
Eye Witness Testimony is a backup story printed in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Amazing Adventures issue #12.

Appearing in Eye Witness Testimony[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]

Main Locations, Vehicles, and Accessories[]


The Turtles return to the lair and are excited to tell Splinter all about the amazing adventure they just had. Michelangelo enthusiastically offers to tell the story with high drama, excitement, and useless flowery exposition, but Splinter's expression stops him. At that point Leonardo takes over, explaining that while they were exploring near the new billboard for Bird's Eye Optometry, they were attacked by the Shredder. The other Turtles call him out, insisting that's not what happened at all.

Donatello says that Leo seems a little out of it and that he'll explain what really happened. He says that when they got to the billboard, they were attacked by the Chimera. Raphael calls foul and says that at the billboard they were ambushed by Spider Bytez.

A frustrated Michelangelo finally shouts, "That's not how it happened!" He is allowed to tell the story his way, though his brothers have to pull him back on track when he gets long-winded. Mikey claims that the billboard battle was against Fishface.

Donatello has an epiphany and says that the only thing their stories had in common was the billboard for Bird's Eye Optometry and its maze-like logo. He draws a picture of the billboard, and Mikey helps by embellishing it with the little squigglies in the pupil. Donatello figures out that the maze is actually a map and with those clues, the Turtles traverse the tunnels.

They soon encounter Shredder, Spider Bytez, the Chimera and Fishface all blocking their way. Three of the Turtles start to fight, but Leo slips under the Chimera and finds Sir Malachi unconscious nearby. The Turtles' enemies begin to fade away and Sir Malachi comes to, asking what happened.

Donnie theorizes that when Malachi slipped and hit his head, he subconsciously sent out a signal to the Turtles as a call for help. However, due to his psychic mutant powers and love of role-playing fantasy games, they received it as a "puzzle". As they take Malachi back to the lair, Mikey demands that he be the one to tell this story to Splinter and he'll try to limit his use of sound effects.


See also[]
