

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

George Herbert Walker Bush was the 41st President of the United States of America. Bush appeared throughout Rich Hedden and Tom McWeeney's Spaced Out! trilogy, culminating with an important role in the final chapter.


When Cecil Holm is made aware of the invading aliens, he calls up President Bush in a panic, waking him up from his sleep. Bush sends Colonel Buford Bullmoose over to handle the situation. Spaced Out!, part 1 Bullmoose later interrupts Bush's shower with a status update, telling him that the aliens had landed in Simpletown. Spaced Out!, part 2

After the military confiscates the aliens' spaceship, Bush arrives at the base to see the saucer and watch Professor Eggbert torture the "aliens" they had also captured (actually Mr. McDonald, Mrs. McDonald, and a dog). Raphael, Nim, and Rod break into the facility and Bullmoose assumes Raph is there to eat them; he urges him to eat Bush first. Bush and Bullmoose whine and beg to not be eaten, and Raph says they just want fuel for the ship. Nim and Rod add that they also want world domination, but Bush refuses to allow them to have the world. After the two aliens cry, he offers them ownership of Idaho instead. They accept and he awards the state to them as they're sent off on their way. Spaced Out!, part 3

Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue[]

The real-life George and Barbara introduce the short film.

See also[]
