Green-Grey Sponge-Suit Sushi Turtles! is an authorized parody of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990 film), created by Mark Martin and published by Mirage Studios.
Appearing in Green-Grey Sponge-Suit Sushi Turtles![]
Major Characters[]
- April Mayjune (debut)
- Dan-Dan Pennyworth/Dan-Dan-Dan Pennyworth (debut)
- Kootie Jones (debut)
- Match-Stik (debut)
- Charles Pennyworth (debut)
- Oroku Soggy/The Shooter (debut)
- Pierrier (debut)
- Shih Tzu (debut)
- Toyoduh (debut)
- Velveeduh (debut)
- Viceroy (debut)
Minor Characters[]
- Home-Bo (debut) (death)
- Oroku Noogy (debut) (flashback only) (death)
- Sushi (debut) (flashback only) (death)
- Tang Jar (debut) (flashback only) (death)
Open on April Mayjune delivering a televised Actionnews special report. Her news is that the city’s latest infestation is of rockers, punkers and spelunkers all sporting the look and manners of that Batguy. The image of Batguy appears onscreen, then shifts to a video of his thugs terrorizing a panhandler. April reports that no one knows what it’s all about, and then she signs off. As she leaves the building, she bids goodnight to Mr. Potato Head, who is mopping the floor, and then to Dan-Dan Pennyworth, who is the spoiled son of her boss, Charles Pennyworth.
Shadowy figures are hiding in the bushes as April walks towards her van carrying an armload of Bat-Clips. One of the Batguy lookalike thugs leaps out and accosts her, demanding she hand over the Bat-Clips. When she tells him she shouldn’t, he throws himself on the ground and begins having a tantrum.
A nearby sewer cover begins to move and then four mutant Turtles leap into the open. They demand that the Batguy thugs leave April alone. The thugs recognize them as the jive-ass sell-out Sushi Turtles. This enrages Pierrier, who shouts at them to make war, not love.
Soon the Turtles and April are in a pile on the sewer floor. Pierrier wants to know what happened, and Toyoduh answers that they got their butt kicked. Pierrier then asks whose idea was it to cut the all-important first fight scene from the comic book, but Toyoduh argues that it shouldn’t be shown because they lost. Pierrier doesn’t see the point because their fans want action. Then Toyoduh says he agrees, so why are they arguing? Pierrier says he’s sick of the argument and announces that he’s going to stomp off and brood, as that is his distinguishing characteristic. He proceeds to leave.
Meanwhile, Dan-Dan is throwing temper tantrum in his father’s office. He wants to buy a mint set of Batguy trading cards and threatens to run away to join the Bat Clan. At first, his father says that though he and his mother love him very much the book says they must use tough love and not give in. He tries to find that page in his parenting book, but when he can’t, he gives in and offers Dan-Dan a thousand dollars so he can buy whatever he wants. However, Dan-Dan bursts into tears and runs off, claiming his father doesn’t tough love him. He wails that he is young and confused.
After Pierrier leaves them, the other Turtles take April back to their lair, calling it their secret underground pad. When April sees Match-Stik, she screams and leaps on a chair. Velveeduh asks if she doesn’t know who they are, and he tells her they are the Green-Grey Sponge-Suit Sushi Turtles.
They proceed to introduce themselves. Match-Stik is the spiritual guru of the group. Velveeduh is the unofficial leader and Master of the Pocket Fisher-Dude. Toyoduh is the group’s egghead and Master of the Dude-L-Loom. Viceroy is the cocky wiseacre and Master of the Clapster. They tell April that the whiny-butt who ran off to pout was Pierrier, whiny-butt of the group and Master of the Master Microphone.
While April Mayjune is in the Turtle lair learning about the Sushi Turtles, Pierrier goes to Cinema City to see a movie, but all four screens are showing “Batguy”. Jumping on top of a soap box, he uses his Master Microphone to tell the crowd that Batguy’s a noodle-head. The crowd grows angry and someone throws a monkey wrench, which hits him right in his open mouth.
He starts fighting with the crowd and suddenly there is a new arrival who says it looks like he needs some help. The guy, wearing a large, two-toned mask, introduces himself as Kootie Jones. He uses kooties to begin bashing the Batguy fans. Pierrier asks him what has happened to the younger generation because the bat-kooks used to be their fans. Kootie explains that the older kids consider them too cuddly now and they want blood and guts. Pierrier tries to convince him that it all goes with the territory when you’re famous, but Kootie doesn’t buy it. He says the rockers want to see the old Turtles; they want comix noir.
Pierrier pulls out a black and white comic book and tells Kootie they still have a rough edge. He shows a page of the comic, which is a human guy wearing a turtle shell who goes to attack a thief with the traditional Turtles’ weapons. Kootie says that the writer/artist “Martin” sucks and the guest artist baloney is… baloney. That makes Pierrier mad and he accuses Kootie of not liking him or his pals. Kootie attacks Pierrier and they start fighting.
- During the retelling of the Sushi Turtle origin story, one of the panels is a nod to The Little Shop of Horrors.