Hamato Splinter is the adoptive father and ninjutsu sensei of Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo.
Physical appearance[]
Hamato Splinter is a mutant rat with white bushy eyebrows, black whiskers on his muzzle, a pink nose and tail, a nick in each ear, dark brown eyes, short grey fur, and a thin figure. He has four fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot and white claws. He wears a torn red-orange kimono with dark brown trim.
Splinter is a composed and loving father, raising the Turtles as his own sons but not hesitating to scold them when necessary. Despite having spent his life initially as a normal rat, and then living underground as a mutant, he is very wise and insightful. Regularly, Splinter has prove himself able to anticipate how his sons will react and likewise able to read the flow of battle to properly counter his opponent. At the same time, experienced as he is, Splinter has great difficulty using mechanical equipment, being unsure of how to answer a Shell Cell or control the Battle Shell remotely.
Splinter does his best to look out for them and would gladly give his life to protect them. In an alternate future where the Shredder takes over the world, that is exactly what he did. This overprotective streak made him reluctant to allow them to enter the Battle Nexus competition; in fact he never even told his sons about it and they only found out because they followed him. However, Splinter also shows great faith in his sons, believing them to be fully capable ninja and even showing enough confidence in their abilities to allow them to face the deadly Shredder on multiple occasions, although during the majority of their encounters, he is there to support and protect them in any way that he can.
Splinter has a vengeful streak as shown by his determination to avenge Hamato Yoshi's murder. He speaks very highly of Yoshi, even thinking of him as a father figure despite the species differences and the fact that Splinter wasn't fully sapient until after Yoshi's death. He is one of the very few characters who challenges the Ninja Tribunal, whom he partially blames for Yoshi's death. Indeed Splinter shows blatant contempt for the Tribunal, believing them to be heartless and no better than the demon Shredder. However, after the demon Shredder is destroyed, the Tribunal explained that if Yoshi never died, he would never have existed and neither would the Turtles.
Splinter is a very honorable person and is therefore disgusted by dishonor and cowardice. He is capable of fighting on par with the Shredder and also shows a great deal of cunning and resourcefulness in combat, such as when he tricked the Shredder into bringing a water tower down on himself. Despite his age, Splinter also shows amazing speed, strength and skill in combat. His simple walking stick is his signature weapon as he believes that in the hands of a true ninjutsu master, any weapon could be deadly.
Splinter started his life as an ordinary rat in Japan who found his way into a home owned by the Ancient One. When he was discovered, his life was spared by Tang Shen, the Ancient One's adopted daughter, who took him as a pet. As in previous versions, Shen became tragically caught up between Yoshi and a jealous rival, this time Yukio Mashimi, Yoshi's adopted brother. The two of them eventually joined the Utroms and became Guardians. But Mashimi's jealousy of Yoshi, both for his advancement as a Guardian, and the love of Shen, led him to murder Shen and betray the Utroms' location to the Shredder. Yoshi killed Mashimi in revenge and went to the United States of America with the Utroms, taking Shen's pet with him, and giving him the name "Splinter". Whilst in New York, Splinter lived peacefully with Yoshi and learn ninjutsu by mimicking Yoshi as he trained.
Later, Yoshi would be tracked down and killed by the Shredder, who tried to force him to reveal the Utroms' location. In this continuity, it was Hun that Splinter scratched as Yoshi was attacked, and not Shredder.
Soon after, Splinter witnessed an almost fatal accident where an old blind man was nearly run over but a young man saved him. However in the process, he bumped into a boy carrying a tank holding four turtle hatchlings who fell into the sewer. Meanwhile, the truck that nearly hit the man swerved and a canister holding green ooze fell out. The canister smashed open and it’s contents covered the turtles.
Going down the sewers, Splinter found the turtles all covered in mutagen created by the Utroms. Feeling pity for them, he gathered them up while getting covered in the ooze himself. He took them to his nest. The next day, he woke to find the turtles had doubled in size and realize that the ooze affected them and it also changed him as well. The turtles followed Splinter everywhere except to the surface. Eventually, he decided to raise them as his own and then proceeded to train them in the way of ninjutsu. From a battered book on Renaissance art that he fished out of the storm drain, Splinter chose names for each of the turtles.
During the turtles infancy, he gathered Yoshi's remains and took the turtles to Japan to bury them near the home of the Ancient One. The Ancient One was shocked by his new state and inquired on Yoshi. Splinter informed him about Yoshi's fate, blaming the Tribunal for refusing to help. The turtles claim to have seen a Bone Demon, but Splinter and the Ancient One were unable to see him. The next day, the babies try to convince Splinter that they see the demon and although he still couldn't him, he sensed his presence. They followed the Ancient One to the Tribunal Monastery and then followed the demon to the artifacts. The demon, enraged by their meddling, grabs the elders to kill them both. The turtles overcame their fear and broke the amulet that rendered him invisible, allowing the masters to defeat him. The Tribunal thanks them and senses how special the turtles are, but erases their memories of their trip, though they allowed Splinter to remember. Afterwards, they opened a portal back to his burrow and gave them their new masks before they all went home.
Splinter repeatedly warned the Turtles to never go to the surface for any reason. They disobeyed him in "The Lesson" and were secretly teaching a young boy to deal with bullies while trying to hide that fact. Splinter noticed how guilty they looked while trying to hide their secret, but ignores it. One night he caught them topside and scolds them for teaching when they were not ready to and punished them for disobeying him.
Seasons 1-4[]
Splinter continued to train the Turtles in every way possible in preparation for an evil the four did not fully understand until "The Shredder Strikes Part 1" in which the TMNT learned of the Shredder's evil and hatred and how he killed Splinter's master, Yoshi. He kept the Turtles in the dark about his feud against the Shredder and his Foot Clan to avoid imparting them with the hatred toward his nemesis, though his sons' involvement in their feud proved inevitable due to their recurring encounters with Shredder's minions culminating to Shredder himself, as Oroku Saki, attempting to sway Leonardo to his side. The Turtles then continued to fight the Shredder to stop the spread of evil across New York and the world. Such conflict also led to their fateful encounter with Guardians and their Utrom masters in which Splinter learned more about Yoshi's history as a Guardian hence why Shredder killed him all those years ago. They also learned that the same Shredder was in fact, a destructive and megalomaniacal Utrom criminal who responsible for crashing the Utroms' ship long ago.
Ninja Tribunal[]
Splinter appears most of the time alongside the Ancient One expressing his deepest concern for the safety of his sons and for the harsh teaching methods of the Ninja Tribunal when they enlisted them to fight Tengu Shredder. He has nightmares of his sons dying in battle and was grief-stricken when it appeared to come true. To his relief, his sons were merely knocked out and defeated the Tengu Shredder.
It's revealed that Splinter is fully aware that Ch'rell aka. Utrom Shredder actually claimed the Shredder mantle from Tengu Shredder rather than coming up with his human disguise from scratch as much as Ninja Tribunal themselves. Ninja Tribunal's ultimatum of not helping Hamato Yoshi and the Guardians in dealing Utrom Shredder's threat left Splinter embittered because he knew Yoshi's death could be avoided. As it turned out, their decision not to come to Yoshi's assistance was because they foresaw his death to be crucial in shaping what Splinter and the Turtles are in the present day. After saving Karai from Tengu Shredder, Splinter discovered that anyone who took the mantle of the Shredder for themselves would form a mystical link between them and their demonic predecessor, something which explained how Ch'rell's human disguise was identical to Oroku Saki's human self all along as much as making him more dangerous. While the same link apparently corrupted Karai, it also allows her to sap Tengu Shredder of his strength thus making it easy for the Turtles and their allies (Hamato Yoshi's spirit included) to defeat him in the end — the very advantage Ninja Tribunal lacked during their own fight against Tengu Shredder long ago.
Fast Forward[]
Splinter has been seen in the Fast Forward season continuously teaching his sons' and Cody Jones the ancient ways of Ninjutsu and despite how old fashioned he's shown to be in previous seasons, he too adjusted to living in the year 2105 fighting off any evil that came his way alongside his sons and Cody.
Back to the Sewer[]

Splinter did not make much of a physical appearance in Back to the Sewer, however he did appear as small data fragments scattered across Cyberspace thanks to Viral and the only times he was every physically shown was during the first episode of BTTS called Tempus Fugit when he was first scattered into nearly a hundred-thousand data pieces and the last episode called "Wedding Bells and Bytes" when he was returned to the real world and attended April and Casey's wedding ceremony which was abruptly interrupted by the appearance of "Cyber Shredder".
Though he did appear in a few flashbacks. Splinter is shown to love his sons very much.
Splinter's design was also revamped to make him look more like his design in TMNT where he now sports a Japanese goatee.
My origins have been clouded in mystery... some say that I was once a man, known as Hamato Yoshi. Another tale states that I was once merely a humble pet rat of a man named Hamato Yoshi. For the record allow me to state that both are true... and yet, neither is true. Such is the way of Ninjutsu.
I am Ninja, and have been called Master. I have yet to master my skill, however, and I must continue my practice. Ninjutsu is a lethal combination of physical and metaphysical prowess, and it is not mastered easily. Those who claim to master Ninjutsu are many, those who actually do are few... very few, indeed. Ninjutsu is the way of the shadow warrior, and it brings much darkness into the lives of those who practice its art. Some must walk the path of shadows to shelter those who transverse the light. It is balance we seek. My days as a warrior are reaching their sunset. I spend much time in meditation now, seeking a new path. Life cycles always anew, and we must strive to harness its whirlwind. In this we find peace and contentment. In contentment, we are rich.
I know not what the future holds for my sons and I, but I savor each new day and eagerly await the next. Time passes all too quickly for these old bones, but I welcome its passing as the thirsty oak beckons the oncoming storm.
I bid you peace and contentment upon your journey through this veil. I believe in your ability to harness the whirlwind. Practice with diligence, and you shall.
Even before his mutation, Splinter showed a remarkable level of intelligence for a rat, being able to mimic Yoshi's movements and instinctually understand the various skills and principles of ninjutsu. From this, following his mutation, Splinter became able to apply this knowledge and skills on a similar level to Yoshi himself. Even in old age, Splinter has distinguished himself as one of the greatest warriors in the multiverse, having once won the Battle Nexus Tournament. Likewise, Splinter is an equally accomplished teacher, having trained his adopted sons extensively to be formidable themselves. Likewise, his methods appear to provide fast results, as within months, he trained April to become very capable herself.
In addition to his exceptional skill in physical combat, Splinter is by no means lacking in other aspects of ninjutsu. He was able to penetrate the illusion created by the Foot Mystics and he and his sons defeated them by using meditation. Splinter's keen sense of observation is assisted by his strong sense of smell. Even when his opponents are invisible, he can still pick up their scent and get at least a vague idea of where they are.
- Splinter: "We have never revealed ourselves to the other world. You have placed us all in great danger."
- Splinter: "As you grow older, you will learn there are many ways to do the right thing. But there is no going back. I'm afraid we find ourselves at your mercy."
- Splinter: "Where there is life. There is hope."
- Splinter: "Do not lead with your shoulders, Donatello."
- Splinter: "Hmm, we will call this place... "Home."
- Splinter: "Yes, but remember, one must also make time to explore the landscape within."
- Splinter "Ah, my son. So angry. Rage is a monster that will destroy you from within. Raphael, a true warrior finds balance in all things."
- Splinter: "It is dangerous for you to go about openly in the world above. You cannot simply walk amongst the humans. They will not accept who and what you are. It is as the great sage and warrior Kenji Hashimura once said, "Why walk when you can ride?"
- Splinter: "My sons, If you are to become true ninja you must work harder. Your path in life will not be an easy one. The outside world will not be a friendly place for you. You four are different in ways the surface dwellers would never understand. To survive, you must master these skills I teach you. Ninjutsu powers of stealth and secrecy. You must become kage; shadow warriors. And you must never be discovered by the outside world."
- Splinter: "Pain is a blinding force Leonardo physical and emotional.
- Splinter: "Rage is a monster that will destroy you from within Raphael."
- Splinter: "Look with your heart Michelangelo and not your eyes."
- Splinter: "Remember, to be a true ninja you must become one with the shadows. Darkness gives the ninja power, while light reveals the ninja's presence."
- Splinter: "He serves no great purpose. He fights no great evil. He is great evil."
- Splinter: "There is nothing more restful for a ninja then regular training."
- Splinter: "Our bodies need rest to heal... And that includes your mouths."
- Splinter: "Remember my sons even the mighty oak bends before the raging storm winds.
- Splinter: "Life moves as the wheel of destiny turn night to day."
- Splinter: "A creative mind must be balanced by a disciplined body.
- Splinter: "Only be focusing on our inner strength can we overcome our enemy."
- Splinter: "Sometimes is best to sit still and answers will come."
- Splinter: "In the hands of true ninjutsu master anything can be a weapon."
- Splinter: "A weapon is only as good as the arm that wields it."
- Splinter: "How many times did a told you not to sneak out to the surface?"
- Splinter: "It is not the student place to say when a lesson is learned. The sudden place is to listen and learn."
- Splinter: "Old wounds are slow to heal."
- Splinter: "We Must learn stillness and alertness for they are the only defense against the unexpected."
- Splinter: "A ninja's greatest strength is patience."
- Splinter: "The more one learns the less one knows."
- Splinter: "You strike a wounded warrior. You have no honor."
- Splinter: "These who become obsessed are often their worst enemy."
- Splinter: "Let your mind become pool of stillness. Break the surface explore the deeps for that is where the true wonders lies.
- Splinter: "A wise ninja does not seek out an enemy who he does not fully understand."
- Splinter: "The two greatest weapons at the ninja disposal are placement and surprise."
- Splinter: "Sometimes the past is a mirror in which we can see the reflection of what danger the future holds."
- Splinter: "Donatello, your Battle Shell is a marvel of engineering. A true testament to your incredible mechanical skills. And I never want to see it in our home again."
- Splinter: "I hate to put either one of you at risk, but only a fool ignores fate and the strange gifts it offers"
- Splinter: "Miss O'Neil, teaching them the ancient art of ninjutsu was hard enough. I'm afraid even I cannot work miracles."
- Splinter: "For being so foolish, You should never have tried to face the Shredder alone. He is too powerful."
- Splinter: "Master Yoshi kept his honor to the end. A true warrior, and a true Guardian."
- Splinter: "The boy must find his own path, as you must find yours. Now come, we are going home."
- Splinter: "I never joke. Well, rarely."
- Splinter's favorite colors are purple and yellow.
- Splinter's favorite kinds of music are traditional Japanese music and Reggae.
- One of Splinter's hobbies is reading and his favorite book is Ruth Benedict's The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture. He uses it to educate the Turtles about their Japanese heritage.
- Splinter's favorite foods are fresh vegetables, soups, tea, and cheese.