
The Green Dogū is a legendary Japanese mystic relic which appears in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Black, White & Green anthology series. It is a small statue, a dark green in color until its powers are activated, then is glows with a whitish-green light.


The Ninja Turtles and April O'Neil, encouraged by Splinter, set out to investigate why so many local businesses and apartment complexes have been taken over by expensive chain establishments. They soon learn that a crooked businessman is using a small green statue which has the power to hypnotize people, to cheaply buy businesses. After taking the statue away from the crook, Leonardo calls Splinter and sends him a picture of the statue. Splinter is quick to identify it as a Green Dogū, a mystic relic that can place any person under the will of the person carrying it. Before the Turtles and April can leave to take to statue to Splinter, Shredder and the Foot Clan arrive, with the intention of taking the Green Dogū by force. During the fight that ensues, the little statue gets tossed around and ends up landing right in April's hands. Quick to take advantage, she uses the statue's power to freeze the Foot Clan and then order them to dance their way to the nearest police station, which they do. Back at the lair, Splinter takes the Green Dogū so that it can be locked away where it can cause no more mischief.
