
The Giant Gangsters are a pair of abnormally large men who appear in the TMHT Adventures comics. They dress in 1920s mobster garb, one wearing mostly red, the other yellow and green. The duo are so large they are able wrap their hands around the Turtles’ bodies.

When the Turtles enter a pizza restaurant to order their favorite meal, they are surprised to hear the waitress tell them they had better leave. Their confusion is cleared up when they turn to see a trio of mini mobsters who have just entered the restaurant. The three men step past the Turtles to go to the counter and tell the waitress that she was warned to only sell pizzas made in their factory. They tell her that because she wouldn’t listen, she’s sliced her last pepperoni. The Turtles intervene and the mini mobsters open their violin cases, pull out Tommy guns, and open fire. Since the guns only fire pizza pellets, the Turtles race towards them, eating the pellets as they hit.

When the mobsters make a getaway, the Turtles follow their car to Mama Pizza’s Pizza Palace. Entering the large factory, they peer down from a balcony and see more mini mobsters hard at work preparing pizzas. The Turtles are preparing to leap leap down on the mini mobsters when two sets of gigantic hands reach out of the darkness and yank them backwards. These giant gangsters march through the factory carrying all four Turtles in their hands. They tell the green team that they are being taken to meet their boss, Mama Pizza, the godmother herself. Mikey asks if their godmother is as ugly as they are, and the gangster carrying him says no – she’s even uglier.
