
Frankenstein's Monster ("Frank") appears during the Monster Mayhem! story arc of season 5 in the 2012 series.


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First created by Victor Frankenstein, he became an opponent of the Turtles thanks to the influence of Savanti Romero and Count Dracula, "Frank" is converted to good thanks to Michelangelo, and stands against the hordes of the two master monsters and is taken in the end by the Time Master Renet into the future, where he gets a new home.


  • The monster's fear of fire originated from the 1931 film.
  • A cardboard cutout of a more traditional version of Frankenstein's Monster (the famous appearance, as first seen in the 1931 film Frankenstein), shows up in a Coney Island haunted house ride in The Pig and The Rhino.


Frank (2012 TV series)/Gallery
