Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
Change is constant, but family is forever… at least it’s supposed to be. Since recent events have left his family fractured, Donatello has taken it upon himself to do whatever it takes to protect his brothers from a threat only he saw coming… Little does he know it’s already too late… Armaggon Is Inevitable. Don’t miss the first issue of Sophie Campbell’s definitive TMNT tale! The road to #150 starts here!
Appearing in Part 1[]
Major characters[]
Minor characters[]
- Northampton, Massachusetts
- Serravallian Age Northampton
- Farm
- Thin place
Donatello and Venus bring April, and Leonardo up to speed on the writings he found from Don's future self and the threat of Armaggon, who is supposed to not only be the death of the Turtles but the devourer of time itself. Leo leaves the brainacs to their literal devices while he goes off with Carmen, Lita, and Bob.
Despite her scientific ingenuity, April still has trouble wrapping her head around things and needs further clarification from Don and Venus. She does get a hang of the idea then, and the three of them use the machinery, Don's Anti-Gravity Gauntlet, and gofu to open a small wormhole. They leave it for the night, protected by magic sigils, so that the gofu can recharge and they can try again.
That night, Leo challenges the wisdom of just leaving a gestating wormhole in the middle of the woods, but Don says that it's protected and in a Thin place so it should be no trouble. His actual worries lie in not being able to fix things and that their splitting apart was just what Big Lita warned them about. Leo tries to assuage his fears by telling him that they're not estranged, they're just a family off doing what families do, not necessitating being together all the time. He tells Don to get some rest.
As they all sleep, a force comes out of the wormhole and approaches Bob in bed. It's a future version of Bob, who tells him in his time he's still a mutant and that he needs to stop Don's experiment if he ever wants to be human again, that he knows of someone that can eat the mutation out of time itself. He hands Bob an object to wear and although reluctant to do so, follows his future self into the woods.
Present Bob takes down the sigils, which causes something hanging around Future Bob's neck to glow. As the sigils are removed and the machine begins churning, Don wakes up and sees the glow through the window and rushes outside, startling a meditating Venus awake as they rush to the forest. They find the Bobs and ask what Present Bob is doing (Future Bob, hiding in his cloak, does not have his identity known to the two). Venus tries to pull Present Bob away, but Future Bob pulls him back and then attacks. Future Bob tosses Present Bob into the wormhole, and Venus intuits that her attacker is from the future. While Don and Venus fight him, Venus is knocked into the wormhole as well, and then Future Bob says he was trained by Don's brother and knows specifically how to beat each of them. He then tosses Don into the wormhole, too.
The three mutants are thrown twelve million years ago, into the Serravallian Age. They are hurtling right toward a megalodon, and Don uses his gauntlet and gofu to encapsule the three of them into a bubble in an effort to protect them. As they are shunted back toward the wormhole, Don notices not only is the megalodon being pulled along with them, but it also starts to mutate from the gofu....
The four of them end up in a void at the end of time, and it dawns on Don as he comes face-to-face with Armeggon at last, that he is responsible for the creation of the monster.