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SPLINTER: "And as the spring breakers ran screaming, the shark swam all the way home belly full and ready for a goodnight sleep. The end. Aw.. Nighty night, my precious little Piebald." [kisses the fish bowl]
[Splinter walks away and turns the light out. After Piebald is sleeping, the four shadows of the turtles appear.]
RAPH: "Pst, Piebald. Dad's gone, You ready to play? Mm? Yeah!"
LEO: "Ok, Are we ready? Ready set go!"
[The all started playing with the fish bowl]
LEO: "Hey!"
MIKEY: "Oh no."
[The all gasps as the fish bowl lands the ground, but didn't break]
TURTLES: "Whew."
[Suddenly, the fish bowl breaks into pieces and Piebald lands on the floor]
MIKEY: "Piebald needs water fast!"
DONNIE: "Quick, give me two billion molecules of the—"
RAPH: "Donnie!"
TURTLES EXCEPT DON: "Not helping!"
DONNIE: [sighs] "You know I wish you guys would take a greater interest of my science. We're brothers but sometimes we're just roommates."
RAPH: 'Donnie, if you don't cut it out with your middle chow nonsense, I'm gonna shove your head in the— the toilet!"
MIKEY:" Good thinking, Raph."
LEO: "Bravo. Okay, so that Piebald's safe, game on!"
[Leo throws disc around the bathroom; first, the disc hits the pipes, then hits Raph's back shell on the bottom...]
RAPH: "Hey!"
[...And then the disc hits Donnie face.]
[The disc repeats nine times as the disc hit the flush mechanism for the toilet, sending Piebald spiraling down through the pipes.]
MIKEY: "NO!!!"
RAPH: "Piebald!"
[Piebald ended up as a whirlpool, down the drain. One year later, Mikey wakes up from the dream.]
MIKEY: "It was just a dream, Mikey. We lost her a long time ago, and Leo was right, hiding the truth beats being in trouble. AHHH!! Oh. It's just a new graffiti. That won't give me nightmares. Huh? "You flush me I flush you?" AAHHH!"
[Mikey lets out a scream and runs to get Leo. A few minutes later, the graffiti is gone.]
LEO: "Why am I not getting my beauty Z's right now?"
MIKEY: "It was right here. I— I swear. It said “You flush me, I flush you.” She's back and... and—and she's mad at us!"
LEO: "She? I know you're talking about the thing we talked about never talking about."
MIKEY: "It's Pie—"
LEO: "Not here."
[On the rooftops, all the brothers have gathered. Mikey explained the situation.]
MIKEY: "You got to believe me! Piebald's back! She's after us because we flushed her."
RAPH: "Relax. I'm not a scientist, but this is one hundred percent just your guilt glands, secreting guilt-zymes into your central guilt-ous system."
DONNIE: "Raph is right. He is not a scientist. But separately he was also right that this Piebald jazz is in your head."
MIKEY: "No, it's not. We have to tell Dad the truth."
LEO: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! We're not telling dad anything. Look, we all miss her but a year ago, we stood on this roof and decided-"
MIKEY: "You decided."
LEO: "We decided to replace Piebald with an identical fish dad's heart wouldn't be broken. He wins, we win and Piebald wins."
MIKEY: "Piebald got flushed!"
DONNIE: "Uh, If I may, Leo's idea about "the whole not getting into trouble thing" very convincing."
RAPH: "I second that."
LEO: "Looks like everyone agrees with me that we renew our path of secrecy and never tell dad the truth. One two three let's go."
RAPH: "Yadda, yadda, yadda. Eternal silence. Back to the lair, boys."
[Unknown to them, a goldfish mutant yokai was hidden in the shadows. We cut to the lair as Mikey plays the Hot Soup game thinking it would clear his head.]
MIKEY: [sighs] "Maybe they're right. You just need to relax. Huh?"
VIDEO GAME ANNOUNCER [off-screen]: "Player two's entered the game!"
MIKEY: "Huh?"
FEMALE VOICE: "You flushed me, I flush you."
[Mikey screams and shakes in fear. The screen flickers before it shows a dark forest and a toilet. A shadow lifted from and moved around. It let out an ear piercing jumpscare, making Mikey scream.]
[He bumps into Raph. Leo and Donnie are brushing their teeth.]
LEO: "What?"
MIKEY: "It's Piebald! She's after me!"
LEO: "Forget the name! Does the pact of secrecy mean nothing to you? I say we lock Mikey up till morning."
MIKEY: "What?"
DONNIE: "Yes."
RAPH: "Yeah."
FEMALE VOICE: "Genius idea, Leo."
LEO: "Fantastic. The graffiti wall agrees."
[ Two eyes popped from the invisible wall as Raph and Donnie gasped.. It was Piebald, except she is a humanoid being with a black hood over her head, two blue eyes and had two human shaped legs.]
PIEBALD: "Hey guys it's me! Piebald! Remember? We used to be friends, but now I'm gonna flush you!"
[The turtles except Leo screaming.]
LEO: "Okay, so she’s a mutant.."
[The other turtles ran away.]
DONNIE: "I don't know what's more unsettling, the giant goldfish or the possibility that Mikey may be right."
LEO: "And did you see her camouflage power? Class A."
MIKEY: [shaking] "She's after us because we flushed her and covered it up. Guys, we have to tell dad the truth."
LEO: "No way. The responsible thing is to get rid of her before dad finds out and then go back to pretending this never happened."
RAPH: "Solid solution.
SPLINTER: "Hello, fish food. [they scream] What? Just grabbing a late night snack for my sweet precious Piebald. Say, why do you look like you have something to confess?"
[Everyone gasps, eyes widened. Mikey started to sweat as his heart raced.]
PIEBALD: "You will pay for this!"
LEO: "Don’t you rat us out to the rat."
MIKEY: "Dad, the truth is....We..I uh.."
[Leo started to hold up a pan in his hand.]
LEO: "Snitches get stitches.."
MIKEY: "...I tooted."
[Leo lowers his pan.]
SPLINTER: "Back to beddy bye, Piebald."
LEO: "Phew. Way to throw dad off the scent. [sniffs] Oh, you weren't joking."
RAPH: "Okay, let's suit up, stat. She could be behind us or in front of us. The only thing we know for sure is she’s not right here."
[Unknown to them, a fish fook snatches him away.]
DONNIE: "Agreed. And Mikey, you did the right thing not telling dad. In the end, a lifetime of guilt and regret will be its own reward."
[Donnie gets snatched away by the hook.]
LEO: "Well said, Donnie."
PIEBALD: "You're not off the hook yet!"
[Leo and Mikey turned around to Piebald, but she disappeared. After a few brief moments, a bubble towards to them and it popped]
[Leo and Mikey screams and runs away]
LEO: "Flee!"
[Leo and Mikey hid the Turtle Tank from Piebald.]
MIKEY: "We have to go back for our brothers. Or are you gonna replace them too? [Leo almost replaced them with the rock] When will the lies end?"
LEO: "I don't lie. I just change the truth. And you will keep your mouth shut."
[Someone banged the Turtle Tank door.]
LEO: "Who's there? Donnie? Santa?"
[Leo and Mikey screams again]
MIKEY: "Wait..."
MIKEY: "Frankenfoot? Frankenfoot, quick! Get inside. There's a mutant goldfish."
[Frankenfoot gets captured by Piebald. Mikey hides in his shell and Leo grabs him.]
LEO: "Out the floor hatch, fast!"
[He threw him down the hole of the floor and jumped into the hatch underneath the tank.]
PIEBALD: "Caught ya, confetti boy!"
[Piebald shredded Frankenfoot piece by piece off-screen.]
LEO: "Oh, no! Ninja crawl jitsu!"
[Leo and Mikey jumped out, but Piebald captured Mikey and dragged him into the darkness.]
LEO: "Mikey! Okay... keep your wits and do what any mature and brave individual would. DADDY!! Papa!"
[Piebald now captures Splinter.]
PIEBALD: "The flushing is nigh!"
LEO: "Huh?"
PIEBALD: "I mean soon, kid. Read a book."
[She disappears, Leo standing in shock.]
LEO: "Oh, boy."
[The bubble trails lead to the sewers while Leo shakes. He starts to follow them.]
LEO: "Okay, no time to think this though, My family needs me.. Look out, Piebald, the saving is nigh. I learn book words."
[The other turtles and Splinter tied up in the sewer, dangling over a whirlpool of sewer water.]
PIEBALD: "Once I find the bluefin, it's flushing time! You know what a scream sounds like underwater?"
LEO: "Okay, I should've thought this though. Come on Leo, think."
[He placed his hands over his head and saw that he had painted his face gray because of the wet painted wall.]
LEO: "Piebald may have camouflage、 but I have pajama flage."
DONNIE: "What did we ever do to deserve- Oh, right, right. The flushing."
[Piebald’s memory began while she was speaking. She was all alone in the Sewer until she got caught by the Trash Wizard but she escaped. As she swims alone, she eats an oozequito and mutates into a humanoid like what she was today.]
PIEBALD: "You dumb disc slingers flushed me alive and replaced me with an imposter so my own loving father didn't know I was missing. Who does that? I was lost and alone and some trash wizard tried to eat me. But my flavor was too robust and I escaped. I was forced to embrace the sewer circle of life and eat things I'm not proud of. Now you losers can feel what it's like to be mutants and live in the sewers."
LEO: "That's already our thing. Surprise attack nigh!"
[Piebald camouflaged herself invisible and Leo missed it and hit the ground. Leo sees a fish hook in front of him as Piebald stands over his family..]
PIEBALD: [camouflage herself visible] "Now that the whole family's here, It’s time for my flushing revenge!"
LEO: "We never meant to flush you. It was an accident, honest. How about we make it up to you with a nice dinner of our own? Sushi, I mean fish and chips, er branzino. Why can't I stop suggesting fish?"
[Piebald tries to destroy Leo, but Leo is caught holding the hook.]
LEO: "Sorry, dad. It was me who made everyone keep the secret from you. Flush me and let my family go."
PIEBALD: "Let your family go? I love that idea."
[Piebald cuts the rope down the sewer and everyone begins to fall.]
[Suddenly, the rope pulled back up and landed on the ground. Leo hugs the brothers relieved that they’re okay, but Splinter laughs all of a sudden.]
SPLINTER: "And that is why you always tell the truth."
PIEBALD: "Got ya. You should see your face!"
[The turtles are confused]
MIKEY: "Huh?"
DONNIE: "How do you two-"
RAPH: "Wait, what?"
DONNIE: "What did-"
LEO: "What?"
DONNIE: "Did he-"
PIEBALD: "After a year, I made my way home only to find a googly eyed rock living in my fishbowl. Poor form guys."
SPLINTER: "I was shocked to discover you boys had lied to me. So we planned this whole thing to teach you a lesson."
MIKEY: "I don't know how to feel now..."
SPLINTER: "My sons, you know I love you, but you only remember lessons when you learn them the hard way. So remember, lying is bad and bad is good. Night, night."
PIEBALD: "Later turds."
[She leaves. leaving the turtles in silence.]