
Some TMNT stuff was always meant for grownups.

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Fathers and Daughters

Story - Will Tupper

Art - Szymon Kudranski

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[Casey Jones approaches a desk in his apartment. On the desk is a typewriter. Casey removes the turtle-shell shaped baby carrier from his shoulders and sets it down next to him. He looks at the paper in the typewriter, and then over at his infant daughter, Shadow.]

Casey "Okay. Here we go, kiddo."

[He puts his hands behind his head and stretches.]


[Casey starts typing.]


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Dear Shadow, feels kind of funny. Me, writing a letter. Using a typewriter. Sitting here. Being your father.

[He glances over at Shadow and smiles.]

I never expected any of this to happen. I mean, not like this I didn't. But it's like your Uncle Leo says. Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. Your uncles, well. Your uncles are something I'll tell you about when you get a bit older.

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[Casey pictures a scene where three of the Turtles, wearing outrageous costumes, stand in a circle around Shadow. They are making funny faces, dancing, and Raphael is juggling eggs in order to entertain her. She is delighted.]

Shadow "Yeee!"

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[Casey continues typing.]

But I'm sure you'll figure it out before then.

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Someday I'll tell you all about how great your mom was. Her name was Gabrielle. Your Uncle Michelangelo tells me that Gabrielle was some sort of angel from the bible.

[An image of Casey and Michelangelo sitting on a set of stairs. Michelangelo is holding a bible.]

That sounds about right. Although maybe she was a little bit of a lost soul, too. A little like me, maybe. But your mom'd found what she was looking for most in the world when she knew just how soon you'd be here. A sense of direction. Love with a purpose. Life's greatest lesson.

[Casey reaches over and Shadow grabs his finger.]

Oh, Shadow. I wish you'd had a chance to know her. And I wish I'd had a chance to know her better. But your Uncle Leo's right...

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Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. And when you're not making plans then maybe you're falling into them. Like I did with your mom.

Shadow "Daaa..."

Casey "Gabrielle..."

A fallen angel. There's another woman in my -no- in our life now. I knew her before I met your mom, and then I met her again... After it was all over.

[Casey looks at a calendar turned to April. The number 15 is marked with a heart.]

Her name's April. April O'Neil. She's kind, patient. And pretty incredible. I'm pretty sure you're going to steal her heart, kiddo.

[Casey lifts Shadow out of her carrier.]

Casey "Like I know you stole mine."

Shadow "Daaaa....Daaaa?"

Casey "What's that, Shad?"

Shadow "Daa... Daa!"

Casey "One more time, baby."

Shadow "Dad-a!"

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[Casey, with Shadow in her carrier again, leaves the room.]

Shadow "Da-da! Dada!"

[Casey heads down the stairs.]

Shadow "Dada! Dada! Dada! Daa... Da!"

Casey "Hey April! Mikey! Leo! Raph! C'mere!"

[He enters the living room.]

Michelangelo "What's up, Case-man?"

[Casey holds Shadow up for them to see.]

Casey "Listen! She said her first word! She said "dada!""

[Everyone waits. Shadow does nothing for a moment, and then...]

Shadow "Burp!"

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Michelangelo "I don't think burping's a word, dude."

Raphael "Hey, Case! She sounds just like you!"

[Casey stares at Shadow. April sets your hand on Casey's shoulder.]

Casey "Like father like daughter, huh?"

[For a moment, the two stare at each other, and then...]

Casey "Burp!"

Shadow "Burp!"

The End!
