Frisbat is cyborg with a floating body and tentacles and a member of the Terrorkinetics. It first appeared in the 2003 TV series episode Reality Check.
After Michelangelo is sent to an alternate reality version of Earth by Ultimate Drako, he finds himself in the home of the Super Turtles called the Shell of Justice. When he wonders aloud as to the location of his brothers, the lair computer directs him into a lift which takes him into a holographic simulation of a desert landscape. There the Super Turtles are battling holographic representations of their enemies the Terrorkinetics. The group's leader, Armorgga, orders an attack, so Gnet Gnet plants an explosive on Griddex’s back. When he realizes he can't reach it, Griddex shrinks to a size smaller than the explosive and falls away from the device. Graviturtle lassos the device and flings it. Griddex uses Blobboid’s shoulders as a slide and jumps on top of the explosive. He guides the explosive onto Frisbat and then backflips off of the floating cyborg to land on the ground. The explosive detonates and destroys Frisbat.