
[Open Int. Lair atrium; Night]

(Donnie, Leo, Mikey, and Raph gather around a tablet to watch a video.)

[Trans. Ext. Construction site; Day]

VOICEOVER GUY: "Action star Lou Jitsu is back in Hot Soup: The Game!"

(In the commercial playing on the tablet, Lou Jitsu peels the lid from a cup of hot soup and sniffs the soup.)


(A figure darts past Lou Jitsu and steals his hot soup.)


BOSS LEVEL GUY: "Your soup is mine!"

(The Boss Level Guy climbs to the top of an in-construction building in an elevator with Lou Jitsu's hot soup.)

LOU JITSU: "I will fight my way up to you, boss level!"

(Three video game commercial thugs block Lou Jitsu's path to the elevator.)

VOICEOVER GUY: "Sixty levels of chopsocky violence!"

(Lou Jitsu punches one video game commercial thug, kicks another, and seizes all three in his hands.)

LOU JITSU: "Hot Soup!"

(Lou Jitsu throws the video game commercial thugs into a cement truck and its barrel spins them. Lou Jitsu jumps down and presents Hot Soup: The Game's cartridge. The commercial ends.)

[Trans. Int. Lair atrium; Night]

DONNIE: "Lou Jitsu was in a video game?"

MIKEY: "We gotta get it! We gotta get it! Accessing worldwide inter-tubes."

(Mikey swipes through the website's inventory list.)

MIKEY: "Hmm. Lou Jitsu nunchucks, Lou Jitsu sunglasses—Oh! Here it is. Lou Jitsu's Hot Soup: The Game. Montes Auction House. Buy it now."

(Mikey presses the website's "buy" button.)

MIKEY: "Oh, baby! We are the proud owners of one very old mint condition copy of Hot Soup: The Game!"

RAPH: "Wait a minute, you bought it at an auction house? How are we gonna pick it up with, uh, this whole situation?"

MIKEY: "That's not your problem 'cause I'm gonna go get it. By myself."

RAPH: "What? By yourself? Are you out of your ooze-twisted mind?"

MIKEY: "I'm not a baby, Raph. I got the squills, the moves, the ninja realness! I'm ready for my first solo mission."

RAPH: "Of course you are... in seven to ten years! Right now, it's just too dangerous."

LEO: "I say we let him go, Raph. You went on your own when you were his age."

RAPH: "Yeah, but when I was his age, I was two years older."

LEO: "What is up with your math?"

RAPH: "Donnie, would you please talk some sense into these guys?"

(Donnie sits on a beanbag chair looking at his smartphone with his back to Leo, Mikey, and Raph.)

DONNIE: "Yeah, whatever Leo says is probably right."

(Mikey hugs Donnie.)

MIKEY: "Thanks for believing in me, Donnie.

(Donnie's Spider Shell arm pats Mikey's head. Mikey jumps and lands on Leo to hug him.)

MIKEY: Leo, I love you. As for you, Raph, you get last game!

(Mikey pokes Raph's face repeatedly as he walks past him. Leo laughs at Raph.)

MIKEY: "Mikey out."

(Raph picks up Mikey's kusari-fundō from the floor.)

RAPH: "Hey, you forgot your—"

[Trans. Ext. O'Neil apartment; Night]

(Mikey crosses the O'Neil apartment's roof.)

[Trans. Ext. New York City; Night]

(Mikey travels discreetly over various rooftops to Montes Auction House's roof.)

[Trans. Ext. Montes Auction House; Night]

(Mikey opens the roof window.)

MIKEY: "Oh, baby, I should've bought candles 'cause this is a piece of cake."

(Mikey enters Montes Auction House.)

[Trans. Ext. Rooftop; Night]

(Foot Brute, Foot Lieutenant, and an unknown girl arrive at the rooftop across the street from Montes Auction House.)

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "You have shown great skill as a new recruit of the Foot Clan. Your final test is a mission you must complete entirely on your own."

FOOT RECRUIT: "Excellent. What enemy of our clan am I to crush between my fists?!"

FOOT BRUTE: "Uh, no crushing. You are here to achieve a mysterious artifact that was said to be in the possession of action film star Lou Jitsu."

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "Oh! He was the best!"

FOOT BRUTE: "Oh, yeah! Jitsu for Justice? That's my favorite. It's the movie that got me interested in crime."

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "Ooh! And Punch Chowder! He defeats an entire organized crime mob using clam shells as his only weapon!"


FOOT RECRUIT: "Hai, Senseis. I will study these important motion pictures!"

FOOT BRUTE: "Uh, anywho, you are to enter the auction house and retrieve any Lou Jitsu merchandise."

FOOT RECRUIT: "I will tear this place asunder until I find every Lou Jitsu item within its walls!"

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "Okay, okay, okay. Shh, shh, shh. Love the intensity, but let's just go stealth. No muss, no fuss."

FOOT RECRUIT: "Foot Clan!"

(Foot Recruit leaps from the roof.)

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "Somebody had her coffee."

[Trans. Int. Montes Auction House; Night]

(Mikey descends from the ceiling using a rope.)

MIKEY: "Okay, Magic Mike, time to snag that game, go home and rub it in Raph's face."

(The rope snaps, causing Mikey to fall and crash into the auction items. Mikey stands back up with armor worn on his torso.)

MIKEY: "How much they want for this? Ooh! It's got a feather!"

FOOT RECRUIT: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

MIKEY: "I'm... a customer? Here to pick up my Lou Jitsu video game."

(Mikey presents his auction ticket. Foot Recruit's eyes narrow.)

FOOT RECRUIT: "Lou Jitsu?"

MIKEY: "Are you narrowing your eyes because you like Lou Jitsu?"

FOOT RECRUIT: "Lou Jitsu! Yes. Punch Chowder is my favorite motion picture film movie."

MIKEY: "Oh, okay. Well, then—"

(Foot Recruit steals Mikey's ticket.)

MIKEY: "What the...?"

FOOT RECRUIT: "I shall return. Stay here and do nothing!"

(Foot Recruits backflips into the hallway behind her. Once in a different room, Foot Recruit takes out a mystic communicator and contacts Foot Brute and Foot Lieutenant.)

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "Recruit, what's wrong?"

FOOT RECRUIT: "There's someone here."

[Trans. Ext. Rooftop; Night]

FOOT RECRUIT: "A talking turtle. And he is asking about Lou Jitsu merchandise!"

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "Those turtles again? They must be after the artifact, too."

FOOT BRUTE: "Oh, yeah, you're gonna need help. We'll be right over—"

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "No. No. You know the rules. To pass she must complete her mission by herself."

FOOT RECRUIT: "Senseis, permission to vanquish his soul to the depths of oblivion?!"

FOOT BRUTE: "Yeah, sure."

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "Okay, why not?"

(Foot Recruit disconnects the call.)

FOOT BRUTE: "What if he destroys her instead?"

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "Well, then, we promote Jocelyn instead. I mean, we go through a recruit a week, right?"

[Trans. Int. Montes Auction House; Night]

MIKEY: "Hm. Something's up. She says she works here, but the lights are off. But maybe there's a power outage. But she doesn't care about this whole situation. But maybe she thought I was in costume. But she did like Punch Chowder. But only criminals like Punch Chowder!"

(Foot Recruit strikes Mikey with an axe. Mikey lands on the floor with his limbs retracted into the armor.)

MIKEY: "Hey, what's the big idea?"

FOOT RECRUIT: "An enemy of the Foot must perish. You will not claim the artifact!"

MIKEY: "But I have a receipt."

(Foot Recruit charges at Mikey and he flees from her, evading her strikes.)

MIKEY: "Is this how you normally treat customers? Ow! 'Cause if it is, I'd like to speak to your supervisor!"

(Foot Recruit hits Mikey and he collides with a wall and lands on a record player. The record player begins to play music. Foot Recruit halves Mikey's armor with the axe.)

MIKEY: "Uh, wha...? I'm not paying for that!"

(Foot Recruit kicks Mikey against a wall before throwing the axe at him. Mikey shields himself from the axe with a cabinet and notices an item placed on top of the cabinet.)

MIKEY: "Hey, it's my game. You're getting that soup, Lou, baby. Solo mission complete."

(Foot Recruit launches herself at Mikey and Mikey evades her strike. Foot Recruit notices Mikey holding Hot Soup: The Game.)

FOOT RECRUIT: "Lou Jitsu. The artifact. Give it to me!"

MIKEY: "I said I own it fair and square!"

(Mikey flees and Foot Recruit chases him. Mikey tries to exit through an emergency door but it is locked. Foot Recruit throws kunai at Mikey and he evades them. Mikey notices an open window and tries to escape. Foot Recruit tries to pull him back into the building. Mikey answers his ringing smartphone.)

MIKEY: "Shello?"

RAPH: "Hey, buddy, uh, just checking in, making sure you're, uh, okay. Uh, everything okay? You're okay, right?"

MIKEY: "Yes, Raph, I'm fine! Uh, I've got everything under control!'

(Foot Recruit drags Mikey inside the building and steals Hot Soup: The Game.)

FOOT RECRUIT: "I have the artifact! And you won't leave until I've smashed your shell into powder!"

RAPH: "What? Hey, who was that?"

MIKEY: "It's just a—um, uh, pushy clerk trying to sell me the extended warranty. Heh. I'm not interested! I'm totally fine. Mikey out."

(Mikey hangs up and flips away from Foot Recruit into the hallway. Foot Recruit chases Mikey.)

[Trans. Int. Lair atrium: Night]

RAPH: "My overprotective brother sense is tingling. Donnie, tap into their security camera."

DONNIE: "Oh, sure. Let me just load my tap-into-every-security-camera-in-New-York app. I'm sorry if that sounded like sarcasm, it wasn't. I am in."

(The screen of Donnie's tech-gauntlet displays security camera footage inside Montes Auction House. Leo and Raph gather around the tech-gauntlet. In the footage, Mikey stands alone in a room.)

RAPH: "Oh. I guess he's okay."

(Foot Recruit enters the room and kicks Mikey before chasing him.)

RAPH: "That's it! Mikey needs us."

(Raph runs out of the atrium holding Donnie and Leo.)

[Trans. Int. Montes Auction House; Night]

(Mikey dodges two kicks from Foot Recruit and blocks another. Foot Recruit then kicks his stomach. She arms herself with a spear and Mikey arms himself with an umbrella. Mikey blocks Foot Recruit's attacks.)

FOOT RECRUIT: "You... can't... hit... me!"

(Mikey collides with an Ice Cream Kitty statue and stops it from falling.)

MIKEY: "Aww! Now that's cute."

FOOT RECRUIT: "Knife throw!"

(Foot Recruit throws kunai at Mikey. He dodges and the kunai shatter the Ice Cream Kitty statue.)

MIKEY: "You monster!"

(Mikey throws a sheet of fabric over Foot Recruit's head. Foot Recruit removes it and charges at Mikey. Mikey blocks her strikes and reclaims Hot Soup: The Game using the umbrella handle.)

MIKEY: "Back to me, Lou, baby!"

(Mikey blocks a strike from Foot Recruit's spear and disarms her by twirling the umbrella. Mikey laughs victoriously before Foot Recruit kicks Mikey and grabs Hot Soup: The Game. She answers an incoming call on her mystic communicator.)

FOOT BRUTE: "Hello, you. How's everything going?"

FOOT RECRUIT: "It's under control. I'll be out in a minute!"

(Foot Recruit disconnects the call and charges at Mikey.)

FOOT RECRUIT: "You're finished, turtle scum!"

(Mikey throws a beach ball at Foot Recruit and kicks it into her, causing Foot Recruit to crash into a harp.)

MIKEY: "Yeah!"

(Mikey reclaims Hot Soup: The Game from Foot Recruit. Foot Recruit tries to grab it back and Mikey backs up against a door.)

MIKEY: "And Raph thought I couldn't do this all by myself. Solo mission complete."

(Mikey is crushed by the door as Donnie, Leo, and Raph barge into the room.)

RAPH: "Mikey! We're here to rescue you, buddy."

MIKEY: Narf!

[Trans. Ext. Rooftop; Night]

FOOT BRUTE: "I'm just gonna take a quick look."

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "I told you she must prove herself—Ooh, hello. What's this?"

(Foot Brute and Foot Lieutenant's mystic communicator activates and displays Donnie, Leo, Mikey, and Raph inside Montes Auction House.)

FOOT BRUTE: "They're all there. It's an ambush!"

(Foot Brute and Foot Lieutenant leap from the roof.)

[Trans. Int. Montes Auction House; Night]

MIKEY: "I had it in my hands! I was literally ready to leave! What part of 'by myself' don't you understand?"

(Foot Recruit cuts a harp string with a kunai.)

RAPH: "Little man—"

MIKEY: "What? Say what?!"

RAPH: "I mean, big man. I will open up my apology wallet and give a high stack of—"

LEO: "Yeah, yeah. Mistakes were made. Lessons were learned. We got a video game to play, so vámonos, hermanos."

(Foot Recruit frees herself from the harp. She throws kunai at Mikey, who dodges, before kicking him. She counters Raph's attack by kicking him in the stomach, disrupts Leo's attack by throwing him over her head, and disrupts Donnie's attack by throwing him. Foot Recruit catches Hot Soup: The Game in midair.)

FOOT RECRUIT: "Ha! Solo mission complete!"

(Foot Brute and Foot Lieutenant break down the wall behind Foot Recruit. Foot Recruit drops Hot Soup: The Game.)

FOOT BRUTE: "We're here to rescue you."

FOOT RECRUIT: "No! I had it in my hands! I was literally ready to leave! What part of 'by myself' don't you understand?!"

MIKEY: "Yeah! She gets it."

FOOT BRUTE: "Stay out of this, you little pipsqueak."

(Raph squares up to Foot Brute.)

RAPH: "Whoa! Whose brother you calling pipsqueak, toe head?"

FOOT BRUTE: "Maybe you're the pipsqueak."

RAPH: "I'll protect you, Mikey!"

(Raph tackles Foot Brute. Foot Lieutenant picks up Hot Soup: The Game from the floor.)

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "Wait a minute. That is not the artifact we seek."

FOOT RECRUIT: "I-It's the only Lou Jitsu thing here."

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "Well, then your mission is a bust—on a technicality, of course. But don't be discouraged. The road to success is paved with miles of failure."

(Foot Lieutenant opens a portal.)

FOOT RECRUIT: "I shall prove I am worthy next time!"

FOOT LIEUTENANT: "Yes, yes, I know. Come. We'll get a nice falafel."

(Foot Lieutenant and Foot Recruit enter the portal. The portal closes. Foot Brute and Raph remain locked in combat. Mikey picks up Hot Soup: The Game.)

MIKEY: "Chopsocky violence, here we come!"

[Trans. Int. Lair TV room; Night]

(Mikey inserts Hot Soup: The Game into the Pixel 2.)

MIKEY: "Sure you don't want first game, Raph?"

(Raph sits behind Mikey covered casts and bandages while Donnie and Leo laugh at him.)

MIKEY: "I earned it? Why, thank you."

(Mikey starts Hot Soup: The Game. It is not nearly as kinetic or detailed as its commercial.)

MIKEY: "What? Lou Jitsu's a beige rectangle? This is a rip-off!"

SPLINTER: "Whoa! Lou Jitsu's Hot Soup: The Game?"

(Splinter sets down Skully and his tea and rushes over to the Pixel 2. Splinter steals the controller from Mikey and sits before the projector.)

SPLINTER: "Look at those realistic ripped abs. I will fight my way up to you, boss level!"

