

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Issue #6 of the second Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro-Series by IDW Publishing, this one focusing on Arnold Jones, also known as Hun.


As the new leader of the Purple Dragons, the villainous Hun joins the war in City Fall! He's already making friends in high places and imposing his will on anyone who stands in his way! Hun's past will devastate the Turtles' future!

Appearing in Hun (IDW issue)[]


Flashback characters[]


Arnold Jones is attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. He says he's done some bad things in his life, but ultimately he's not a bad guy. It all started when he was a teenager and ran with the Purple Dragons. Eventually he settled down, got married, and had a son (Casey). He tells the group about how his wife got sick with cancer and eventually passed away, and how he turned to alcohol to cope, which caused his and his son's relationship to deteriorate until Arnold hit bottom a month before (as seen in City Fall, part 4). Arnold was upset by Casey getting injured and put in the hospital, and even more upset by the fact that when his son needed him to be strong he couldn't even be strong for himself. 

After learning about Casey being in the hospital, Arnold went to the Skara Brae. Brooklyn S. Bridge, Angel's father and the owner of the place, offers him a drink. Brooklyn asks Arnold if he knows who cut his son; Arnold says he doesn't know. Brooklyn says it's partially the fault of his daughter, who's turning the Purple Dragons into a neighborhood watch group, instead of the hardcore gang it once was. Brooklyn tells Arnold that back in the day, no one would've messed with Arnold "Attila the Hun" Jones' son. Arnold says he isn't thirsty and leaves the bar. 

On his way home, Leonardo (brainwashed by the Foot Clan) approaches Arnold and tells him to come with him. Arnold, recognizing Leonardo as one of the mutants his son hangs out with, gets angry and tries to attack, but Leonardo easily defeats him and knocks him unconscious. When Arnold comes to, he's tied to a chair in a dark room. The Shredder stands before him. Arnold asks who he is, and Shredder tells him: the man who's about to change his life. Shredder reveals he knows that his son Casey was injured. He asks Arnold how he expects to pay for his sons medical bills, how does he expect to care for him once he leaves the hospital. How does he expect to protect his son from the men who hurt him, who are still out there? Arnold says Shredder doesn't know anything about him, but Shredder says he is wrong. Shredder knows Arnold has been languishing at the bottom of a bottle for years, that his old gang, the Purple Dragons, are divided and leaderless. He tells Arnold he wants him to retake control of the Purple Dragons and work under him. Arnold says he's not the Hun anymore. The Shredder tells him he could be, and opens a briefcase with a vial full of mutagen. Arnold knows its the same stuff that created the turtles and wants nothing to do with it. Shredder tells him that it won't transform him, just make him into the man he used to be, better than the man he used to be. All Arnold has to do is remember who he's working for. 

Bulked up from the effects of the mutagen and his hair bleached back to blond, Arnold, the Hun, approaches the Purple Dragons headquarters. Inside, Angel is telling the Dragons that they're not going to get involved in the turf war with the Foot and the Savate Ninja. One of the other Dragons says maybe they should put it to a vote, but Angel says she's in charge. Arnold steps forward and says that's not the case anymore. Angel orders the Dragons to get Arnold out of there. Arnold makes short work of them and forces Angel to relinquish her leadership to him. After retaking control of the Purple Dragons, Arnold went right to work settling debts and doing the Shredder's bidding. 

Arnold goes to visit Casey in the hospital. He tells him he's quit drinking and got a job, and that things are going to be different now. He tells Casey that he may be able to come to work with him one day. He gives him a gift and leaves. Casey opens it to find a brand new hockey mask. 

Arnold tells the AA group that he still thinks about having a drink every now and then. But then he thinks about his new job, and how good he is at it and how much he enjoys it. He thinks about his son and how now he'll be able to provide for him and he's able to resist that temptation. "One day at a time" he says. 

See also[]

