This is a transcript for Good Genes, Part 2, the twenty-fifth episode of season four of TMNT (2003 series).
Leonardo | A wise man once said: I've got a bad feeling about this. And right now, I know how he feels. Believe it or not, that's my brother Donatello. And right now, he's sick. Really sick. He was scratched by one of Bishop's outbreak mutants, and now he’s become a savage, mindless monster. Had it been any of us, we would have looked to Don to save the day. But even with Leatherhead's help, we're no closer to finding a cure. With no other options, we tracked down the one man who might have a cure, the man responsible for the outbreak in the first place, Agent Bishop. [Bishop: Welcome.] Bishop agreed to cure Don, but for a price. [Bishop: There is an item I require, a relic. I want you to retrieve it. Leonardo: From where? Bishop: New York. From your friend... Karai.] Infiltrating Foot central? It's an impossible mission. But what can we do? Our brother is sick. And there's nothing we won't do to save him. Even if it means making a deal with the devil. |
{Opening sequence; title song}
The episode begins at Bishop’s secret E.P.F. compound. The bottom of the screen reads “Area 51 Location Classified”. Inside one of the buildings, Bishop enters a dark chamber with an invisible floor. | |
Agent Bishop | Comm systems on. Open secure channel. |
A large holographic image appears in front of him. It is a cloaked figure whose features are not discernible. | |
Messenger | Ah, Agent Bishop. We are transmitting coordinates to you even as we speak. |
Bishop | And in return? |
Messenger | We will let you know. Will you be retrieving the artifact yourself? |
Bishop | Of course. [He turns to leave.] I’ll be sending in special agents. |
In Bishop’s laboratory, Leatherhead monitors Donatello, who is unmoving inside a containment tank. | |
Leatherhead | Donatello’s condition continues to deteriorate. There’s not much time. |
Splinter | Dr. Stockman, Agent Bishop told us that you would administer the cure to Donatello. |
Baxter Stockman | To think that I’ve sunk so low, that my unparalleled genius would be used to save the life of one of these... freaks. Unfathomable. |
Leatherhead | Where is the cure, Stockman? |
Stockman ignores him and walks across the room. | |
Stockman | I’m pulled from sweet oblivion. For what? This? |
Leatherhead grabs his shoulders and turns Stockman to face him. | |
Leatherhead | Show us the cure, now. |
Stockman | Cure? You stupid animal. Agent Bishop lied. There is no cure. |
Splinter | What? |
Leatherhead becomes angry, his pupils turning to slits. Cut to Foot Headquarters, New York City. There is a beeping sound from a communication device. | |
Leonardo | April, come in. |
April O’Neil | Go, Leo. |
Leonardo | We’ve made it to the Foot’s garbage disposal facility. [Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo race past Foot workers who don’t see them and then they hide.] Time for you and Casey to do your thing. |
April | Casey’s headed in to the power station now. Stand by. |
Casey, wearing a work uniform and carrying a mop, climbs out of the Battle Shell and heads towards the power station. | |
Casey Jones | Hey, if we gotta put a computer virus in here to shut down the power, how come you’re not going in? |
April | Because I don’t look like a janitor. |
Casey | Gee, thanks. |
Leonardo | Keep us posted, April. We’re moving into position. |
April | Roger that. |
Leonardo | Well, here’s where the fun starts. |
He and his brothers race up a ramp, exiting the disposal collection area. | |
April | All the building’s garbage goes through chutes that lead to an incinerator. |
The turtles run along a wide conveyor belt. | |
Michelangelo | We’re going in through the furnace? Isn’t that gonna be, you know, hot? |
Fire blasts from openings all along the ramp. The turtles race to stay ahead of the fire, leaping over incinerated piles as they run. | |
Leonardo | It’s our only way in, and that’s not all. Once through the incinerators, we go up the chutes. |
April | Which Karai has secured with a deadly grid of lasers. |
The three turtles run in place beneath a chute. The laser grid covers the opening and the garbage that hits it is instantly vaporized. | |
Leonardo | When the power drops we go up the vent. We’ve gotta beat the emergency power kicking in. |
Michelangelo | Uh, Leo, why is the grid still on? |
Leonardo | Casey, April, cut that power or we’re turtles flambe. |
Casey is in the power station’s control room. A technician lies unconscious on the floor, with Casey’s mop on his head, and Casey is at the control panel. | |
Casey | I put in the stupid virus, but it ain’t working. |
Michelangelo | Casey! |
The flames are coming closer to the turtles. | |
Leonardo | Casey, we really need that power out. Now! |
Casey | All right you stupid computers, we’re doing this old school. [He lifts a machine over his head and flings it at the control panel.] Goongala! [Sparks fly and lights go out all over the city.] Woohoo! |
The lasers disappear. | |
Leonardo | Grid's down. |
Michelangelo and Leonardo join hands and Raphael uses them to springboard up to the chute. In the throne room, Karai hears the power shutting down and stands to address her two aides. | |
Karai | Find out what’s going on. [They run from the room. Karai closes her eyes.] Leonardo is here. But why? Why would he come here? |
Raphael enters the chute and then helps Michelangelo and Leonardo inside. The laser grid comes back online. | |
Leonardo | Good work, Casey, we’re in. April, go to phase three. Get to the copter. |
April | On it. |
Leonardo | Remember, we get what we need and get out. Raph, you know what you have to do. Mikey, you’re with me. Let’s go. |
Using shuko spikes, they begin climbing the walls of the chute. Inside a room somewhere in the building, the Foot Mystics are gathered around a circular pool, which shows them the turtles. | |
Water Mystic | Everything goes as planned, my brothers. Soon we will all be free. |
Cut to the laboratory in the E.P.F. compound at Area 51. Leatherhead has Stockman by the shoulders and is holding him up off the floor. | |
Leatherhead | You inhuman, soulless monster. |
He slams Stockman down on a control panel and draws back a fist. Splinter rushes forward and places a restraining hand on his arm. | |
Splinter | Leatherhead, please. I share your anger, but this will not help Donatello. We need solutions, not vengeance. |
Leatherhead releases Stockman. Bishop arrives. | |
Bishop | You’d be wise to listen to your friend, animal. |
Leatherhead’s pupils switch to green slits. | |
Leatherhead | I’ve waited a long time to do this. Now you will know the meaning of pain. |
He lifts Stockman again and tosses him on the floor before heading towards Bishop. | |
Bishop | Dr. Stockman is working on a cure. [He raises his palm as Leatherhead reaches for him.] He’s the best chance Donatello has for survival. [He grins as Leatherhead lowers his hands.] Harm me and Stockman stops, and your friend has no chance. |
Leatherhead growls, but then his eyes change back to normal and he relaxes his threatening posture. | |
Leatherhead | Fine, for now villain. [Stockman walks up to him.] Dr. Stockman, show me what you have so far. |
Back at Foot HQ, a pair of Foot Ninja run through the Foot Mech storage room. High above the floor, Raphael kicks open the grate covering an air shaft and drops into the room. He gasps as he sees where he is. | |
Raphael | Huh? Ooh, toys. |
In another area of the building, Leonardo and Michelangelo climb up an air shaft until they reach their destination. | |
Leonardo | End of the line. |
He pushes open the grate and crawls into a hallway. At its end are large double doors. Michelangelo joins him. | |
Michelangelo | Isn’t it a little suspicious that Bishop knows exactly where this thing is? Even what floor it’s on? |
Leonardo | Absolutely. We can’t... wait. This looks familiar. [He approaches the doors and pauses.] Karai has changed so much of the building. We need to find out what floor— |
He is interrupted when the doors open on their own. Inside is the room where the Foot Mystics reside. There is a swirling mist all around, and the Mystics themselves are statues atop their podiums at the temple. The turtles draw their weapons and take a step back. | |
Michelangelo | Ohh~ |
Leonardo | Crud. |
Michelangelo | And we’re backing up, and we’re avoiding the obvious trap. |
Leonardo | No. Bishop’s relic is on the floor directly above us. The elevator in the back of this chamber will take us there. We go through. |
Michelangelo | Aw, I knew you were gonna say that. |
He follows Leonardo into the room, both walking carefully and silently. Leonardo climbs the stairs, but Michelangelo pauses on them as he looks around in alarm. He grits his teeth as he stares at the unmoving Metal Mystic, and then keeps going. Leonardo reaches the wall of tapestries on the temple wall and pulls one aside to reveal the elevator. While Michelangelo keeps watch behind them, Leonardo presses the button that opens the elevator doors. They enter without incident and the doors close behind them. The Earth Mystic's eyes flash red and then he changes from his statue form. The elevator carries the turtles to the next floor. At the center of the chamber they enter is a tall dais. At its top is the relic they are after. It is a large blue gem mounted in a gold frame and attached to a gold cord. | |
Leonardo | This is it. |
Michelangelo | I’m still getting over the shock of being alive. Why didn’t the magic guys attack us? |
Leonardo steps up to the dais. | |
Leonardo | Can’t worry about it now. Come on, let’s get this thing and get out of here. |
He draws a katana. | |
Michelangelo | You know the second we touch it the whole place is gonna go nuts, right? |
Leonardo slides his sword under the relic and then quickly pops it out of the dais mounting. He slides the relic towards him and grabs it, eyes closed as he anticipates an alarm or worse. When nothing happens, he and Michelangelo unclench and start chuckling. As Leonardo slides his katana back into its sheathe, the elevator door opens and Karai appears, in full battle gear. | |
Karai | No, no! What are you doing? |
Leonardo speaks into his headset. | |
Leonardo | Raphael, now would be good. |
In the Foot Mech storage room, Raphael is squatting on the platform of a vehicle lift. He reaches into a duffel bag, pulls out a remote and presses a button. | |
Raphael | Contact, ignition and blast off! |
A large explosive device hanging from the rafters detonates. The explosion sets off a chain reaction and the Foot Mechs all begin to explode as well. Inside the relic chamber, the explosions make the room shake. | |
Karai | Give me the pendant. [Leonardo tosses the pendant to Michelangelo and then leaps in front of his brother as Karai squats in a menacing manner.] Give it to me now! |
She charges, going straight for Michelangelo, who backflips onto the top of the dais and then hops off as Karai slashes at him with her Tekkō-kagi. He keeps ducking and dodging as she continues to attack. | |
Karai | Give it to me. You do not know what you are doing. |
Michelangelo tosses the pendant to Leonardo and Karai turns to go after him. Leonardo stops her at sword point. | |
Leonardo | Hold it right there, Karai. |
Karai | You cannot take that. |
Leonardo | Watch us. |
Michelangelo slides between Karai’s outstretched legs and catches the pendant as Leonardo drops it to him. Michelangelo gets up and runs into the elevator. | |
Michelangelo | See ya’, wouldn’t wanna be ya’! |
Karai slashes Leonardo’s sword to the side when he looks back to check on his brother. She ducks to avoid a spin kick and then swipes at him, but Leonardo back flips away, and then flips again to enter the elevator just as the doors begin to close. Michelangelo peeks through the narrow gap, but then screams when Karai shoves her arm between the doors. He shouts again and drops to the floor as she takes a swipe at his head. She shoves her way into the elevator and fights to get at the pendant when Michelangelo drops it. When she leaps, so do the two turtles, each grabbing one of her legs. Karai hits the floor and tries to grab the pendant, but the turtles swing her around by her legs and throw her through the elevator door as it opens again. She lands in her throne room where the Foot Elite are waiting. | |
Karai | They must not leave! Do you hear me? Cut off their thieving hands and bring them to me! |
The Foot Elite vanish in a puff of smoke and reappear inside the elevator as Michelangelo is kneeling to grab the pendant. He falls back as two of the Elite try to stab him. | |
Leonardo | Mikey! |
Two Elites appear behind Leonardo as he’s pulling his katanas. He spins and blocks their strikes, then pushes them back into the throne room. Michelangelo rushes into the room behind him, chased by the other two Foot Elites. Karai uses an intercom to call for reinforcements. | |
Karai | Control, the turtles have infiltrated the building! Send all units to my location! They must not escape! |
Leonardo manages to kick aside the two Elite who are attacking him. He turns to see Michelangelo jump back from an Elite and land on top of the fourth. Michelangelo looks up to see the Trident Elite standing over him. The Elite lifts his trident and strikes, but a greenish force field surrounds Michelangelo and the trident is unable to pierce it. The Elite he’s on kicks him off and Michelangelo lands on his feet. | |
Leonardo | Mikey, take the pendant and run! I’ll hold them off, just get out! |
Michelangelo runs for the elevator as Leonardo battles the Elite. As he approaches the elevator doors, they begin to open, but when he tries to enter, he runs head first into a Foot Mech. Michelangelo backs away as the Mech pushes the doors the rest of the way open and enters the room. | |
Raphael | Get out? I just got here! |
He is at the controls of the Mech. Targeting the Elite, he opens fire. Karai darts aside and the Elite vanish, then reappear on the Mech. Stabbing, jabbing and slicing, they manage to short circuit the machine and Raphael leaps out of it. He runs over to his brothers. | |
Raphael | Hey, I got an idea. How about we get the shell out of here? |
Karai | I think not. |
Doors behind her slide open to reveal a squad of Foot ninjas. They run forward to stand near the Foot Elite, who are perched on the fallen Mech. Another section of doors open to reveal even more Foot ninja. On rafters above the scene, Foot Tech ninja appear. The turtles find themselves completely surrounded. | |
Michelangelo | Is the phrase “worst case scenario” running through anyone else’s mind? |
Leonardo | It doesn’t change the exit strategy. [He activates communications.] Casey, top floor, East wall. We need an exit, now. |
The sound of an approaching helicopter can be heard. | |
Karai | No! |
April pilots the helicopter as Casey mans the weapons. | |
Casey | You got it, Leo. |
He launches a trio of missiles that hit one side of the top floor. The turtles drop to the floor and curl up as the ensuing explosion sends debris flying into the room. The Foot squads run, but most are swept aside by the explosion or falling debris. Karai is on the floor and when she pushes a large section of debris off of her, she is without her helmet. She coughs, grabs her sword and rises. The turtles also rise, but Michelangelo has part of the wall on top of him. | |
Michelangelo | Auntie Em, Toto, are we home yet? |
Raphael | Up and at ‘em, goofball. [He pulls Michelangelo to his feet.] Casey did it. Let’s go! |
The three turtles make a beeline for the hole in the wall. | |
Karai | No! [She runs towards them.] Leonardo, face me! |
Leonardo turns and draws a sword, but Michelangelo catches him by the arm. | |
Michelangelo | Get in, get out, right? It’s not about Karai, right? |
Leonardo sheathes his katana. | |
Leonardo | Right. |
They climb onto the rubble piled in front of the hole in the wall. | |
Karai | Stop them! Someone stop them! |
All three turtles jump. Karai and her Foot Elite reach the opening, but can only watch as the turtles climb up a ladder dangling from the helicopter. | |
Karai | No! No! [She drops to her knees.] No~o! |
The helicopter flies away. Back at the E.P.F. compound, Stockman empties a canister of purple colored liquid into the containment chamber which holds Todd. As the liquid floods the chamber, the mutation begins to reverse itself. | |
Bishop | Impressive, Mr. Leatherhead. And to think, I was going to dissect you. What a waste that would have been. You’re even more brilliant than Dr. Stockman. |
Stockman | What? |
Splinter | Then... it works? |
Todd returns to a completely human state. | |
Bishop | Doctor, prepare an airborne version of the cure for the New York outbreak, as well as a sample for Donatello. If his brothers fulfill their side of the agreement. |
Outside, the helicopter lands on the compound’s airstrip. The turtles enter the hangar, where Splinter and Bishop are waiting for them. | |
Splinter | My sons. |
Bishop | Hand over the item, then you’ll get your dear brother back. |
Splinter looks up at his sons and nods. Michelangelo, with the relic in his hand, walks over to Bishop and drops it into his palm. As soon as Bishop has hold of it, red strobe lights begin flashing and alarms blare. | |
Loudspeaker | Base destruct sequence initiated. |
Bishop | This base has been compromised by your presence. You have fifteen minutes to collect your brother and vacate the premises. Pleasure doing business with you. |
Loudspeaker | Base destruct sequence initiated. Evacuate. |
The turtles and Splinter rush to the lab, where Leatherhead is standing in front of Donatello’s containment unit. There is a swirling mist inside which covers Donatello. | |
Leonardo | Leatherhead, how’s Donny? |
Everyone steps back as Donatello’s roars become muted. The mist continues to swirl and then the door pops open, but the mist is too thick for anyone to see through. Everyone waits as the mist begins to dissipate, and then a fully recovered Donatello appears. | |
Donatello | Hey, guys. What’s up? |
He wobbles and starts to fall, but Leatherhead rushes forward and catches him. | |
Leatherhead | I have you, my friend. |
Brothers | All right! Donny! Welcome back! It’s so good to see you again! |
Cut to the group of mutants running from the hangar towards the helicopter. | |
Leonardo | Move it, this place is about to blow! |
Raphael helps Donatello run up the ramp and into the helicopter. Leonardo takes the controls and flies them out of the compound just as the buildings start to explode. | |
Splinter | Welcome back, my son. |
Donatello | I hope you guys didn’t go through too much trouble for me. |
Everyone gets quiet and look around at each other. Then Michelangelo flashes a wide grin. | |
Michelangelo | Nah. |
Groups of airplanes fly over New York City, dusting the entire city with the outbreak cure. Mutated creatures look up to see the airplanes and then the dust falls on them. | |
Bishop | Status report, Dr. Stockman. |
Stockman | All units are reporting in. The cure is working. [When the dust clears, the creatures are back to normal.] The outbreak is in full remission. |
Vehicles roll through the sewer tunnels, spraying the cure everywhere. Creatures hiding underground are also cured. Cut to another E.P.F. base. | |
Bishop | This better have been worth all the trouble. |
Bishop stands before a monitor in another of his laboratories. On the screen is the mysterious messenger. | |
Messenger | I assure you, Agent Bishop, encoded within the amulet are secrets even you could not imagine. [The pendent is clasped between robotic hands as Stockman adjusts it’s location inside one of his machines.] Do you have the laser frequency adjusted as we directed? |
Stockman | Yes, yes. [He turns a dial.] Back seat scientists. Beginning laser analysis for encoded data, now. |
The lasers hit the amulet gem. Suddenly the gem explodes. | |
Bishop | No! |
Stockman | I-I don’t understand. |
Messenger | It was a pleasure doing business with you, Agent Bishop. |
Bishop | You lied. This has all been an elaborate lie. |
The messenger laughs and then the screen goes blank. | |
Stockman | Who would do this? And why? |
Bishop | Hmm. Who indeed? |
Inside the Foot Mystics chambers, the Messenger watches Bishop’s reflection in the mystic pool. The messenger form then vanishes to reveal that is was the Water Mystic all along. The other Mystics arrive and take up places around the pool. | |
Water Mystic | The crystal is destroyed. |
Fire Mystic | And with it, Karai’s hold over us. |
Earth Mystic | She thought because we could not touch it, she was safe. |
Wind Mystic | But now it is dust. |
Light flashes from the Metal Mystic’s body and the cloak vanishes to reveal its true form as a Herald of the Tengu Shredder. One by one the other Mystics change shape. | |
Metal Mystic | And we are free. Free to resurrect the true Shredder! |
Water Mystic | And a new age of chaos... |
All five Mystics extend their staffs together. | |
Wind Mystic | Shall begin. |
Bolts of light emanate from each, and then they vanish. |
{Roll end credits}