Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
Leonardo deals with a betrayal in the present day. And in the future, Donatello reflects on the TMNT's past as he realizes a hard truth about Armaggon. All anyone really knows is that the future is less certain than it's ever been-especially with Armaggon on a rampage to rewrite the past! How far back will they have to go to stop him? Longtime TMNT writer Sophie Campbell and superstar artist Vincenzo Federici continue telling one of the biggest TMNT stories yet on the last stop before #150!
Appearing in part 5[]
Major characters[]
- Bob (death)
- Donatello
- Future Bob
- Future Michelangelo
- Leonardo
- Michelangelo
- Venus
Minor characters[]
- April O'Neil
- Armaggon
- Bludgeon (astral projection)
- Carmen
- Future Jennika
- Future Klunk (debut)
- Lita (retro-mutates)
- Koya
- Mutant City police
Cover only[]
- Donatello
Koya dive-kicks Future Bob to get him off of Leonardo. An astrally-projected Bludgeon ushers Carmen to safety, while Koya carries Leo away. Michelangelo continues fighting off the creatures that Future Bob had summoned until they are all beaten. Future Bob approaches the group, Leo tries reasoning with him and tells him that they might be able to help in Armaggon's stead and that he doesn't need to beholden to the shark. Bob says that Armaggon will turn him human again, and that by syphoning off QNA in small quantities so that they didn't notice he was doing it, he was slowly feeding Armaggon so that he could be free from his timeless prison in the far future. To demonstrate, Bob takes enough QNA from Lita to regress her into a human again. Carmen and April care for the shocked Lita as Leo, Mike, and Koya chase Bob. He absconds through a portal before they can reach him and Leo anguishes about his failure to protect Bob and Lita. Mike comforts him.
The portal begins acting strangely and Bludgeon says that he can tell from its aura that it's collapsing. Leo and April scramble to put the sigils back into place, and stablize the portal again.
Meanwhile in the future, Jennika, present-day Bob, Donatello, and Venus flee from the Mutant City police. Don says he can't just use his Anti-Gravity Gauntlet to summon a new time portal since he wouldn't know when they would pop out at, and their best bet would be to use one that his future self left behind. Venus knows that Jenny knows where one is, and the latter admits that she had been withholding that information from them because she had missed her friends and wanted to spend time with them again. Jenny leads them to the nearest one, which in the bunker under the old Church, and the time-travellers move into it while Jenny stays behind to accept her fate at the hands of the police.
Bob, Venus, and Don pop out in a swanky penthouse apartment, and upon seeing Klunk, realize it must be Michelangelo's place. He walks into the room and greets them, realizing that they're the past versions of his friends that disappeared into the portal in the present time. Mike offers them all some coffee, which Bob happily takes him up on. Mikey says things have gotten weird ever since he became famous, and Venus suddenly can sense that Future Don is in that timeline currently. Present Don professes the urgency that they get to feudal Japan to stop Armaggon, but Mike says since it's time travel, they don't have to leave right away, and says that maybe they can keep hanging out, maybe shoot some videos together, something along the lines of an interview. Venus angrily swipes away Mike's holographic display and tells him to stop behaving this way. Mike admits that he, like Jennika, has gotten lonely without his friends and family around and these days he mostly just squirrels himself away in his apartment with Klunk out of the public eye, and that the "radiant gravity" that Kitsune told them that was what drew people to them was making it hard for him to judge whether people were genuine when being friendly to him, or if they were there to get something out of him.
Future Bob suddenly shows up out of a time portal and present Bob attacks him, telling him that he ruined everything by convincing him to turn his back on his friends. Future Bob mocks his past self, saying he's disgusting and makes him sick. He summons Armaggon outside of Mike's building, and Mike huddles down in an effort to protect Klunk. Don attacks Future Bob and Venus uses her power to try to keep Present Bob away from him, but Future Bob kicks Don away and grabs Present Bob, throwing him into Armaggon's maw, where he is encapsulated in a techno-organic cocoon.