
Harry Hopscotch III is a character appearing in the TMHT Adventures comics by Fleetway Publications.


Out of money and looking to make some fast cash, Krang tells the story of the Hawaiian king, Okabakakiki. The king had a solid gold, jewel-encrusted mask commissioned to honor him. The mask has been loaned by the Museum of Hawaii to the yogurt millionaire, Harry Hopscotch III. Krang sends Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady out to steal the mask.

Arriving at the Hopscotch estate, Shredder uses knock-out gas grenades to incapacitate the guards and their dogs. He then blows open the door to the mansion with a mangler missile. Before they can enter, Harry Hopscotch the third appears in the doorway wearing the mask and carrying a spear. The mutants think he's the ghost of Okabakakiki himself, but Shredder realizes it's the millionaire. Hopscotch shouts at him to keep away and throws the spear at Shredder, who ducks and then punches the man, knocking him out.

Passing nearby, the Turtles hear the alarm and see Shredder and the two mutants fleeing the estate grounds. After a battle with the evil doers, the Turtles retrieve the mask. Soon, back at the Hopscotch estate, police have arrived and are taking a statement from Hopscotch. He tries telling them that the robbers were a man in a metal mask and a rhino and a warthog. The police officer he's speaking to thinks he's gone crackers. Just as Hopscotch begins to argue the point, the mask comes flying over the fence and he catches it. Hopscotch is delighted to have the mask returned and the police run out through the gates to catch whoever threw the mask. They are too late, as the Turtles have escaped underground through a nearby manhole.

