
This is a transcript for Graduation Day: Class of 2105, the fifteenth episode of season 6 of TMNT (2003 series).

The episode begins with a closeup of a glass of water. In the background is Master Splinter, seated in a chair facing the glass. In the doorway of the room are Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello.
Raphael It’s only twenty yards away. How hard could it be to bring the glass to Master Splinter without a drop hitting the floor? I’m just gonna get it.
He starts to move forward, but a stone pillar suddenly slams down from the ceiling in front of him. Raphael falls back avoiding it and the glass nearly tips over.
Donatello Nice try.
Leonardo gives Raphael a hand up.
Leonardo Master Splinter said we need to be invisible, indestructible and show insight.
The stone pillar lifts back into the ceiling.
Raphael I guess I was a little too visible.
Donatello So let’s not be. Raph, go to that corner, quietly, and stay in the shadows.
Raphael Got it.
He leaps away to his corner.
Donatello Leo, you go to that corner.
Leonardo I’ll assume that’s not your whole plan.
Leonardo moves off to his corner. Splinter glances from one to the other.
Donatello Draw the defenses – now!
Leonardo What?
Raphael Bonsai!
He races forward and leaps over the stone pillar that shoots out of the wall. He dodges another and keeps moving.
Leonardo Okay, I get it now.
He moves as well, dodging the stones that shoot out at him. Donatello watches his brothers as they spin and jump.
Donatello When an adversary is distracted, chances are he won’t see you.
He twirls his and then throws it up at the ceiling, where two stone slabs instantly slam into it. Donatello jumps and grabs the end of the bō, swinging from it to propel himself forward and pulling the staff free at the same time. He lands in front of the glass of water and grabs it. Holding it up, he takes a few steps back.
Donatello I’m good.
Raphael Donny’s got the glass.
Leonardo But he doesn’t have it to Splinter yet.
Splinter presses a button on the arm of the chair and the floor drops out from under Donatello. He turns his bō and catches the rim of the opening, still holding on to the glass with his other hand. The slab above him starts to move.
Raphael It’s coming down!
Donatello closes his eyes as the slab drops towards him. When nothing happens, he opens his eyes.
Donatello Huh?
His brothers are standing over him, both holding the slab up on their shells. They are straining under the weight.
Leonardo The glass!
Donatello Right.
He swings his legs up and jumps out of the hole, but as he runs towards Splinter, another slab comes up and trips him. Donatello falls and drops the glass, which overturns in mid-air, spilling out all of the water.
Donatello No!
He leaps and slides on his shell until he’s under the water, which he catches in his mouth. He then catches the glass before it hits the floor. The stone slab rises off of his brothers, who falls to their knees. Donatello stands up and walks over to Splinter.
Donatello I bring you your glass, Master. [He burps.] Without a drop of it hitting the floor.
Splinter Well done, Donatello, but what insight have you gained?
Donatello Truth is in the details. You said bring you the glass, not what was in it.
Leonardo Ugh. [He rubs his neck.] Learning sure is fun.
Splinter Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael. [The hologram fades to show that they are in the holographic simulation room.] My sons, you have shown mastery of invisibility, indestructibility and insight; the three pillars of the ninja rank of Chunin. Only the most dedicated and talented of ninja advance to this next level of training. I am extremely proud to grant this honor and all of its privileges.
Michelangelo Hold up, hold up! Sorry, dudes, that last level of Helix 2.0 was gnarly. Lost track of time. What did I miss?
The turtles all look at Splinter.
Splinter You have lost track of a great deal more than just time, Michelangelo. When your brothers enjoy their hard-earned graduation tomorrow night, you will not be participating.

{Opening sequence; title song}

Still inside the simulation room, Splinter explains his decision.
Splinter Michelangelo has been spending more time playing vid games than he has working on honing his ninjutsu skills.
Michelangelo Well, sometimes.
Splinter Last month you missed all your strength building sessions.
Michelangelo Oh, yeah, that’s when I was working through level twenty-nine. I scored all the coins and maintained perfect health. [Raphael baps him on the back of the head.] Ow!
Raphael So he missed a few sessions.
Leonardo He’s still got the skills, right, Mikey?
Michelangelo Observe.
He pulls his nunchaku and spins them while going through several moves. Raphael gives him a thumbs up and then he and Leonardo point at Michelangelo while looking over at Splinter. Donatello chuckles nervously. Then Michelangelo kicks and hits one of the spinning nunchucks and both weapons fly off in opposite directions while the turtle hops around holding his injured foot. One of the nunchucks lands on his head and knocks him down.
Michelangelo Ow.
Splinter Michelangelo, your weapons are an extension of yourself. Laziness and frivolous distractions have taken you from the true path.
Raphael and Donatello help Michelangelo to his feet.
Michelangelo Frivolous? I’m serious about my distractions. [Raphael leans over and growls at him. Michelangelo cringes away, but it’s Donatello who smacks him on the head.] Ow.
Raphael Master, can we cut Mikey some slack?
Leonardo Think of all his hard work when he… uh, um. Give me a minute.
Donatello Master, moving up to Chunin without Mikey just wouldn’t seem right.
Splinter Indeed. We shall see. We shall see.
Alone in the living room of Cody’s penthouse, Michelangelo has his nunchucks in his hands.
Michelangelo I’ll show Master Splinter. I’m gonna work triple hard. [He starts spinning his nunchucks, but then glances over at the paused vid game nearby.] You’re the problem. Off you… [He reaches for the machine’s switch, but then pulls his hand back.] Well, I guess I’d better save the game. [He presses a button and a screen pops up showing a boss creature and “X6”.] Hey, only six bosses to the next level. Then I can save it and be in great shape when I’m done training.
He dons the game gear and climbs into the harness. The game begins. He shoots monsters in the game, chortling and shouting. Then “Later” – he’s still in the game and talking to the monsters.
Michelangelo Wow, you’re ugly. Take that! Ha, ha, ha!
Even Later
Michelangelo Huh? What’s that? [A monster approaches and he zaps it.] Ha! How you like that?
Much Later! Michelangelo is sound asleep in the harness as the game continues playing around him. He starts to dream. He is strapped into the harness and dangling between two boulders.
Michelangelo What.. what’s… what’s happening? [A boss stalks towards him, but Michelangelo can’t get free of the ropes that are wrapped around his body and arms.] How can I beat this level if I can’t move?
He screams as the boss clambers over one of the boulders and comes towards him.
Donatello Step aside, ugly.
Donatello easily defeats another boss. Then Leonardo swings atop the boulder and takes out that boss. As it falls towards the ground, Raphael punches it and it explodes into fireworks. Overhead the words “They Win!!!” appears along with the sparkles.
Raphael Yeah!
He, Leonardo, and Donatello bump fists and then look at Michelangelo, who is still trapped.
Michelangelo No way. [He shouts as he begins crumbling. The dream ends as he falls out of the harness.] Ugh! Whoa, no more pepperoni before bedtime. Huh? [He looks up to see Master Splinter standing over him.] Master? Or is this dream number two? [Splinter baps him on the head with his walking stick.] Ow!
Splinter I am very real, Michelangelo. I have come at the behest of your brothers to give you a final chance to join them as Chunin.
Michelangelo bows and grovels.
Michelangelo Oh, thank you, Master. I have so learned my lesson. So, what do I do?
Splinter You will perform a training task so difficult that it will require every ounce of skill and focus that you have mastered thus far.
Michelangelo Ready, willing, and incredibly able. I’m there.
Splinter Hand me your nunchakus.
Michelangelo Sure, they’re… [He reaches for them only to find they aren’t on his sides.] They’re gone! They gotta be here! [He searches the living room.] I never go anywhere without Chuck and Chuck Two the Sequel. [He pulls off the couch cushions.] Boys, it’s not nice to play hide and seek on Daddy. Boys! I can’t believe this. Who would take my ‘chucks?
Splinter I took your nunchakus, Michelangelo. When you fell asleep playing your game.
Michelangelo Ha! Phew. Well, you sure showed me, Master Splinter. Lesson learned. Now can I please have them back?
Splinter No! [Michelangelo cringes.] I separated one of your nunchakus into three pieces; two sticks and the cable. Your brothers have hidden them in the city at my instruction. To retrieve each piece and restore your weapon, you must embody the three pillars – [Scene shift to Leonardo, seated cross-legged before one of the sticks.] invisibility of body, [Shift to the other stick, on a platform in a hockey rink, with Raphael and Cody nearby.] indestructibility of spirit, [Shift to Donatello holding the cable.] insight of mind. Only then will you prove yourself worthy of graduation to the rank of Chunin. [He holds up a holodevice that displays a city map.] Use this map to stay on the true path.
Michelangelo Map, right. I’m all over the path, Master Splinter. I, uh… [Splinter sighs and turns the map over and Michelangelo takes it.] Even better.
Using the map, Michelangelo walks through the city.
Michelangelo Great, all I gotta do is get past all three of my brothers before dinner. How hard could that be? [He leaps a fence and enters a junkyard.] Hello! Bro’s! Little lost ninja here. Hold on. [He spots a round hatch in the ground and clears the junk away from it.] Maybe more than meets the eye.
He opens the hatch and peers inside. What he sees is a large square room and Leonardo, squatting on the floor. Multiple searchlights have been placed in positions around the room, and they sweep back and forth.
Michelangelo Whoa, tough room to be invisible in. [He spots his stick displayed on a stand which is directly in front of Leonardo. Michelangelo pulls the hatch door shut and sits back on his heels.] But, if I swing down and snatch the ‘chuck piece before bro’ Leo sees me that’s gotta be as good as being invisible.
He grabs a nearby cable and pulls individual wires from it. The hatch opens again and Michelangelo lowers the tied-together wire rope through the opening. He then starts climbing down the rope.
Michelangelo Quietly, quietly, quiet… [He lowers a foot, but it touches a security grid and alarms begin to blare.] Uh!
Michelangelo quickly climbs up and pulls the hatch closed. Leonardo stands and shuts off the alarms as he looks up.
Leonardo Mikey?
Laying on his back on the ground, Michelangelo groans.
Michelangelo Aw! He’s got it totally rigged. Although, Splinter always says “turn your opponent’s strengths against him”. [He looks around and then spots something shiny in a pile a junk. He runs over to it.] I’m on it! Upon further reflection, [He picks up a shiny round metal hubcap.] I just need a little more time to polish my act.
Leonardo is on guard and on his feet as the hatch opens again.
Leonardo If that’s Mikey, he’s not off to a very invisible start. [Michelangelo lowers the hubcap into the room and then turns it so that the searchlights are reflected back into Leonardo’s eyes.] Aah!
Michelangelo Sorry, Leo. [He ties a cable around his waist and dives through the opening. Going down headfirst, he grabs the nunchuck stick.] Gotcha! [The cable snaps back up and Michelangelo unties himself, flips over in mid-air, and lands behind his brother.] Stealing your opponent’s sight equals invisibility.
Leonardo Nice move, bro’, but it gets harder as you advance.
Michelangelo Master Splinter set it up, if you said it gets easier, then I’d be nervous.
Cut to New Madison Square Garden. Michelangelo is in the hockey rink facing Raphael and Cody, who are standing next to the second nunchuck stick.
Michelangelo So, all I gotta do is skate out there and grab the ‘chuck piece?
Raphael Kind of.
Michelangelo straps on a pair of skates.
Michelangelo Why do I gotta be indestructible to do that?
He stands up with a hockey stick. Raphael chuckles.
Raphael Remember all those gags you pulled on me? Drawing on my face when I’m sleeping, hot sauce in my cereal…
Michelangelo Smoke bombs in the toilet. Ha, ha, ha! Yeah, I’m the best.
Raphael Well, today it’s payback time. Cody.
Cody takes a remote from behind his back and presses a button. A huge robot hockey player, bearing the number “24” leaps onto the ice and slides up in front of Michelangelo, who screams. Then another robot hockey player, wearing number “26” enters the rink. Both assume defensive positions between Michelangelo and the nunchuck stick.
Michelangelo So, uh, who are these guys?
Cody Jones O’Neil Tech’s robot hockey team has the week off.
Raphael Master Splinter knew you wouldn’t want it to be too easy.
He leaves the ice and leaps into the broadcast booth.
Cody Oh, and check this out. [He presses another button.] Human emotion chips.
26 You are about to get schooled.
24 In pain.
Michelangelo Great. They’re twenty feet tall and they’re gonna trash talk me?
Cody has joined Raphael in the broadcast booth. Both put on microphone headsets. The overhead scoreboard shows pictures of Michelangelo and the robots side-by-side, with the point counters beneath each set to “00”. Raphael’s image appears on the two sides of the scoreboard as well.
Raphael Ladies and gentle turtles, let the mangling, uh, the match begin.
The two robots race towards Michelangelo, who screams and then leaps into a spin, passing between them. He hits on his side and slides to a stop as they turn towards him again.
Michelangelo Indestructible, indestructible. It’s gotta be less painful than destructible, but how do you do it?
Raphael It’s an incredible display of, uh, well, it ain’t courage. Um…
Michelangelo Maybe if I just grab the ‘chuck piece and get out of here. [He pushes himself to his feet as the robots come after him.] Be like the ice, be like the ice.
Michelangelo nears his nunchuck stick, but as he reaches for it, the robots trap him with their hockey sticks and pull him back, then fling him into the net. The scoreboard horn sounds and the robots receive a point.
Raphael Ooh, that’s gotta hurt.
Michelangelo Note to self; don’t be the puck.
He stands up and skates towards the nunchuck stick, but the robots block his way and he bounces off of them and back into the net again. Attempt after attempt has Michelangelo flying into the net. The scoreboard reads nine for the robots as Michelangelo slams into the glass in front of the broadcast booth.
Michelangelo Ow!
Raphael Truly, this event will be a master class lesson in pain.
24 swings its hockey stick at Michelangelo, who jumps on top of it and clings there, even as the robot tries to shake him loose.
Michelangelo There’s no way to overpower these guys. [He hops off the stick and onto the robots shoulders as 26 approaches.] Wait, I know. [He stares 26 in the face.] Your mama is so ugly she couldn’t get a date with a trash compactor.
Angered, 26 takes a swing at Michelangelo, but hits 24 instead. Michelangelo jumps off of 24 when it hits the ice, then he leans over 24.
Michelangelo Did you hear him? He says you can’t hold your lubricant.
24 stands up and flings its gloves to the ice. Michelangelo backs away and 26 also flings off its gloves.
Raphael They’re taking the gloves off. [Michelangelo is on the ice between the two robots.] Looks like they’ve had enough of this upstart.
Michelangelo ducks and cowers, but when he hears thuds, he looks up. The two robots are pummeling each other.
Michelangelo Looks like I touched a nerve.
Raphael What the young turtle lacks in size, he makes up in being extremely annoying.
While the two robots continue fighting, Michelangelo slides backwards on his rump until he reaches the stand holding his nunchuck stick. He leaps into a back flip and grabs the stick.
Michelangelo Indestructible is as indestructible does.
Raphael You can’t say Mikey didn’t earn his ‘chuck piece, but frankly this reporter would’ve liked to seen more carnage.
Michelangelo checks his map.
Michelangelo Just one more test to go.
The final test takes place in the holo-dojo in Cody’s penthouse. Inside, Michelangelo finds himself surrounded by hundreds of game consoles, all flickering and pinging in an alluring fashion.
Michelangelo No way! It’s like every game I ever played.
Donatello I tried to get them all, but even the robo-dojo has its limits.
Michelangelo So to get the last piece of my ‘chuck I have to beat them all? Sweet!
Donatello Sorry, bro’. Your test is for insight, not always on the top of your list. Your ‘chuck piece is hidden somewhere in this warehouse. It’s your job to determine which of the things in this arcade has been holding you back the most, [He reaches behind a machine and pulls out a sledgehammer.] then smash it and grab the ‘chuck piece hidden inside.
Michelangelo Easy. [He takes the sledgehammer.] Insight, schminsite. I’ll just smash away until I find it.
Donatello A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Michelangelo moves farther into the room and then stops in front of a game.
Michelangelo Ah, Shell Invaders. Man, it’s prehistoric. Ah, you never forget the first time you fall in love. Maybe these little dudes started me down the wrong path.
He uses the sledgehammer to smash the machine, which then explodes. Michelangelo approaches the smoldering remains, but the machine is empty.
Michelangelo Guessed wrong. But hey, I’ve got all day to figure this out.
He doesn’t notice the three giant shell invader creatures forming behind him. As Michelangelo walks up to another machine, he hears a sound and turns around. The shell invaders point their weapons at him.
Michelangelo Or not. [The shell invaders begin firing and Michelangelo runs. He stops by his brother, who is leaning against a machine.] What just happened?
Donatello You guessed wrong. Every time you show a lack of insight, your bad choice will emerge and attack you.
Michelangelo Great. I guess wrong enough and every video game villain in history will be after me.
Donatello hums and strolls away. Michelangelo ducks as the three shell invaders leap at him. They smash three machines and then follow him as Michelangelo runs.
Michelangelo What’s holding me back, what’s holding me back? Rackman? No, too obvious. Robot Tortoise Four. Nah, I hated the system. Gotta choose. [The shell invaders catch up to him and open fire.] Ah!
Michelangelo skids to a stop in front of the Helix-2 game console.
Michelangelo I know Helix-2 has been holding me back.
He smashes the game and a spiked Helix monster is released. Blasters flip down into its hands and it shoots at the turtle. Michelangelo runs, but another Helix monster steps in front of him and fires. Michelangelo turns and runs, then trips and falls on the floor near where Donatello is seated atop a machine.
Donatello Getting kind of crowded in here, bro’.
The three shell invaders land in front of Michelangelo. He looks over his shoulder to see the two Helix monsters running towards him.
Michelangelo Those Helixes weren’t so tough inside the game. [He jumps to his feet and runs. His pursuers keep shooting at him, hitting and destroying other game consoles.] If I don’t get an insight soon, it’s gonna be game over for me.
A strong explosion throws Michelangelo off his feet and he slams into a funhouse mirror.
Michelangelo Ow! [He sees his slightly warped reflection.] Nice spot your got yourself in, pal. Gonna be held back while your bros’ move on to bigger and better things. [The game creatures destroy the consoles behind him. Michelangelo looks at them, and then back at his reflection.] Hey, wait a minute. The thing that’s really holding me back hasn’t been the video games, it’s been me! [He picks up the sledgehammer.] Hope I’m right.
He smashes the mirror just as the creatures leap at him. The glass shatters and reveals the nunchuck cable. Michelangelo looks back at the creatures, and they all vanish. The hologram illusion ends as well. As Michelangelo retrieves the cable, Donatello walks over and places a hand on his shoulder.
Michelangelo Insight; it’s a Chunin thing.
The other turtles and Cody enter the dojo. Raphael throws his arms over Michelangelo and Donatello’s shoulders.
Raphael I knew you could do it, Mikey. Graduation, party of four?
Michelangelo I guess. [He lifts Raphael’s arm off his shoulder.] No, this isn’t right.
Cody But Mikey, you passed the tests.
Michelangelo Yeah, but I don’t feel different. If I’m back on the true path, shouldn’t I be a new me? Just ‘cause I passed a couple tests doesn’t mean I’m not lazy anymore. It doesn’t mean I learned to focus on the true path or that I deserve to be Chunin. [He places the cable back on the stand.] I’m still just a shell of a goofball.
Splinter Well done, Michelangelo.
Michelangelo Huh?
Splinter Your three tasks were essential to your graduation to Chunin, but equally important is the unspoken test of humility.
Michelangelo Uh, say what?
Splinter Michelangelo, you have now proven yourself truly worthy.
Michelangelo You’re joking.
Splinter I never joke. Well, rarely.
Michelangelo’s brothers laugh and give him congratulatory pats. Cut to a simulation created in the holo-dojo of the Oratory room in the Ninja Tribunal monastery known as Lap of the Gods. All four turtles wear robes bearing their individual colors. Michelangelo steps forward and bows as Splinter places a green and yellow stole over his shoulders.
Splinter Michelangelo, you have set both feet firmly back on the true path.
Michelangelo Thank you, Master.
Splinter Join your brothers in the ninja rank of Chunin, with all of its privileges and responsibilities.
Michelangelo steps back in the line with his brothers, who have already received their Chunin colors.
Donatello All right, Mikey!
The Oratory simulation vanishes.
Raphael Wanna celebrate? Maybe down at the mall?
Michelangelo Thanks, but I’ll pass. I figure I can get in an extra hour’s practice tonight.
He takes off.
Raphael Did I hear right?
Leonardo You know, I think I could use a little workout myself.
Donatello Not without me. No way you’re learning a new move I don’t know about.
They both leave.
Raphael Guess that makes four.
He leaps out of the room. Splinter smiles.

{Roll end credits}
