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The Hirsuté Resort & Spa is a location in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


The Hirsuté Resort & Spa is located in the northwest Hidden City between Devil's Backbone and Minotaur Maze. Across the street from it is the Last Resort & Spa.

The Hirsuté Resort & Spa is a private luxury club only open to members who have hair on their scalp.

The Hirsuté Resort & Spa offers a beach, a pool, a dining hall, and a hair salon.


The Hirsuté Resort & Spa debuted in "Hidden City's Most Wanted". Splinter ran to the Hirsuté to find Leonardo so he could ask to use his mystic ōdachi to rescue Baron Draxum from Heather's house by drawing a portal. However, despite his efforts, Splinter was unable to awaken Leo from his nap and simply took his ōdachi and teleported back to Heather's house.

In "Bad Hair Day", when Leo and his family decided to spend a day in the Hidden City, he chose to visit the Hirsuté, wanting to relax from his heroic pursuits. Leo tried to engage in beachside lounging, but was approached by a resort guard after he removed his hat and was expelled from the premises due to his lack of hair. Leo later returned to the Hirsuté after an encounter with a Yōkai Masseur who gave him hair using a hair serum where he was then welcomed by the Hirsuté staff and guests. Items began to get stolen from the club's guests at the same time Leo began to fall asleep and awaken unconsciously in random locations of the Hirsuté. The resort guard eventually conducted searches on random guests for stolen possessions in the club's dining hall, but Leo took over the lead of the investigation. While surveying security footage from earlier that day in the club's security clams, Leo learned that it was his sentient hair that had been stealing the items from the Hirsuté guests while he was sleeping, moving his body from place to place. A fight between Leo and his hair then ensued throughout the Hirsuté until they crashed into a hair styling room and Leo shaved off his mystic hair, confining it in a plastic bag. Despite Leo uncovering the Hirsuté's true thieves, the resort guard disbelieved him, and Leo was removed from the Hirsuté and arrested by the Hidden City police.


  • Hirsuté Resort & Spa/Gallery