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[It all started at the alley with the turtles, searching for the mutagen..]

Raph: Come on, Donnie. Don't get so bent out of shape about April. She'll come around.

Donnie: Yeah, I guess you're right.

[The turtles searched around for the mutagen canisters but nothing was in there. Mikey comes out of a dumpster.]

Mikey: No sign of any mutagen, but you're not gonna believe what I found!

[Mikey takes out a lizard puppet]

Mikey: An iguana wearing a top hat. Isn't that cool? I mean, why would you throw this out? 'Ello, gov'nor. How do you like my mon-acle?

Donnie: Monocle.

Mikey: Whatever.

Raph: You realize that could be a distant cousin? And he's stuffed with sawdust.

[Mikey groans in disgust and throws it away.]

Mikey: Eww, sick!

Donnie: Quiet, guys. My ooze scanner is going crazy again. I told you a mutagen was close-by.

Raph: You're scanner's about as useless as a trench coat on a turtle.

Leo: Hey, just give him a chance, Raph. It's our fault those containers went missing. We got to find 'em before some random Joe ends up mutated.

Donnie: This way.

[On the rooftop. Mikey finds a mutagen canister, in good condition.]

Mikey: Found it! How many does that bring us up to?

Donnie: One and a half. But look at the bright side: Only sixty three more to go.

[Meanwhile, Karai is spying on them.]

Karai: So the turtles are hunting for the missing mutagen supply. This makes the game so much easier.

[Theme song.]

[Next scene shows the turtles on the rooftop.]

Mikey: We've been looking for mutagen for days now, dudes. This is so boring. I'm gonna scream.

[Mikey let out a long scream.]

Turtles: Mikey!

Leo: Okay, okay, we get it. We'll take a little break and do something fun. Cool?

Turtles: Sweet. Whoo-hoo-hoo! Awesome.

Leo: Training session. Yes!

Turtles: [defeated] Aww.

Leo: Guys, sensei wants me to train you, and that's what I'm gonna do. You see Dragon gate over there?

Others: Yeah.

Leo: I'm gonna defend it, like king of the mountain, okay? Now, the only way you can get past me is to use traditional close-quarters fighting. Got it?

Raph: Whatever you say, fearless leader. Let's just get it over with.

[They head over to the building.]

Raph: Guys, I've got an idea.

[He whispers to his brothers. Later, Leo began to balance on the wires of the lights. Mikey puts on his music player.]

Mikey: What's up, ninja?

Leo: What are you doing, Mikey?

[Mikey continues on dancing while Leo tries to attack. Mikey dodged.]

Leo: Real funny. Come on.

[Mikey dodges, leaps high and gets to the other side.]

Mikey: Made it. Ha! Whoo!

Leo: [Irritated.] Oh, that's not fair! That was not a real fight. Okay.

[Donnie went next. Using his intelligence skills, he used his ninja stars at Leo. Leo deflects them.]

Leo: Ow! Are you kidding me, Donnie?

[Donnie makes it to the other side.]

Donnie: King of the mountain, baby! Ha!

Mikey: That's my ninja.

Leo: So what's your trick gonna be?

Raph: Tricks? What are you guys talking about?

[Raph throws his Sai and Leo blocks it.]

Leo: Hey. Ninjas never throw their weapons.

[Leo gets knocked down off the hanging lights and the three turtles make it. Leo's katana fell beside that spelled Lame o Nardo.]

Turtles: All right! Whoo-hoo!

Leo: [Angry.] Why do you always undermine my training?

Raph: You just want us to fight exactly like you fight, but the whole point is to make it to the Dragon gate any way we can, right?

[All except Leo leave, Leo looks at his sword, and is upset with his brothers not listening to him. Back in the lair, Leo in the dojo, talking to Master Splinter.]

Leo: I don't know, sensei. Maybe I'm not cut out for all this. I don't really think the guys respect me. I just... I just want to be a good leader, you know?

Splinter: Leonardo, a true leader doesn't always impose his will but helps his followers flourish, grow.

Leo: Maybe I shouldn't be leading the team.

Splinter: My son, how can your brothers believe in you as leader if you do not believe in yourself?

[Meanwhile, Karai is looking at the photo of her mom. But she is also training with her own Foot Bots, identical to the Foot soldiers but with glowing eyes.  She dodged and started to deflect them with her swords. She leaps and punches them out. Before it was over, the Foot bots stood up and charged. Karai dodged but they easily managed to hold her arm as they approached her.]

Shredder: Enough.

[The footbots stopped.]

Shredder: The Kraang swore that these new foot soldiers would be deadly. They were true to their word.

Karai: I thought they'd finish me off, but you wouldn't let them do that, right, father?

Shredder: I am leaving for Japan to take care of urgent business. You are not to make any moves against the turtles until I return.

Karai: But I told you-

Shredder: Disobedience comes with a stiff penalty, child.

Karai: Even for your daughter?

Shredder: Especially for my daughter.

[In the shellraiser.]

Mikey: You're not mad at us, are you, Leo? [holds his book] I'll give you Mutant Pus Monsters 23 if you're not mad.

Leo: I'm not mad. I just think you guys need to be a little better at following my orders.

Raph: Aw, it's too bad I can't play my violin while I drive.

Leo: What's your problem lately, Raph? You still jealous you're not leading the team?

Donnie: Stop the shellraiser. Scanner's picked up another mutagen canister. We're close, guys. Signals coming from the basement.

Leo: Okay, let's not make any sudden moves before I give the ...orders.

[But the turtles are already gone. In the warehouse, Mikey sees another mutagen that is nearby.]

MIkey: Oh, yeah! Found it! Go, ninja. Go, ninja, go.

Leo: Don't!

[But when Mikey grabbed it, all of the doors closed.]

Leo: See? If you would listen to me-

Karai: Easier than I thought.

Leo: Karai!

Karai: Long time, eh, Leo?

[The Foot bots surround them]

Donnie: Your lady friend's getting really good at setting ambushes.

Raph: Ha, they're just Foot soldiers. Won't even break a sweat.

[They charge at them until the robot's eyes glow red and begin to attack. Raph tried to deflect them but gets knocked and landed onto Donnie. MIkey charged and whipped his nunchucks at the robot.]

Mikey: They armored up or something?

[Leo gets kicked in the stomach as one of the swords break, being held by the foot bot. The boys backed away.]

Leo: Everybody, fall back!

Donnie: What?

Raph: We're running away?

Leo: It's not running. It's a tactical retreat. Move!

Raph: I don't care what Leo says. I don't run from the Foot.

[Raph attacks but gets knocked down.]

Leo: This way!

[They run as the robots chase them up the elevator shaft.]

Donnie: Go, go, go!

[Mikey gets grabbed by the footbots]

Mikey: Off of me, you bug-eyed creep!

[Leo jumps down and knocks the footbot, breaking it into pieces.]

Donnie: Those guys are robots?

Leo: Move your shell, Donnie. Go!

[They continue to climb. Leo struggled to reach but the footbots grabbed his body.]

Raph: Hurry, Leo!

[He tried to reach for Raph.]

Raph: Leo!

[Leo loses his grip as the rope snaps. Donnie began to pick up the remains of the rope.]

Raph: He's gone. And it's all my fault.

[Back at the lair.]

Donnie: We didn't follow his lead.

Mikey: How are we gonna explain this to Master Splinter?

Splinter: Explain what to me, Michelangelo?

Raph: It's Leo, sensei. Karai captured him.

Splinter: Hmm. I knew it would come to this eventually.

Donnie: Come to what, sensei?

Splinter: Karai wants to take revenge. She believes that I took one of her loved ones away from her.

Mikey: But it's not true, right?

Splinter: It is very much... the opposite of what she thinks. Find Leonardo. That is what is important right now. Rescue your brother.

[In Bradford's dojo, Karai is holding Leo captive in a cage.]

Karai: You know I bet I'd make a small fortune if I sold you to a science lab. Could you imagine the press? "Talking ninja turtle found in sewer."

Leo: Sweet. Captured and now totally humiliated. Awesome day, Leo. Awesome day.

Karai: You deserve everything you're getting, Leo. After you betrayed me last time.

[She summons the footbots, kneeling down.]

Karai: Don't you love it? My new robotic Foot Bots follow my orders to a "T. " No arguing, no prodding. They do whatever I want. Cool, right?

Leo: Yeah, convenient. Nice.

Karai: I've been teaching the Foot Bots new skills, but now I'm turning the training over to someone new.

[She used her blade and freed Leo from his cage. She tosses the katanas down.]

Karai: Foot Bots! De-shell him.

[The bots started to attack but Leo sliced it up. The other footbots started to use ninja stars as Leo began to use his katanas to attack.]

Karai: You spend years learning a fighting style, and my robots learn it in seconds from you. Fighting just improves their skills.

[The robots circle around him. Leo gets pinned down.]

Leo: Karai!

Karai: I never got to know my mother because your rodent master took her away from me.

[Leo shoves himselff off and runs toward Karai but the Footbots stopped him.]

Leo: Splinter? That's a lie!

Karai: Get him out of my sight.

[The footbots tried to take him away.]

Leo: Karai, listen to me. Splinter would never hurt your mother.

[Meanwhile in Donnie’s lab]

Donnie: Okay, so I hacked into some security footage. There, it's Karai's van.

Mikey: They took Leo to the Bradford dojo.

Raph: Let's do this.

Mikey: Wait, so you're leader now?

Donnie: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. I'm the smartest, so-

Raph: Look, let's not argue about this. Leo needs us, and listen, this time, we fight how Leo wanted us to fight. The way he fights.

[Later, Raph, Donnie and Mikey head to the dojo.]

Donnie: Can't sneak in. Security camera.

Raph: No sweat. I got this.

[Raph pulled out a pigeon.]

Donnie: It's not just one. The entire roof is bracketed by surveillance.

[He pets the bird and then the bird calls its companions to distract it. A flock of pigeons started to appear on the cameras. Raph opened up the window and entered inside. They look down and find Leo gagged and tied. They landed on the footbots and destroyed them. Leo let out a muffled cry.]

Donnie: We can't understand what you're trying to say, Leo. [Removes gag from Leo's mouth.]

Leo: It's a trap!

[The boys look and notice the Footbots, getting up and Karai behind them.]

Mikey: Nice, Leo. You could've said something.

[Raph frees Leo with his sai.]

Raph: You got two choices, sweetheart: Let us go, or walk away from this inside a sandwich bag.

Karai: Sorry, Raphael. Can't let you go. It's not really that personal with the rest of you turtles. I just need you for bait.

Leo: She wants Splinter.

Karai: Your sensei will eventually track you here, and when he shows up, Splinter will know what it's like to truly suffer. Restrain them!

[The turtles begin to battle the footbots.]

Raph: Let's smash some robots.

Donnie: They're only 1000 times better at fighting than regular Foot.

[They continue on fighting but the robots are stronger. Donnie dodged but gets knocked down. Mikey get himself grabbed by the footbot but Leo and Raph slcied them down.]

Karai: My Foot Bots know every move. Every skill. Every attack.

Donnie: We're out of real estate.

Leo: If I order you to run away, will you guys listen this time?

Mikey: Heck yeah. And we can still call it a tactical retreat, if you want.

[They head outside.]

Karai: Foot Bots! Don't let them escape!

[The turtles start to run.]

Raph: All our moves are useless.

Leo: They know every move I can make. Every fighting style, skill, every- wait a sec. Remember king of the mountain?

Raph: Yeah.

Donnie: Sure.

Mikey: What about it?

[They leap over to the park. Leo used his katana and stabbed the footbots head.]

Donnie: Oh, I get what you're saying: be unpredictable. : Do our thing!

[Donnie used his ninja star deflecting them on the objects and then stabbed the foot bots.]

Donnie: Didn't see that coming, did you?

[Mikey began to use his dance moves on the footbots while Raph stabbed them.]

Raph: I never had so much fun following your orders.

Leo: We're even. I've never had so much fun giving them.

[Raph leaps off the building and destroy a few robots. Karai attacks Leo as he blocked her move.]

Karai: You might as well give up now. The more you fight those Foot Bots, the more they adapt.

Leo: Your robots may know my moves, but you don't.

Karai: Fool! A ninja never throws away their weapon.

Leo: That's the point.

Karai: Think you've won?

[Leo almost fell and managed to get onto the roof and knocked Karai off the lights. She is defeated.]

Leo: Shredder is lying to you. Splinter would never hurt an innocent. Your grudge is with me. Stay away from my brothers and my sensei. Understood? Believe me, Karai.

[He leaves Karai. as she watches.]

Donnie: Um, Leo, the robots have learned our moves.

Mikey: Our crazy has become normal! I hate that.

[The turtles head over to the other side as Leo cuts down the lights and disappears.]

Mikey: Watch me now. Flip, flip. Bing, bing, zat. Yeah. You see that? New high score, dudes. Uh!

Donnie: Leo, you want to play next?

Leo: Nah, go ahead, guys. I'm cool.

Raph: It's good to have you back, Leo. I mean it, brother.

Leo: Thanks, Raph.

[Later, Leo headed over to Splinter to talk about Karai.]

Leo: I'm sorry to bother you, Master Splinter. I need to ask you some questions about Karai.

Splinter: It is late, Leonardo. These questions will have to wait for another time.

Leo: She said you took her mother away from her. I know it's not true, right?

Splinter: No, it is not true, but the truth is almost as difficult.

Leo: Please, sensei. Tell me. Trust me.

Splinter: Karai... is my daughter.

[Episode dramatically ends.]
