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The Foot Soldiers Mark II are an upgraded model created through Utrom Technology by the Foot Clan when they and the Utrom Shredder took over. With major modifications, they are more enhanced, deadly, lethal, and far more effective troopers than their 1987 predecessors.


The Foot Soldiers Mark II first appeared after the Utrom Shredder, Ch'rell, resurfaced thanks to his 1987 counterpart and residents of Technodrome, who all accidentally transported to his universe. They were built by the 2003 Foot clan, including Karai, when they have taken over the vessel and upgraded it with Utrom science and technologies, and replaced the 1987 foot soldiers with the new upgraded models that are more deadly and agile.

Led by mutated Hun, Rocksteady and Bebop, the foot soldiers were sent by Ch'rell to invade the Turtles' lair in order to capture and bring both counterpart groups of the turtles to their master. The Turtles tried to fight, but the soldiers prove to be too advanced and come close to getting them. Luckily, the 1987 turtles managed have them and their 2003 counterparts transport and escape to their own dimension with a dimensional portal stick that 1987 Donatello invented, while Splinter gets captured instead to be used as bait.

Later on, when the Utrom Shredder attacked New York with an upgraded and redesigned version of the 1987 Technodrome, he sent armies, consisting of the Foot Soldiers and the Mutant Foot Soldiers, to attack New York's citizens until the Turtles returned from the 1987 dimension with the Turtle Blimp and Turtle Van. But when Ch'rell transports to the Turtle Prime universe with the Technodrome, the Foot Soldiers immediately shut down for losing signals from the Technodrome. They were never seen again after that.

