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[The episode begins with Huginn and Munnin, in their suits, talking to Meat Sweats while he holds a flier.]

Huginn: "And while you look at our resume, you'll find we are more than qualified for this job."

Muninn: [sing song] "And we split the salary!"

Meat Sweats: "Strong references. Look mateys, the truth is you misread the sign. I'm not looking for help, I'm looking for lunch."

Muninn: "Oh, we love lunch!'

[The screen switches to the two gargoyles being trapped inside of a cage while Meat Sweats is cooking.]

Muninn: "Oh, man. I'm seeing my whole life flash before me."

Huginn: "Oh, yeah? Which part specifically?"

Muninn: "The day we got hired by Baron Draxum. Remember that?"

Huginn: "Oh, do I? Flashback?"

Muninn: "Wavy dissolve."

[Flashback begins, also this is where the turtles are created and how Yoshi became a rat. Their story begins where Huginn and Muninn live at Gargoyle Camp just before they are chosen,]

Huginn: "Rep it out! Push it with your arms, Muninn! Get swole, dig deep. Push it, push it, push it. One."

Muninn: "Oh, yeah! Check out these walnuts."

Goyle: 'Hey crumbs, put away our weights. And our funky socks and our medicine ball."

[A weight landed on Muninn’s hand while a sock landed on Huginn’s face. Finally, the large ball knocked the two goyle yokai into a pile of crates.]

Muninn: "Oh, man. Huginn. We’re never gonna get out of this stupid gargoyle boot camp."

Huginn: "That’s not the Muninn I know. You got to be positive. Someday, somebody will see our talent and give us a home. And finally, we’ll be sleeping on a nice cushy bed in front of a fireplace."

[He pulls up a photo of dogs, their faces taped over them.]

Muninn: "Like dogs?"

Huginn: "Bow stinking wow!"

Sarge: "Ten hut. Wings back and horns up."

[The goyle soldiers stand in line.]

Sarge: "Goyles of Fortune has received an order for two super awesome bros! The awesome bros will live in an awesome castle with the awesome comforts and perform awesome missions for an awesome warrior alchemist. And they’re looking for our two most awesome recruits. Now who’s it gonna be? You two!"

Huginn: "They picked us?"

Huginn: "We’re outta here. See you later sleeping in a box of knives!"

Sarge: "No, you canaries! I want you to drive these real bros to Baron Draxum’s."

[The two goyles are thrown in the air and the two larger ones high five each other, their hands between the two weak goyle yokai.]

Goyle: "Awesome! Totes vascular, bro!"

[And so, Huginn and Munnin are forced to drive them on a carriage.]

Goyle: "Pull faster, canaries."

Muninn: [bitter] "Why does Sarge always give us these really lousy jobs?"

Huginn:  [as a banana peel landed on his head.] "He doesn’t realize how smart we are. Hey, instead of taking these guys up, Slow and Steady Way, how bout we impress Sarge by taking the shortcut up Devil’s Backbone?"

[They decided to head this way to Devil Backbone and take the shaky, bumpy path.]

Muninn: "Super smart. Sarge’ll be stoked."

Goyle: "Hey, slow down!"

[The goyles fall right off the carriage and fly in midair. They were about to take revenge on them before two lava hands grabbed them.]

Huginn: "Hey, did you hear a falling scream?"

Muninn: "Probably just a lava demon."

[When they arrived, Muninn rang the doorbell.]

Huginn: "Hi, we’re here from Goyles of Fortune with your-whoa."

[The goyles are amazed by how Draxum is.]

Huginn: "How’d you like to perch on those shoulders all day?'

Muninn: "Plush."

Draxum: "You’re my Goyles of Fortune?"

Muninn: "No, that be the guys in the… [notices the carriage is empty before turning back] Yes. Yes we are."

Draxum: "Yeesh. I expected something a little more beefcakey."

Huginn: "Oh, trust us. We be the best cake."

Draxum: "Let’s see if you have that famous gargoyle wood splitting ability?"

[Draxum takes out a lob and slams it on Muninn’s head. It splits in half, leaving an injured gargoyle with a black eye and missing teeth.]

Draxum: "Not bad, not bad. You are tough! That looked like it really hurt."

Muninn: "It did."

[The goyles begin to enter his house.]

Huginn:  "Muninn, look."

[They looked over and saw a dog bed near a fireplace. In it there was a dog skeleton. They imagined being in there, enjoying cocktails.]

Muninn: "Dog bed, dog bed, dog bed!"

[After a while, they enter Draxum’s lab]

Draxum: "This is my laboratory. These exotic creatures will one day protect yokai from the human threat."

[Muninn finds a box and takes a hold of a red eared slider.]

Muninn: "Ooh, look at these tasty treats."

[He was about to eat it but Draxum smacked him away and caught the turtle.]

Draxum: "Stop! They're not food. They're my prime subjects. These rare surface creatures will one day become my greatest warriors once I mutate them with the night DNA. Anyway, your first task. Put this bridle on my new pony."

Huginn: "Dude, this is cake. We get to live in dog bed heaven and all we have to do is bridle a sweet little pony."

[But as the vines opened up, a terrifying unicorn beast emerged from the cage.]

Both: "OH NO!"

[The pony grabbed them with its hair tendrils and started beating them up. Later, they report back with bruises on their body.]

Huginn: "All done, boss."

Muninn: "Boy, that pony’s all grown up."

Draxum: "Adequate work."

Huginn: "Oh, well now that’s done, where gonna take a little catnap on the dog bed,"

Draxum: "Dog beds are for permanent employees. Which you are not until you complete your next next. The mighty Lou Jitsu."

[He shows them the orb in front of him with an image of the warrior.]

Draxum: "With his DNA, I can create warrior beasts to protect our people. But Big Mama refuses to part with him, even though hasn’t fought in ages. That’s where you come in."

Huginn: "So you want us to sneak into the Hidden City’s most heavily guarded place, the Battle Nexus?"

Muninn: "And kidnap the most powerful champion Lou Jitsu?"

Draxum: "You get it. Wake me when you’re back."

[Draxum begins to leave]

Muninn: [starts packing up his things] "Well, this was fun and painful while it lasted. But no way are we kidnapping a Battle Nexus champion."

Huginn: "You’re not thinking of the big picture, Muninn. A home where you can toast your claws by a roaring fire as you sink into a half an inch of medium quality foam."

Muninn: "But how are we gonna sneak into the Battle Nexus?"

[They arrived at the Nexus with their disguises on. Huginn wore a yellow sweater and red hat while Muninn wore a gray sweater with boxing gloves.]

Huginn: "Step aside scrubs. Your new champion is here."

Muninn: "The golden goyle! Walnuts!"

Yoka Guard: "I heard you Brogoyles is pretty tough."

[The yokai brings up a log and smashes it on Muninn’s head. Huginn cringed as the wood split in half.]

Yokai Guard: "Hoowee! That’s impressive! Champions row is to the left."

Huginn: "This way, Muninn. Muninn?"

[Muninn was in the crowd, a cheese hat on his head and holding a red flag and a monster glove.]

Muninn: "Oh, so we’re not gonna..okay..."

[Huginn and Muninn come across the hallway and found a single door that lays the champion,]

Muninn: "Do you really think we can handle the most ferocious in the history of the Battle Nexus?"

Huginn: "No, absolutely not. There’s no chance. We just have to make him think we came. We gotta go full alpha bro."

Muninn: "Yeah, fire up them walnuts!"

[The two demons bang on the door, hitting it with a thump.]

Both: "Ow!"

[Muninn opens the door and it breaks loose.]

Hugnin: "You're coming with us, bro. You give us any lip, we’ll miss you up, big time."

Yoshi: "If Big Mama sent you, I have not changed my mind. No more fighting. I have sworn of violence."

[The rat bit his finger]

Yoshi: "Ow! Why you little- I mean, I forgive you, little friend. Whoa, that’s kind of a lot of blood."

Muninn: "Oh, we’re not from Big Mama. Our boss wants us to use you in weird unsafe experiments."

Yoshi: "As long as I don’t have to fight."

[The gargoyles grabbed Yoshi’s shoulders and flew him out of his cell. Later on, Yoshi is brought to a cage in the lab.]

Draxum: "I'm very impressed. Beyond my shoulders first thing in the morning. Oh, and enjoy your first night in your dog bed."

Both: "Bow stinking wow."

[ The goyles high five and fly away. Yoshi looks at the Box and he picks up the red ear slider from before and then a snapping turtle.]

Yoshi: 'Why aren’t you cute? I will call you Green.  And you Green Number 2! But how can I tell you turtles apart?"

Draxum: "Ah, the great Lou Jitsu. Your warrior prowess is legendary."

Yoshi: "My fighting days are behind me. I will never harm a little creature. [snapping turtle bites him] OW! Why you little-"

Draxum: "Fighting will not be needed, only your innate genetic gifts."

[We see Huginn and Muninn in the dog bed.]

Huginn: "We did it, old chump."

Muninn: "We sure did, old friend."

[Later, Yoshi was placed up to a higher section as Draxum picks up the red eared slider.]

Yoshi: "What are you doing with Green?"

Draxum: "You’ve taken quite a liking to these turtles, fascinating creatures. Built for survival and defense yet they are too slow to be effective fighters until now. [the vines put the turtles in green little pods one for each as they fell into a coma.] When I use your DNA to mutate them.

Yoshi: "Wait, stop! I will not let you turn these innocent creatures into violent monsters!"

[Draxum pulls down the lever as the ooze turns the regular turtles into humanoids.]

Yoshi: "I know I said I’d never fight again but…"

[Yoshi begins to break free from his restraints and breaks out of his cage.]

Yoshi:  "Hot Soup!"

[He kicked the wall, before kneeling Draxum in the face. He crashed near the turtles and the ooze released them from their pods.]

Draxum: "What have you done!?"

[Nearby, Huginn wakes up to hear the sound of fighting.]

Huginn: "Muninn, wake up, You hear that?"

Muninn: [sleepy] "Uh, the sound of violent thrashing in the lab? No I do not."

Huginn: "Come on, we gotta go help Baron Draxum. We don’t wanna lose the plush life."

[He drags Muninn out of the living room. As they get there, Draxum is already fighting Yoshi.]

Muninn: "What can we do?"

Huginn: "Nothing. But our buddy the pony can. [presses a button and releases the pony]  Destroy Lou Jitsu!"

[The mutant horse attacked the goyle and in an instant, the goyles crashed into the main power source. It explodes causing a fire.]

Draxum: "What? No! My ooze!"

[Yoshi skidded toward the turtles.]

Yoshi: "Precious little creatures. I will save you little turtles!"

[He picks up the turtles. Seeing a button, he releases the yokai. Then he takes his rat out of his pocket.]

Yoshi: "You too, my-[his rat bites him] Ow! Why you little-"

[Yoshi gets splattered in the ooze. His right hand and foot become parts of a rat.]

Draxum: "No!"

[Draxum watched as the group escaped. Huginn and Muninn managed to save his life as the lab exploded into ashes.]

Draxum: "My life's work."

Huginn: "We are so sorry that Lou Jitsu destroyed your lab. That’s L-O-U J-I-T-S-U."

Muninn: "But at least you're loyal hardworking gargoyles saved your life."

Draxum: "It will take years to rebuild. I must begin again. What are you waiting for?"

[Beaming, the two high five]

Both: "Job security!"

[And that is the end of the flashback.]

Huginn: "Those were the days. Shall we?" (unlocks the cage)

Muninn: "You could’ve done the whole time?"

Huginn: "Yeah, I just wanted you to finish the flashback. Your stories make me warm inside."

Muninn: "You know what makes me warm inside?"

BOTH: "Tamales!"
