Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
Gothano is a member of the Pantheon, an immortal family of beings that have influenced human affairs for eons. Gothano's domains are secrets and hidden knowledge, and he seems to dwell deep under the ocean.
He is the least human-like of all his siblings, not even being anthropomorphic in shape. Rather, he is a cloak-like mass of hair and tentacles. He also speaks the least and most quietly of all his siblings, but his words are given great import as a result.
Gothano attended the Pantheon's centennial gathering at the Den of Delights. Pantheon Family Reunion
He later appeared at Foot Headquarters as the emissary of what is "...yet to be," silently showing Splinter his fate: to be killed at the hands of his sons, if he did not change course. TMNT #89
As the Pantheon siblings gathered to discuss what to do about Rat King's "Armageddon Game", Gothano reminisces on how he was the one who created the Biblical flood and how disadvantageous it was to the siblings then, and how similarly dangerous Rat King's game going unchecked would be. The Armageddon Game #4
- Gothano shares similarities with Cthulhu of the Cthulhu Mythos. They are both mysterious, terrifying gods with octopus-like features who dwell beneath the ocean.