Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
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[Open on a close-up of April O'Neil as she does a live broadcast.] April O'Neil "Crime-- It's just something that we take for granted in the big city. But recently..." [Behind her a picture of the Acme company is displayed, along with the word "Robbery!".] April "...Three scientific equipment companies have been robbed, and some high-tech machinery stolen." [The image pans out to show April standing on a street corner as she makes her report. Next to her is the Channel 6 newsvan, with a technician inside.] April "The strange part is that the method of the robberies is anything but high-tech! Experts say that it can only be the work of ninjas, an ancient band of Japanese warriors! We're here at Technologies Central, for it may be the next target of these mysterious burglars! I'll report as soon as anything develops... April O'Neil, Happy Hour News... Back to you, Jeff!" |
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[Channel 6 employees begin loading equipment back into the van.] Crewman 1 "Okay, that's a wrap. This isn't the safest neighborhood in the world... Let's go!" April "What are you, a bunch of sissies? This is gonna be fun! We're the news media, for cryin' out loud... Who'd want to hurt us?" Crewman 2 "Uh... Them, maybe?" April "Huh?" [She turns to see a group of street punks coming towards them, each armed with things like pipes and chains.] Crewman 1 "Uh, I think I left the iron on in my apartment!" Crewman 2 "Me too!" [They run away, leaving the camera on the ground.] April "Get the camera!" Rocksteady "We got a message for you, lady!" April "Oh?" |
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Rocksteady "Da big boss man wants ya to stick to reportin' fashion shows!" April "Okay... Um, sure! No problem!" Rocksteady "We don't believe you!" April "Then here... Catch!" [She throws the camera at him and it strikes him in the chest.] Rocksteady "Oooph!" [April runs to a storm drain and squeezes through it into the sewers.] April "Oouch! This is a tight squeeze-- You must be putting on weight, O'Neil!" [April lands in the water.] Splash Splash |
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[Scrag holds a manhole cover off the opening so that Rocksteady can enter the sewers. April runs through the tunnels.] April "*pant pant*! This is great! I must really be onto something hot... If they're trying to kill me!" [The rest of the gang has joined Rocksteady in the sewers and they chase April.] Rocksteady "Get her!" April "They're gaining on me!" [She's looking back over her shoulder and doesn't see the tunnel has ended. April slams right into it.] April "Oooph!" Wump [Rocksteady slaps his pipe against his hand as he stands over her prone form.] Rocksteady "Sign-off time, April O'Neil!" Wack [A bō smacks him right in the jaw.] Donatello "Chill out, homeboy!" |
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[Grunt swings a sword, but Raphael blocks it with his sais.] Tang Raphael "Watch it with that thing, pal!" [Scrag pulls a gun.] Scrag "You're dead meat!" [Leonardo chops off the end of the gun with his katana.] Ching Swish Leonardo "You shouldn't play with guns!" [Donatello knocks a punk down with his bō.] Wack [Bebop charges at Michaelangelo, who block him with his nunchakus.] Michaelangelo "Weird looking dudes!" [Raphael lifts Grunt and throws him against the tunnel wall.] Wham [The street punks lay in crumpled, unconscious pile.] April "Oh! I don't know who you are, but thanks!" [The turtles step out of the shadows.] |
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April "Gasp! You're not human!" Donatello "We're dealing with a real mind here!" April "You, you're the turtles... I can't handle this..." [April passes out.] Michaelangelo "Aw, she's no fun. She fainted!" Elsewhere, someone watches... [Shredder watches on a viewing screen.] Shredder "What the devil???" A short time later, deeper in the sewers... [April is lying on a bed in one of the cubbyholes in the turtles' lair.] |
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April "Ooh, my head! Where am I? Now I remember, those turtles..." Splinter "Some hot tea?" [He holds a steaming cup out to her.] April "Wha? A giant rat???" Splinter "Calm yourself. You are safe!" April "But who? What?" [Michaelangelo enters with a pizza in each hand and one balanced on his head.] Michaelangelo "Pizza time! I've got some pepperoni an' ice cream, jelly bean an' mushroom... An' my favorite, anchovies an' peanut butter!" April "This is seriously grossing me out!" [The turtles begin to eat.] April "I start off to do a story about some high tech robberies and I end up talking to a bunch of turtles and their pet rat??? Who are you guys?" Splinter "Perhaps I can best explain!" |
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[A flashback, narrated by Splinter, begins.] Splinter "The story of my young friends and I is really the story of a man named Hamato Yoshi. In Japan there is a ninja clan known as the Foot..." [A close-up of Yoshi.] Splinter "Yoshi was a quite man. He was their teacher..." [Yoshi watches students climb rope up a wall in a dojo.] Splinter "...In the warrior ways of enlightenment." [A close-up of Saki.] Splinter "But one student sought to usurp his leadership... His name was Oroku Saki!" [Saki and Yoshi kneeling next to each other. Saki drives a knife into the back of Yoshi's uniform and then into the wall.] Splinter "One day, when a master teacher visited the Foot school, he made his move..." Yoshi "What? I can't move, my robe is pinned...." Aide "Bow before our beloved master!" [Yoshi pulls the knife from his uniform.] Yoshi "A knife?" Aide "Treacherous dog. You plot to kill our honorable master!" Yoshi "I.. No!!" Aide "For this misdeed, you should be banished from the Foot Clan forever! What say you, honorable Master?" Yamaguchi "I say... Throw the bum out!" [The narration continues. Yoshi is show in the sewers.] Splinter "In Japan, under Saki's leadership, the Foot became an army of crime... In disgrace, Yoshi fled to America, and was forced to live in the sewers." |
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[Yoshi kneels on a mat in a small underground room. A rat sits in his hand and others gather around him.] Splinter "His only friends were the rats." [Topside, a boy falls and drops the jar he's holding, which contains baby turtles. It smashes on a street grate.] Crash! Boy "Ooph!" Splinter "Until one day some new friends came..." [The baby turtles land on Yoshi.] Splinter "Down the drain!" [Yoshi returns to his room where he is keeping the turtles.] Splinter "Then one day Yoshi found the turtles covered in a strange glowing liquid..." Yoshi "Gasp!" [Yoshi lifts the turtles in the palm of his hand.] Splinter "It was a powerful mutogen! It caused whoever touched it to take on the form of whatever animal they had most recently been in contact with..." [The turtles are shown transforming.] Splinter "The turtles began to become human-- They had most recently been with Yoshi... But Yoshi had most recently been with..." |
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Splinter "...The rats!" [Yoshi is seen transforming into a giant rat. Back to the present.] April "Then... Hamato Yoshi is you!" Donatello "You've got a mind like a steel trap, lady!" Splinter "Knowing that they would be outcasts, I trained them in the art of ninjustsu. They named me Splinter... And I in turn named them after my favorite renaissance painters." [Splinter begins introducing the turtles. Each appears in a panel along with their weapons.] Splinter "Donatello- His simple wooden staff can disarm any adversary. Raphael- No sword on Earth can withstand his sai! Leonardo- His swordsmanship is unmatched!" |
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Splinter "Michaelangelo - Master of the whirling nunchkus!" Michaelangelo "...An' master of the whirling pizzas!" Splinter "That is how they became the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!" April "So, do you know who dropped the mutogen?" Leonardo "No... But one day we'll find them and force them to return our master to his human form!" Michaelangelo "What do you think, April?" April "I think you did those robberies!" [She runs for the door.] Turtles "What?" [Donatello leaps over her and blocks the doorway.] Donatello "Ain't you up on current events, lady? We just saved your life! Whoever did those robberies might have been ninjas but they weren't turtles!" April "Either way, you're still news!" Donatello "You put us on T.V. and every scientist in town will be after us! You're stayin' here 'till we figure something out. We spent half our lives in a glass bowl an we ain't goin' back!" |
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Later... Michaelangelo "I got it! She stays here with us for the rest of her life!" Raphael "Yeah, right... Try again, Mr. Wizard!" Leonardo "There's only one solution... We'll find these ninjas and April will get her story... Leaving us out of it!" [He slides his katanas into their sheathes.] Snik! Leonardo "Let's go!" In Shredder's headquarters... Rocksteady "Those four weirdos beat the pants off us, Mr. Shredder!" Shredder "I know that, you idiots! Did they look like reptiles?" Rocksteady "Uh, um, I didn't get such a good look, ya know!" Shredder "Fools! They could have been turtles... I must know!" |
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[The turtles and April search the area where April was attacked.] Donatello "We're not going to find anything here..." Leonardo "This is where we fought those dudes! Maybe..." Michaelangelo "Look!" [He picks up a matchbook. The cover says "Ninja Pizza".] April "A crucial piece of evidence?" Leonardo "The clue that will lead us to the heart of the evil ninja empire?" Michaelangelo "Even better-- It's a place we can get some pizza!" April "I'll check it out!" Raphael "No, April-- You wouldn't last five minutes in a ninja pizza parlor! Besides, we're hungry!" Moments later, at street level... April "We'll get nowhere unless we do something about your looks!" [She peers around a corner as Raphael peeks over her shoulder.] April "Bingo! Stay here, there's a men's clothing store right down the street." |
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[Soon the turtles are wearing long coats and each has a hat.] April "This is the best I could do..." Leonardo "Here's lookin' at you, kid!" April "Just try not to draw attention to yourself, Raphael!" Leonardo "I'm Leonardo." April "Oh, sorry!" [The turtles walk along a sidewalk with April.] April "It should be down the next block, ok Donatello?" Michaelangelo "I'm Michaelangelo!" April "*sigh*" [A view of several neighborhood signs. "Ninja Pizza Home of the Nice Slice", "Ninja Shoe Repair", "Ninja Cleaners".] Turtle "Hey look, there it is!" Turtle "There's something suspicious about this neighborhood!" [They enter the pizza parlor. There are two clerks behind the counter, one wearing a kerchief over his mouth and the other wearing a mask.] April "I don't know about this place..." Raphael "Don't worry, April-- Whoever heard of ninjas hangin' out in a pizza parlor?" Kerchief "Welcome to Ninja Pizza! Home of the nice slice!" |
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[The turtles take seats in a booth. April stands at the end of the table. Behind her, mounted on the ceiling, is a camera.] April "But you're ninjas and you're in a pizza parlor!" [Shredder watches them on a huge monitor in his headquarters.] Shredder "This April O'Neil is getting too close to my operation!" [The turtles are eating pizza.] Turtle "Hey, what happened to April?" Turtle "Oh, I guess she wasn't hungry! Chomp!" Nearby, April does some snooping... [April stands in front of Manhattan Security.] April "Manhattan Security Service! Hmmn..." [April pushes open the door and peers inside.] Receptionist "Why, of course we can help... We offer protection to many scientfic firms throughout the city!" April "Huh?" Receptionist "Security team "C" report to reception!" [A group of Foot Soldiers march down the hallway.] Receptionist "I've got another scientific equipment company just waiting to be cleaned out!" |
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[April races out of the building.] April "Oh no! I've got to get to a phone!" [April reaches a payphone on a street corner.] April "Hello, Boss? I found the robbers! Send a crew to..." [She is grabbed by two Foot soldiers. One of the covers her mouth.] April "Mmph!" Boss "April? April?" Moments later... [The turtles find the payphone.] Raphael "I'm worried about April!" Leonardo "Look, it's her wallet! ...And here's her press pass!" Raphael "It's a trail! Let's go!" [Leonardo points to the top of a tall building.] Leonardo "Look, her purse!" Raphael "Whoa! Way to go hawkeye!" |
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[The turtles reach the roof through the inner stairs. They immediately spot April, who is kneeling on the ground, tied up and gagged.] Leonardo "April!" Raphael "Careful, Leo... It could be a trap!" [Foot soldiers come out of hiding to line up behind April.] Donatello "Yup, it's a trap!" [The turtles have removed their disguises and drawn their weapons.] Michaelangelo "Lose the coats, guys, it's go time!" [Donatello drives his bō into a Foot soldier's gut. Raphael goes to stab a Foot Soldier with his sai.] Clang! Raphael "Clang? Did you say clang?" [Leonardo slashes a soldier across the stomach and cuts it open.] Zak Swish Leonardo "They're robots!" Michaelangelo "Robots! Ya-hoo, let's rock, dudes!" |
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[Michaelangelo strikes a soldier with his nunchaku.] Thwok! [A Foot soldier points a device at Raphael and it lifts him off his feet. He grabs onto a roof pipe.] Raphael "Some kinda tractor beam! Man, where are they getting their gear-- Mars?" Hmmmmmmmmmmm Raphael "Ugh! Can't hold on much longer... Eat steel, creep!" [He throws a sai, which penetrates the soldier and it explodes.] [The turtles begin pushing on a brick wall.] Donatello "Let's take out some of these metal monkeys!" Leonardo "Push!" Raphael "Ungh!" Michaelangelo "Grrr!" [They push the brick wall over on top of a trio of Foot soldiers.] Crash! April "Mumph!" [The turtles run over to April.] Raphael "Hope we didn't keep you waiting long, April." [The turtles and a freed April stand on the roof's ledge looking down to the roof below. The Foot soldiers have jumped over to that building and have the rooftop exit open.] April "Oh no, they're getting away!" |
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[With a rope tied to handle of his katana, Leonardo tosses the sword down to the roof below.] Leonardo "Oh no they're not!" [April and the turtles slide down the rope.] Donatello "Let's go, gang!" Inside... [They enter a long corridor, but it's completely empty.] Donatello "Where is everybody?" [Donatello discovers a control station. All four monitors show an image of Shredder's face.] Donatello "Guys, look! This is an Acme Technologies digital transceiver! This is big league gear!" [Shredder sees Donatello's face close-up on his monitor as well.] Donatello "Hey, who's the guy with the metal face?" Shredder "They are turtles! They must not discover my Technodrome!" Loudspeaker "All Foot Bots return to the Technodrome at once!" Donatello "Technodrome? Where's that?" Raphael "You mean what's that!" April "We came from the roof, so it must be down!" |
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[Leonardo stands near a door marked "exit".] Leonardo "Here's the stairs-- Let's boogie!" Minutes later, many floors below... April "Pant, pant, wheeze.." Michaelangelo "You stay here, April-- We'll stop these Foot creeps!" [The turtles run into a room filled with pipes and see two Foot Bots at valves on either side of the room.] Michaelangelo "In here, guys! What are they doing with those..." Sploosh Michaelangelo "...Valves?" Suddenly there is a huge rash of water... [The room is flooded with water and the turtles wash out to the corridor where April has taken refuge atop a desk.] April "Gasp!" Raphael "Hold on, April!" [Raphael catches April and holds her above the water.] April "Thanks!" Raphael "The water's rising fast, we've got to get to the roof!" |
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[April and Leonardo ride the waves atop a desk, while Raphael clings to a filing cabinet and Donatello to a lamp. Michaelangelo surfs atop a water cooler.] Leonardo "Where are the Beach Boys when you need 'em?" Michaelangelo "Cowabunga!" Floor by floor, the building fills with water... [The group reaches the stairs to the roof.] Donatello "C'mon guys, make for the stairs!" [Leonardo holds the rope he shot onto the roof earlier.] Leonardo "The rope! It's our only chance!" [They all grab onto the rope and start climbing.] Michaelangelo "We've got to climb back the way we came!" [They clear the roof just as a geyser of water shoots through the roof, tossing broken glass and debris in all directions.] KA-SPLOOSH! Raphael "Whoa!" |
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[The turtles and April hang from the rope.] Leonardo "Ha! I'd say that the ninja crime wave is a wash-out!" Later... [April and the turtles are back in the lair. Laid out on the floor in front of Splinter is one of the Foot soldier outfits.] Leonardo "This is what the ninja robots wore!" Splinter "As I feared! It is the uniform of the Foot Clan! My old enemy Oroku Saki must be nearby!" Michaelangelo "Don't worry, Master Splinter-- If that metal-faced goon shows up, we'll get him.!" Leonardo "We turtles don't know the meaning of defeat!" Michaelangelo "Yeah! We never bothered to look it up! Yuk! Yuk!" April "Don't you guys take anything seriously?" [Cut to the turtles eating pizza and drinking Zolt Cola. They are all grinning.] April "I should have known!" End of Chapter One |
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Chapter Two The following morning... [April and the turtles run through the underground tunnels.] April "Finding the Technodrome is my only hope of getting a story out of this mess!" Leonardo "We'll find it, April. It should be just ahead!" [They reach an opening in the wall. Water drips from overhead.] Leonardo "Funny, we don't usually get much rain down here..." April "That's not rain...it's water from last night's flood! The Technodrome should be right..." [They step out into a large empty cavern. Tread marks on the ground indicate something large has moved from that spot.] April "Here?" Leonardo "It's gone! We've got to tell Splinter about this!" Turtle "What a story!" The Technodrome! [A large, round shaped vehicle moves through caverns underground.] Shredder "I don't believe it! My ninjas beaten by a bunch of turtles!" [Inside the Technodrome, Shredder is seated in a throne-like chair atop a podium.] Krang "Saki, this is Krang-- report to me at once!" Shredder "What now?" |
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[Shredder walks down a ramp into another room. At its center is Krang, seated upon a podium of his own and surrounded by machines and computers.] Shredder "Well, what is it?" Krang "Saki, my old friend..." Shredder "I told you to call me the Shredder!" Krang "Ha!" [He presses a button on his control panel.] Click Krang "I've given you vast technical knowledge. You have not filled your part of the bargain! You have not provided me with a body!" Shredder "None of us are safe with those turtles hounding us!" Krang "Then stop them! You are the one who tried to destroy Yoshi with that mutogen. But instead he gained the powers of the rats! What if he had been near a more powerful animal?" Shredder "Ha! That's it-- I'll mutate my own people. All I need are killer animals! That's quite a brain you've got, Krang!" Krang "Of course it is-- It's all I've got!" Meanwhile [April and the turtles have gone back to the lair to talk to Splinter.] April "I'll check the news room and see if there's any word on the Technodrome's whereabouts!" Splinter "Very well. Come, my sons." [He and the turtles head back out to the tunnels.] Splinter "Our adversary has quite a head start on us!" |
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Rumble Crack [The sidewalk in front of the warthog pen cracks, scaring off a man seated on a bench. Two robotic unicycles drill up through the ground, creating a large hole.] Whr Whrrrrr [One of the robots produces a laser and disintegrates part of the cages on both the warthog's pen and a pen containing a rhinoceros.] Zap! [The warthog and rhinoceros jump out of their pens.] Snort Grunt [The robots use lassos to capture the pair of animals.] Robot "Okay-buddy-you're-coming-with-us!" [Both animals struggle against the ropes around their necks, but the robots pull them towards the hold in the ground.] Snort Robot "Just-come-along-quietly-and-you-won't-get-hurt!" |
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Back in the sewer... Raphael "This rock looks freshly drilled!" [They encounter a mound of rocks and debris.] Donatello "Oh no, there must have been a cave in! We'll never get through that!" Splinter "Head upwards, my sons... Try to find a way around all this! I'll try to get through somehow! We rats can burrow through anything!" Inside the Technodrome... [Shredder enters the room occupied by his minions.] Shredder "I need volunteers! I will give you the strength of a dozen ordinary men." Rocksteady "Big hairy deal. We don't volunteer for nuthin'!" Shredder "But it will enable you to get even with the turtles who so recently humiliated you!" [The men all race each other to the door.] Rocksteady "I volunteer!" Bebop "No! Me!" Scrag "Me first!" |
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A short time later... [Rocksteady and Bebop are strapped down to lab tables. A technician wearing protective gear walked over with a large canister in his gloved hand.] Bebop "What're ya doin' to us, man?" Technician "Just relax." Suddenly the door opens... [The robots enter, dragging the warthog and rhinoceros behind them.] Rocksteady "What are the animals for?" Meanwhile... [Leonardo climbs to the top of a maintenance ladder.] Leonardo "Looks like the end of the line up ahead!" [Opening the manhole cover, the turtles find themselves coming up in a busy street. Cars and trucks zip past.] Raphael "I got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore, Uncle Toto!" [The turtles make a mad dash across the street.] Beep Honk Michaelangelo "Yikes, and I thought the sewers were bad... Ha!" |
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[The turtles happen upon the Channel 6 news building.] Turtle "Hey, look! That's where April works. Let's find her." [April storms through a corridor inside, fuming to herself.] April "Talking to my boss is like talking to a brick wall. I've got to get this story, or I might just get fired. All on account of those--" Turtle "Hey April!" April "--Turtles... Oh no!" [April addresses the turtles.] April "I'm on a story that could lead us to the Technodrome. Don't laugh, but some robots stole two animals from the zoo!" Michaelangelo "Sounds weird enough. Let's check it out!" Far below ground, Splinter finally breaks through! Splinter "At last!" [He follows the tracks and locates the Technodrome.] Splinter "The Technodrome! I must find a way inside it!" |
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Splinter approaches cautiously, when suddenly... [A door opens on the Technodrome and a robot lassos Splinter.] Robot "All-right-buddy-just-come-along-peacefully..." Splinter "Akk!" Robot "Don't-make-this-any-tougher-on-yourself!" [The robot lifts Splinter off the ground and he drops his walking stick.] Central Park Zoo... [The turtles enter the hole in the ground made by the robots.] Donatello "Wait for us here, April. If there was a cave in, we could dig our way out, but you couldn't! Don't worry, we know how to handle ourselves in..." [The turtles drop through the hole and on top of the Technodrome.] Michaelangelo "Sewers!" Leonardo "Yay!" Raphael "This is the Technodrome, I presume?!" [Raphael finds the walking stick.] Raphael "Oh no! Splinter's walking stick! Hope he's not in trouble!" Shredder "But he is!" |
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[Shredder's voice is coming from a loudspeaker.] Shredder "If you want to see him again, you'll have to come in!" Leonardo "It's got to be a trap.. But we have no choice!" [Shredder watches the turtles on a monitor as they enter the Technodrome.] Shredder "Now we'll see how good you turtles really are!" [The turtles have drawn their weapons.] Leonardo "Be careful, guys-- Who knows what might be in here..." [They are startled as they step into a room.] Leonardo "Ulp! Team, we are in deep trouble!" [The room is filled with giant robots of all shapes and sizes.] Michaelangelo "Robots!" To Be Continued... |