[Opening sequence and theme song.]

[Episode opens on a city bus as it comes to a stop. The turtles, wearing disguises and carrying backpacks and bedrolls, exit the bus.]

Leonardo "What's the name of that movie again, Michelangelo?"

Michelangelo "Gorgonzola Versus The Slime Monster."

Donatello "Gee, after going to all the trouble of getting these new disguises, it better be good."

Raphael "Are you kidding? Nobody can stomp Tokyo like old Gorgonzola."

[Two men run down the middle of the street, coming in their direction. Both are wearing masks and carrying an object between them.]

Raphael "Oh, now there's something you don't see every day."

Leonardo "You don't suppose—"

[Another man races past, chasing the two thieves.]

Urn Owner "Stop, thieves!"

Leonardo "We better do something about this, and fast."

Raphael "Yeah. I don't want to miss the beginning of the movie."

Urn Owner "They went around that corner."

[The thieves have stopped. The stolen item is a large, intricately carved urn. One of the thieves works to pry a huge pearl off of the urn.]

Short Thief "Aw, this pearl must be worth a fortune."

Tall Thief "Not to mention what the rest of the pot will bring us."

Donatello "Hey, you, stop!"

[The thieves start climbing the fire escape on a nearby building, and the turtles climb up after them. Midway up, the thieves begin having trouble with the urn.]

Tall Thief "Uhh! Does this thing suddenly seem heavier to you?"

Leonardo "All right, just put it down and there won't be any trouble."

Short Thief "Heh heh, will you look at that? We're being attacked by a hiking troop. Ha ha ha!"

[He pulls a gun from his jacket.]

Raphael "Oh, yeah? Laugh this off."

[He pulls a sai and throws it, knocking the gun from the thief’s hand.]

Short Thief "Yeow!"

[Leonardo throws his turtle line around both thieves, tightly binding them. The urn starts falling down the ladder.]

Leonardo "Grab it!
[He and Donatello catch it, but it keeps falling, shaking Leonardo off. Donatello clings to it as it falls.]

Hang on, Donatello!

[Donatello loses his grip and falls. He grabs onto a window ledge to stop his fall, and the urn keeps going.]

Donatello "Aah!"

Michelangelo "I got it, I got it!
[He momentarily catches the urn, but then it slips away from him.]

I don't got it.

Raphael "I'll stop that overgrown flower pot.
[It smacks into him and he clings to the side as it continues hopping down the ladder.]

Yeow! Yee-ha! Aah!
[He hits the sidewalk and the urn lands on top of him.]


Leonardo "Good work, Raphael, you stopped it."

Raphael "Just call me talented."

Donatello "Look! The thieves are escaping!"

Michelangelo "Yeah, but at least we got the urn."

Donatello "But I wonder what's so special about this oversized cookie jar?"

Raphael "Excuse me, could I interject a thought at this point?"

Leonardo "What, Raphael?"

Raphael "Get this darn thing off of me!
[The other turtles lift the urn off of him.]

Any mail for me while I was gone?

Urn Owner "The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, how can I ever thank you?"

Raphael "Well, buying me a new shell would be a start."

Leonardo "Why were those crooks after this thing, anyway?"

Urn Owner "I can't understand it. Three times have they tried to steal it since I bought it."

Leonardo "Well, it looks pretty valuable."

Urn Owner "True, this is the urn of Chakahachi.  It is extremely precious, but the legends say it is cursed!"

Raphael "I can believe that."

Michelangelo "Sounds to me like you need some protection-ay, amigo."

Urn Owner "I'm having an entire security system installed, but it won't be finished until three o’clock today. Turtle-sans, keep the urn until the security system is in place."

Donatello "But the only place we can take it is the sewers."

Michelangelo "We're gonna have to lug it all the way down there?"

Raphael "I have a feeling this is not going to be the high spot of my day."

[Cut to Lotus Blossom, standing before a castle which looks like the one on the urn. The castle is shaking and crumbling.]

Lotus Blossom "What is happening?"

[A huge figure stands atop the castle, dressed in samurai garb.]

Chakahachi "Come, my Lotus Blossom."

Lotus "Who are you? Why did you call me?"

Chakahachi "Come with me."

[The figure reaches down and grabs her arm in its gigantic hand. Suddenly, Leonardo and Raphael appear. Leonardo grabs her other arm.]

Leonardo "No, Lotus. You mustn't go. You don't belong with him."

Chakahachi "You are mine."

[Chakahachi picks her up in his giant fist.]

Lotus "Aah!
[She bolts upright in her bed. It was a dream.]

Oh! Oh, that dream again. The third time this week. And the turtles have something to do with it. I must seek them and find out the meaning of this, or I shall have no peace.

[Back to the turtles, who are lowering the urn into the sewers.]

Raphael "Boy, is this any way to earn a living?"

[The urn gets away from them and starts sliding towards a crevice.]

Leonardo "There it goes again!"

[The turtles catch it just before it falls.]

Donatello "You know, if I didn't know it was impossible, I'd say this urn was trying to smash itself open."

[At the turtles’ lair, they show the urn to Master Splinter.]

Splinter "I don't know what it was the thieves chipped off, and all this inscription says is "In honor of Chakahachi". I have never seen an urn like this."

Michelangelo "But what about that Chaka dude, Master Splinter?"

Splinter "I must consult my ancient clan histories to learn more about him."

Donatello "Gee, that could take hours."

Michelangelo "Yeah, and there is something majorly mysterioso about that urn."

Leonardo "Perhaps it would help if we knew why the thieves were after it."

Raphael "Maybe we'd find a clue at the scene of the crime."

Leonardo "What makes you think that?"

Raphael "Because it always works when they do it on TV."

[They leave the lair. Inside the Technodrome on Dimension X, the occupants watch April O’Neil’s news report.]

April O’Neil "This is the third time burglars have tried to steal the urn of Chakahachi since it arrived in this country. Presently, it is being guarded by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. April O'Neil, lunchtime news."

Rocksteady "Aw, gee, boss, why'd you turn it off?"

Bebop "Yeah, there was cartoons coming on next."

Shredder "The urn of Chakahachi in the hands of those turtles! I can't believe it! All my life I've been searching for that urn, and now those repugnant reptiles have it."

Krang "We're stuck on this miserable planetoid, and all you can think about is your porcelain collection."

Shredder "You fool, that urn contains powers you never dreamed of."

Krang "Ptah! I'd have been better off hiring street mimes. At least they know when to shut up."

Shredder "I must have that urn!"

Rocksteady "Oh, goodie, does that mean we get to go to Earth, and get it for you, boss?"

Shredder "No! You morons would probably drop it! There is one on Earth who is much better suited to get it for us. But first, she must be convinced. Bebop, Rocksteady, bring me the holographic 3-D video camera."

[Return to Lotus’ apartment, where she is dressed in her ninja garb.]

Lotus "Now, to seek out the turtles."

[She is startled by a high-pitched squeal. Shredder’s voice, disguised by a deeper pitch, calls to her.]

Shredder "Lotus Blossom."

Lotus "Who are you?"

[Smoke fills a corner of her apartment, and then a figure in samurai garb appears.]

Shredder "I am the ghost of Chakahachi, the leader of the clan from which you are descended."

Lotus "I have no clan. I am a masterless warrior."

Shredder "You are wrong, Lotus Blossom. Your parents were from the Chakahachi clan."

Lotus "They were?"

Shredder "A grave crime has been committed. Our clan's sacred urn has been stolen. We have been dishonored."

Lotus "If I am indeed a member of this clan, I must do anything for its honor."

Shredder "Then go, punish the turtles who have disgraced us, and return here with the urn!"

Lotus "If the turtles are guilty, they will suffer the consequences."

[Cut to the Technodrome, where Shredder stands before a curtain dressed as Chakahachi. Bebop has used a stolen Channel 6 news camera to film him.]

Rocksteady "Gee, boss, you were great. I think you really fooled her."

Bebop "Uh, yeah, if they gave Oscars for sneakiness, you'd be a shoo-in."

Shredder "Why, thank you. Now all we have to do is sit back and wait while Lotus Blossom gets the urn for us."

[The turtles have returned to the fire escape where they retrieved the urn.]

Donatello "Here's something."

Michelangelo "Those thieves must have dropped it."

[Donatello holds up a matchbook and reads the cover.]

Donatello "“The Secret Hideout”."

Raphael "You know, there's something vaguely suspicious sounding about that name."

Donatello "Sure sounds like a place where criminals would hang out."

Michelangelo "Then let's get them!"

Donatello "Yeah! We'll make them tell everything they know about—"

[A dart flies past him and hits the wall. Lotus Blossom stands on the street corner below.]

Leonardo "Lotus Blossom, what are you doing?"

Lotus "Do you have the urn of Chakahachi?"

Leonardo "Yes, but—"

Lotus "Then you have dishonored my clan and now you must pay!"

[She slices through a light post and it falls towards the fire escape.]

Turtles "Aghh! Waah! Aah! Look out!"

[The lamp post hits the wall and Leonardo jumps onto it, using his sword to slide down to the ground.]

Leonardo "Lotus Blossom, stop this!"

Lotus "You have dishonored my clan!"

Leonardo "What clan? You have no clan."

Lotus "I am a descendant of Chakahachi!"

[Their swords clash.]

Leonardo "What? That's impossible!"

Lotus "You speak treason against my clan!"

Donatello "We gotta get that lady to calmed down."

Raphael "Maybe if we sang her a soothing ballad."

Leonardo "Whoa!"

[They dodge a thrown spear and run into a building labeled “Ware House” as Lotus Blossom throws several bladed weapons at them.]

Lotus "Come back, you desecrators!"

[The building is filled with crates and boxes.]

Leonardo "Circle round and find cover."

[Raphael looks inside an open box.]

Raphael "What the heck are these things?"

Donatello "They're records. You know, what people used to listen to before compact discs."

Michelangelo "Whoa, somebody really burned these pizzas!"

Lotus "Show yourselves, you cowards! I want that urn or your shells!"

Michelangelo "Have it your way, dudette. Cowabunga!"

[The turtles leap from hiding and pounce on her. There is a huge fight and then Lotus Blossom tosses all the turtles across the room.]

Lotus "Hee~yah!"

[Raphael and Donatello land in boxes filled with records.]

Raphael "Oh! You get the feeling Lotus is upset about something?"

Donatello "Uh-oh."

[Lotus Blossom appears just under them.]

Michelangelo "Oh, no, you don't.
[He swings on a rope.]

All for one and one for—
[A thrown knife cuts the rope.]

Aah! Whoa!
[He lands in a box next to his brothers.]

I think my swashbuckling days are over, dudes.

Raphael "N-N-Now, Lotus, you're a little distraught—"

Donatello "Yeah, let us explain."

Lotus "Hi-ya!"

[She slashes through the post on the platform containing the boxes the turtles are in. They fall.]

Donatello "That's what I call a record-breaking event."

Lotus "Now, turtles, you will pay."

Leonardo "All right, hold it! You want the urn? You've got it."

Lotus "At last you see reason. Take me to it at once!"

[Raphael whispers to Leonardo.]

Raphael "But it belongs to that old man."

Leonardo "I know, but it's our only chance to explain things to her."

[The turtles and Lotus Blossom have returned to the lair, where Splinter speaks to her.]

Splinter "I have been studying clan history all day, Lotus. You are not descended from the Chakahachi clan."

Lotus "The ghost seemed so real."

Donatello "Lotus, ghosts are a scientific impossibility."

Lotus "And those dreams I've been having?"

Splinter "Surely the real Chakahachi would have known that the turtles are merely guarding the urn. I fear someone is deceiving you."

Lotus "But why? Why would someone go to such lengths to trick me?"

Leonardo "Think, Lotus. Can you remember anything about him?"

Lotus "He was wearing an armored mask, but his voice did sound familiar."

[She thinks about the voice, and the scene is overlayed with Shredder’s laughter. Shift to the Technodrome.]

Shredder "Ha, ha, ha, ha! Soon the urn of Chakahachi will be mine, and with it, the ultimate power in the universe!"

Rocksteady "Can you make it so we don't have to clean our rooms no more?"

Shredder "With that urn I can do anything. And to think that Lotus Blossom herself is going to get it for me."

Rocksteady "Um, but how are we gonna get it from Lotus?"

Shredder "I hadn't thought of that. I guess you two nincompoops will have to go to Earth and get it after all."

Bebop "Oh, goody. We get to make trouble on Earth."

Shredder "Make all the trouble you want, just get that urn! And remember, don't drop it."

[Return to the lair.]

Lotus "I was born four hundred years too late. I don't belong in this world. I belong in ancient Japan!"

Leonardo "Everyone is where they are for a reason, Lotus."

Lotus "All my life I've wanted to belong, to find someplace where I fit in. But I am a ninja. What use am I to the modern world?"

Raphael "Hey, we're ninjas, too, remember?"

Michelangelo "You could always move in here with us."

Lotus "Somehow I don't think I'd be happy in the sewers."

Splinter "If I may make a suggestion, Lotus. If you look for happiness outside of yourself, you will never find it. Happiness exists only within you."

Michelangelo "Whoa. Dude."

Raphael "And remember, you never get incredibly wise advice like this on those other cartoon shows."

Leonardo "Did you find out anything about the urn, Master Splinter?"

Splinter "I have indeed, Leonardo. According to these records, it contains the remains of a 16th-century clan leader."

Donatello "Let me guess. His name wouldn't be Chakahachi, would it?"

Splinter "Correct, Donatello. Chakahachi was reputed to be a very powerful magician. Legend has it he could create a pagoda with a wave of his hand."

Michelangelo "Whoa! I'll bet he was popular at parties with a trick like that."

Splinter "But the legends also say that the urn is cursed. When he passed away, Chakahachi was searching for his kidnapped wife, and his spirit can never rest until he finds her again."

Raphael "Uh, Leonardo, what time is it?"

Leonardo "According to my Turtle watch, it's five of three."

Raphael "Good. Then let's get this haunted jug out of here!"

Leonardo "Care to join us, Lotus?"

Lotus "My plans for the day are shot. I might as well help you."

Donatello "I hope that old man got the security system installed."

Michelangelo "I'll say! I don't wanna have to carry this thing back to the sewers again."

[They carry the urn out of the lair and lift it up through a manhole onto the street above.]

Raphael "One urn, coming up!"

[Just as they all exit the sewers a trans-dimensional portal opens next to them and Bebop and Rocksteady appear. They are both holding stun lasers.]

Bebop "Well, what do you know? Just what we was looking for."

Raphael "Uh, Lotus, that ghost you saw, did he by any chance sound like this?
[Imitating Shredder.]

"You wretched reptiles. I'll get you if it's the last thing I do."

Lotus "Yes! That's him!"

Leonardo "I might have known Shredder was behind this."

Lotus "Guard the urn! I'll handle them!"

Raphael "Ha! After the pasting she gave us, I almost feel sorry for those two goons."

Bebop "Huh. I ain't afraid of you, Lotus Blossom."

[He takes a device from his waistband and shoots it at Lotus.  A large staple flies from the device, catches Lotus around her waist, and pins her to the side of a building.]

Lotus "Aah! Ooh!"

[Lotus struggles to get free. Michelangelo tackles Bebop and Rocksteady rushes towards the other three turtles.]

Rocksteady "Give me that urn!"

Raphael "No way. We saw it first, horn head!"

[The three turtles pounce on Rocksteady and they start fighting. The urn falls over and starts rolling down the sidewalk.]

Donatello "Well, here we go again."

[Everyone chases it.]

All "I got it! I got it!"

[The turtles jump on the urn and stop it from rolling. Bebop grabs onto one end and Rocksteady grabs him. They manage to pull it away from the turtles.]

Turtles "Whaa! Oof!"

Raphael "Dumb-dumbs! That isn't any ordinary urn."

Donatello "It's cursed."

Bebop "Daw, you can't scare us."

Raphael "Well, look at it, stupid! It's a burial urn!"

Bebop "A burial urn?"

[He and Rocksteady gasp and drop the urn. It smashes into pieces.]

Raphael "Nice going, hog-breath! You gonna pay for that thing?"

Leonardo "Uh, guys, look!"

[There is the sound of thunder and smoke billows up from the urn’s remains. The smoke turns into the gigantic ghost of Chakahachi.]

Chakahachi "I am Chakahachi, unleashed from the urn!"

Raphael "I'm not sure this guy's ready for the big city."

Donatello "I'm not sure the city's ready for this big guy."

Chakahachi "I am Chakahachi."

[Raphael looks over at Donatello.]

Raphael "Excuse me, but weren't you the guy who said that ghosts were scientifically impossible?"

Donatello "Okay, so I made one little mistake."

Chakahachi "Who stole the pearl of Osagawaga island from my urn?"

All "What?"

Chakahachi "I vowed to find my kidnapped wife, even from beyond the grave. I cast a spell which created the world of old Japan inside the urn, so that I could continue my quest. The pearl was the key to that spell. But when it was removed, the world within the urn vanished."

Donatello "But if he's from ancient Japan, how come he's speaking English?"

Raphael "Because we can't afford subtitles."

Chakahachi "Now, I shall search for my wife here by turning this world into the world of my past."

[He turns to a building and uses magic to transform it into a pagoda.]

Leonardo "All right, Chakahachi! Do what you want in your own world, but leave this one alone!"

Chakahachi "Silence, mortal!
[He shoots fireballs at them and they run screaming.]

Such a strange new custom since I've been away. Now everybody dress like turtle.

[He continues blasting the area, hitting the street around Bebop and Rocksteady. Bebop’s comlink beeps.]

Shredder "Have you got it?"

Bebop "Uh, yeah, but I don't think you want it."

Shredder "Don't tell me you dropped the urn!"

Bebop "Well, as a matter of fact—"

Shredder "You pinheads! I should let you stay there forever!"

Bebop "Aw, please, boss. No."

[A trans-dimensional portal opens next to them and they flee.]

Rocksteady "Gee, boss, you're the best pal a mutant ever had."

Leonardo "Well, that's two less goons to worry about."

Raphael "Yeah, but we've still got one big goon on our hands."

Michelangelo "It sounds to me like the only thing that’ll make him happy is getting that pearl back."

Leonardo "What was the place on that matchbook? The Secret Hideout?"

Michelangelo "Yeah, maybe the crooks are there."

Leonardo "And maybe they still have the pearl."

Raphael "That's a lot of maybes."

Leonardo "You got a better plan?"

Raphael "Yeah, but it mainly involves taking a cruise to the Bahamas."

Leonardo "I'll go get Lotus and take her with me. The rest of you, try to hold him off."

Raphael "Oh, that should be a snap. You always give us the easy jobs."

Lotus "What is going on?"

[Leonardo pulls on the giant staple, trying to free Lotus.]

Leonardo "The urn broke, Chakahachi's free, and we've got to find that pearl the crooks stole!"

[He finally manages to snap the staple loose and then takes Lotus by the hand. Somewhere a bell tolls, and a pan across the city reveals that the buildings have all been transformed.]

Michelangelo "Whoa! This city sure is changing."

[Chakahachi continues zapping buildings. He transforms a taxi cab into a rickshaw. A burger place is changed into a Japanese restaurant. Inside, a waiter places sushi before a guest.]

Guest "Hey, I ordered a cheeseburger!"

Waiter "I'm sorry. No cheeseburger. We only serve sushi here."

Michelangelo "Man, oh, man! We've gotta do something about this, dudes!"

[They run up behind Chakahachi, who turns and sees them.]

Raphael "Don't panic. We can handle this."

Chakahachi "I must continue the search for my beloved.
[He blasts the street in front of them and it melts into pillars which become samurai warriors.]

I have no time to deal with you! My samurai will destroy you.

Raphael "Okay, now panic."

[Leonardo and Lotus approach a building with signage identifying it as “The Secret Hideout” There are signs pointing to it and flashing lights.]

Lotus "For a secret hideout, this doesn't seem very secret."

Leonardo "I guess they wanna be sure everyone knows where it is."

Lotus "But if it's supposed to be a secret—"

Leonardo "It's a joke, Lotus."

[They enter the building. The two thieves are seated at a table.]

Tall Thief "I can't believe we lost that urn."

Short Thief "Who cares? We still got this. A pearl as big as an onion."

[Leonardo lifts him up by his shoulders.]

Leonardo "Then I hope you won't cry if I take it away from you."

[The thief tosses the pearl and throws his drink in Leonardo’s face.]

Short Thief "Here, take it!"

[Lotus swings her sword and slices the table in half.]

Lotus "You, come back!
[The two thieves enter the kitchen as Leonardo wipes his eyes.]

That way.

[They are hit in the face by food as they enter the kitchen. The thieves proceed to throw more food at them.]

Leonardo "Oh, yeah! Two can play at that game. Hit it, Lotus!"

[They each toss a sword at baskets full of potatoes which are hanging over the thieves heads. The ropes on the baskets are cut and the potatoes fall on the thieves.]

Lotus "No more games. Give us that pearl!"

Short Thief "You want it, get it yourself!"

[He throws the pearl onto a stack of onions.]

Leonardo "We've got to find it."

Short Thief "Come on, let's blow."

Lotus "This could take forever."

[They start searching for the onions. Meanwhile, the other turtles are running from the samurai.]

Michelangelo "Boy, these samurai play rough."

Raphael "Yeah, why don't you go try to talk some sense into them?"

[They reach the end of a pier and stop.]

Donatello "There's nowhere left to run."

Raphael "Then we'll just have to take ‘em!"

Michelangelo "With what?"

[The samurai run towards them and the turtles start throwing fish.]

Raphael "Can you believe this? I'm defending myself with a mackerel!"

[The samurai trip and slide on the fish and all fall. The turtles run past them.]

Donatello "Bye, guys! Have a nice day!"

Michelangelo "Uh-oh."

[They stop when they see more samurai coming at them.]

Donatello "I'd say the only way is up.
[They climb a wooden lamp post. The samurai start chopping at it with their swords.]

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

Michelangelo "But at least the view's nice."

Raphael "Yeah, but we may not be around long enough to enjoy it."

[In the kitchen, Lotus is weeping. So is Leonardo.]

Leonardo "Don't cry, Lotus. It's not so bad."

Lotus "It's not me, silly. It's the onions. In fact, for the first time in my life, I'm happy."

Leonardo "See? The modern world isn't so bad. Sometimes it's even fun."

Lotus "Maybe there really is a place for me here in the—Ah! I found it!"

[She holds the pearl as they leave. Meanwhile, the lamp post is wobbling as the other turtles cling to it.]

Raphael "When they yell "Timber!", start worrying!"

Chakahachi "Where are you, my beloved?"

Leonardo "Stop! If we give you back the pearl, will you leave us alone?"

Chakahachi "Yes. I will continue my search within the urn."

Lotus "Then here it is."

Chakahachi "It is you! My long lost wife!"

Lotus "I am nobody's wife. I don't know what you're talking about."

Chakahachi "You are she, the one I have sought for all these centuries."

Lotus "But I am not four hundred years old."

Chakahachi "My wife's spirit lives within you. Surely you must feel it in your heart, in your dreams."

Lotus "Yes, you were the man in my dreams!"

Chakahachi "Our souls have been searching for one another for centuries. I will release her spirit from within you.
[Lotus touches his outstretched finger. The urn repairs itself.]

She will rejoin me in the world of old Japan within the urn.
[The spirit of Chakahachi’s wife lifts out of Lotus and joins hands with Chakahachi. He shrinks to a normal size and becomes more ghost-like.]

No longer will your sleep be troubled by dreams of me.

Lotus "Thank you for releasing the spirit from within me. I will never forget you."

[The pearl floats back into its place in the urn. Chakahachi and his wife disappear into the pearl.]

Chakahachi "Sayonara, Lotus Blossom."

Lotus "Now I can stay here in this world, where I truly belong."

Leonardo "Now you're talking, Lotus."

[The city transforms back into its original state. The samurai disappear, leaving the others turtles clinging to a telephone pole.]

Raphael "Well, as long as we're up here, anyone want to reach out and touch someone?"

[The turtles have returned to the lair.]

Donatello "I'm really happy for Lotus."

Leonardo "Yes, I think she's finally on the path to happiness."

Splinter "Each of us must create our own happiness, my sons. Then, truly, happiness will be wherever we find it."

Michelangelo "Well, I know where to find happiness. Right here in the old pizza oven! Huh?"

[He pulls a tire out of the oven.]

Raphael "I was wondering where I left that thing. Thanks, Michelangelo."

Michelangelo "Well, I guess that's today's moral, dudes. Search for happiness, and you find an old tire."

[End Credits]
