In the 2003 TV series, the Foot Tower is a skyscraper that served as the base and central headquarters for the Foot Clan and Ch'rell. The base has been rebuilt at least twice, having suffered extensive damage during battles with the Turtles.
The entrance to the tower parking area has a long driveway with a barrier gate. Surrounding the parking space, automated machine guns are stored in hidden panels. There is a central security center where Foot Ninja manages the tower's safety and security.
The tower included science and tech laboratories, offices, quarters, a trap hallway leading to a temple for the Foot Mystics at floor 72, training facilities for Foot Ninja, and the main throne room on the topmost level, where the Shredder spent much of his time which serves as a war room. The throne room has many foot clan flags and is surrounded by flame lamps. Outside that, is the Japanese gardens with many trees, a wooden bridge, water pond and an electrical distribution substation disguised as a Japanese hut.
The tower also incorporated a hangar for aircraft and helipad,