code Runner and both Cyber Rippers. The Turtles leap onto their vehicles and speed through cyberspace. Donatello uses a radar screen to scan the vicinity. | |
Donatello | No sign of the Shredder. Yet. |
Raphael is scanning as well, and a blip shows on his screen. | |
Raphael | Got something here! |
Michelangelo | Me too. Looks like it could be a cluster of Master Splinter’s data bits. |
Leonardo | Follow that signal and keep your eyes open. |