In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Amazing Adventures by IDW Publishing, Gotham City district attorney Harvey Dent lived with a suppressed anger that manifested itself as a budding second personality. After having his left half scarred by an explosion in a chemical plant, he began his career as Two-Face, a criminal whose every action is determined by the flip of a coin.
The Face of Two Worlds[]
Batman tracks the escaped Harvey Dent, aka Two-Face, to an abandoned house. Two-Face is waiting, and Batman asks how he escaped from Arkham Asylum. Being enigmatic, Two-Face draws a triangle in the dust on a TV screen and says that he’s been home – a different one, a second home. Batman returns Two-Face to the Asylum and while he is being processed back in, visits the cell he escaped from. On the wall is a large pink triangle, from which Batman scrapes a sample.
Through the Looking Glass[]
Prior to the escape from Arkham Asylum, The Mad Hatter attaches receptor beacons to a select few of his fellow inmates. He finds Two-Face in the common room and manages to place one of the devices on his back.