

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

The Foot Clan are the antagonists of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Deviations.


TMNT: Deviations imagines a world where instead of just Leonardo being bewitched by Kitsune into joining the Foot Clan, she is able to ensnare all four turtles. Thus, it is likely that their history up until that point is identical to that of regular IDW continuity.

The Foot Clan declares Splinter to be their public enemy number one, and Shredder tasks the Turtles with hunting down their father. They capture Old Hob and force him to tell them where Splinter is hiding, but he convinces them to bring him along so he can watch. The Turtles brutally beat Splinter down and take him back to Foot headquarters. Strangely, Saki means to keep Splinter alive, against Kitsune's warning, so that he may watch his sons marching in his enemy's brigade.

Meanwhile, Karai and Alopex discuss the treatment of both themselves and the Clan as whole, especially since the Turtles' conscription.

Under the Turtles' action, all of the Foot Clans' major rivals - the Savate Ninja, Ghost Boys, Street Phantoms, and Lupo and the other mafioso have been eliminated, essentially giving the Foot complete control over the city. With his goal finally accomplished, Saki prepares to fatally strike down Splinter, but the execution is interrupted by Hob, who was secretly working with Splinter, and Slash blasting through a wall. Saki attempts to nevertheless follow through in killing his old nemesis, but his katana is parried by his granddaughter's - she and Alopex have taken this opportunity to defect.

While the Turtles and Foot Ninja attempt to hold off Hob and Slash, Kitsune tries to finish what Saki started with Splinter, on the astral plane. Arnold Jones, looking for revenge on his son's death, arrives to join the fracas with his Purple Dragons.

Saki fights off and kills Karai and Alopex, while Raphael kills Hob. Kitsune and Splinter continue to battle on the astral plane, and Kitsune's advantage is thrown off by the presence of Tang Shen, allowing Splinter to turn the tide and kill Kitsune. With the witch dead, the spell on the Turtles breaks. Shredder mourns his consort and is angered into attempting once more to finish off Splinter, but Arnold stops him and blasts him in the face with his shotgun, killing him.

Splinter's physical and spiritual wounds take a toll on him, and he sees his sons returned to their old selves just before perishing.

See also[]

  • Faction gallery: Foot Clan