In Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Heather is a Yōkai who lives in the Hidden City.
Physical appearance[]
Heather is bird Yōkai with straight pink hair styled in two high pigtails with bangs, cornflower blue feathers, green sclerae, a yellow beak, yellow legs, three toes on each foot, three eyes and a thin figure. She wears a knee-length green dress with a red collar, a red belt, and two green hair ties.
Heather appears to be nice, but she plays rough with her toys.
Heather debuted in "Hidden City's Most Wanted". After Splinter told the Hidden City Police officer (Heather's father) that he could have the teddy bear, who was actually Baron Draxum cloaked by a cloaking brooch, the police officer arrived home and Heather was gifted the toy. After playing rough with the teddy bear, she eventually fell asleep. Later, while Draxum and Splinter were discovered trying to escape Heather's bedroom using Leonardo's mystic ōdachi, Heather was awoken by the commotion.
- Heather (Rise of the TMNT)/Gallery