This is a transcript for Exodus, Part 2, the twenty-sixth episode of season three of TMNT (2003 series).
The Shredder | For almost a millennia, I have been marooned on this pitiful mudball. But I have spent my time well. I have built my empire, with one goal in mind: revenge. All that time I have plotted to cross the universe and finally conquer the hated Utrom homeworld. And... worlds beyond. But there are those who would stop me, such as Agent Bishop, and the accursed turtles... and their rat master. But now, my starcruiser is complete. [Karai: The Shredder and I are leaving.] I say, "Let my enemies come". Today... I return to the stars, and the Shredder will not be stopped! [Leonardo: We have to jump for it!] |
{Opening sequence; title song}
The episode begins where Exodus, Part 1 left off. Splinter, Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo leap from the broken catwalk for the starship where Donatello is clinging from the open bay door. Splinter catches hold of Donatello’s legs, Raphael grabs onto Splinter’s, Michelangelo catches onto Raphael’s, and Leonardo grabs Michelangelo’s. As the starship rises, Leonardo flips up from one family member to the next until he’s inside. Michelangelo and Raphael follow suit, and Splinter crawls up Donatello to get inside. Donatello is the last to enter, doing so just before the outer hatch closes. The starship rises out of the silo and past the courtyard, where guests are still fleeing. Bishop watches from inside the mansion. | |
Agent Bishop | This is Bishop to all tracking outposts. |
April runs from the rising starship. | |
Casey Jones | April, yo! |
He pulls up on his motorcycle. April climbs on behind him and Casey takes off, driving quickly away from the scene as fire from the starship engines rolls across the courtyard. The starship blasts off and Casey stops the motorcycle and he and April watch it climb. Bishop is outside, watching as well. | |
Bishop | Begin tracking. If I can’t have that ship, neither can Saki. |
The g-force of the climbing starship has all four turtles and Splinter pinned to the floor. It levels out and Michelangelo rises. | |
Michelangelo | Whoa! That’s better. |
The others stand up and Donatello walks over to a control panel. He presses a button which opens a door. | |
Raphael | Come on. Let’s go find the Shredder and pay our respects. |
They enter a corridor. | |
Splinter | Wait, we must rethink our priorities. This vessel represents the real threat. To allow the Shredder such mobility will put millions of lives in danger. |
Donatello has attached his tech tab to his belt. From there, the Fugitoid renders assistance. | |
Fugitoid | I have sent urgent messages of warning to the Utroms but I’ve received no response. I’m not sure I’ve gotten through. |
Splinter | The Shredder must not return to the stars. We must gain control of this starship. |
His sons all nod and the five of them start running. On the flight deck, Chaplin has spotted the intruders on his monitor. | |
Chaplin | Huh? [He activates the intercom.] Mr. Saki, first of all, let me just say that I think it’s wicked cool you’re actually a squishy alien blob. [Karai is carrying Ch’rell, who is sitting on an Utrom flight pad.] Man, that is so out there. And secondly, you should know that, well, apparently... [Karai approaches a new exo-suit, complete with armor.] Splinter and the turtles have kinda hitched a ride. |
Karai places Ch’rell in the exo-suit. | |
Shredder | What? The turtles and the rat on board my ship? I will deal with them personally. I will not allow them to further interfere with my plans. |
Karai is at a control panel, working the controls. | |
Karai | What are our plans now, my Lord? We were forced to launch early. Much of your equipment, your Foot Ninja, your Elite forces all were left behind. |
The controls Karai activated complete the attachment of armor and weapons to the exo-suit. | |
Shredder | Yes, it is not as I had intended. [Karai attaches the spiked gauntlets to his arms.] But it will not stop me. I have allies on Tenela-5 waiting for my return. And it will be easy to find mercenaries willing to join me in pillaging the galaxy. I will build a new army and ultimately return to the Utrom homeworld where vengeance shall be mine. |
Back on Earth, Bishop is inside a tandem rotor helicopter as it flies away from the smoking ruins of Oroku Saki’s mansion. | |
Soldier | Agent Bishop, the Atlantic E.P.F. System has locked onto Saki’s starship. |
Bishop | Fire at will. |
The soldier flips several levers. On an island, hidden missile launch pads rise and multiple missiles are launched. Alarms sound on the flight deck of the starship and the monitor shows the approaching missiles. | |
Chaplin | Whoa. Mr. Saki, another wrinkle. Multiple rimfire missiles are on approach. |
Shredder’s helmet lowers into place. | |
Shredder | What? |
Chaplin | I show at least eight hostiles on an intercept course. [Karai returns to Shredder from another room. She has changed into ninja gear.] But no worries, we have Dr. Stockman’s ingenious defense system on the job. |
He activates the defenses. A laser fires from the nose of the starship and blasts all but one of the missiles. | |
Chaplin | Huh? |
The monitor suddenly changes to a cartoonish image of Stockman’s face and hand. | |
Baxter Stockman | Uh, uh, uh. |
Chaplin | No way. |
Stockman | You didn’t say “May I”! Uh, uh, uh. |
Chaplin | Mr. Saki, our defense grid just went offline. |
Stockman | You didn’t say “May I”! |
The missile strikes the starship, throwing everyone aboard to the floor. On the helicopter, the soldiers monitor displays the starship. | |
Soldier | Their defenses are down. |
Stockman is standing next to Bishop. | |
Bishop | Thank you, Dr. Stockman. |
Stockman | Oh, believe me, Agent Bishop, it was my pleasure. |
Bishop | Launch all remaining missiles. Blow that ship out of the sky. |
More missiles are launched and head straight for the starship. | |
Chaplin | We’ve got incoming, Mr. Saki! Lots of incoming. [Missiles hit the hull.] I’m trying to bypass Dr. Stockman’s control codes and override the blocks manually so that I can— |
Shredder and Karai walk out to one of the starships corridors. | |
Shredder | Dr. Chaplin, enough! Take care of it! Where are the turtles? |
Chaplin | They’re trying to gain access to the power core, sir. |
The turtles and Splinter enter the room housing the power core. | |
Donatello | Oh. I hate to say it, but impressive. |
Leonardo | Professor Honeycutt? |
Fugitoid | Just plug me into any maintenance input and I should be able to take control of the ship. |
Donatello places the tech tab into a slot on a maintenance panel. | |
Michelangelo | We can make this the emergency bridge. [Impersonating Captain Kirk from Star Trek.] Spock to emergency bridge. Scotty, we... need... more power. [He laughs but the others just stare at him.] Heh, sorry. |
Fugitoid | Four minutes and I will have complete control over the ships propulsion. |
The entry door slides open to reveal the Shredder. Leonardo reaches for his swords. | |
Leonardo | We don’t have four minutes. |
Karai enters with Shredder. | |
Splinter | Shredder! May my Master Yoshi’s sword taste vengeance today. |
Splinter and Shredder rush at each other and begin exchanging blows. | |
Shredder | You made a grave mistake following me here, rodent! |
The turtles surround Shredder. They all begin attacking, moving in tandem as they strike Shredder’s armor. Karai rushes into the fight, sliding between Shredder’s legs and using her swords to block a sai and nunchaku from striking Ch’rell. Lifting both Michelangelo and Raphael by their arms, Shredder flings them across the room. Michelangelo smashes head first into Donatello and then lands on the floor. Raphael also hits Donatello, but with a force that sends both over the railing. Michelangelo leaps up and swings his nunchuck, wrapping the chain around Donatello’s bō to catch him. Raphael snags the railing on the floor below with his sai to stop his descent. Splinter lands on Shredder’s shoulders and stabs at him, but Shredder yanks the sword from his hand. Splinter backflips off of Shredder, but uses his feet to pull the helmet from Shredder’s head. | |
Shredder | Ah! |
Splinter quickly lifts the helmet as Shredder stabs at him. The sword pierces the helmet and Splinter twists the weapon from Shredder’s hand and throws both the helmet and sword to the side. A sudden explosion knocks both off them off their feet. Above the Earth, the E.P.F. missiles are hitting the unprotected hull of the starship. Alarms are blaring and Chaplin is being tossed around the flight deck. In the room with the power core, there are more explosions. A metal pipe falls and breaks the railing Raphael clings to, and he uses his sai to climb up the pipe. | |
Michelangelo | Look out! |
A metal beam falls between Michelangelo and Donatello. Live wires pull loose from the beam and Donatello catches a pair of them on his staff. Michelangelo grabs a thick electrical wire and rushes at Shredder. | |
Michelangelo | Shredder! |
He and Donatello rush at the Shredder with the wires. Shredder bats Donatello aside and grabs the wires from him. He then knocks Michelangelo down and takes his sparking wire. Shredder lifts the wires over Michelangelo. | |
Splinter | Ah! Michelangelo, move! |
Michelangelo is in a squatting position as Splinter races forward and hits him with his shoulder, pushing the turtle out of the way. Shredder strikes Splinter with both of the live wires, delivering a terrible shock to the rat. | |
Leonardo | Master Splinter! |
Leonardo runs to help him, but Karai leaps down and engages the turtle in a sword fight. Leonardo wrenches one sword from her hand, but she pulls another as he charges her, both moving just before another beam falls. Near the railing, they push against each other’s swords. | |
Karai | My master was leaving. It did not have to be this way. |
Several missiles hit at once and the starship rocks. Karai is thrown over the railing, but Leonardo catches her hand before she can plummet to her death. He pulls her up to safety. | |
Karai | You are too kind, Leonardo. |
She grabs Leonardo’s second sword from its sheathe and then kicks him. | |
Leonardo | Huh? |
Leonardo hits the ground and Karai pounces, swinging down at him. Leonardo catches the sword on his blade. | |
Karai | Much too kind! |
Leonardo kicks her back and flips up onto his feet. He does not see Shredder behind him. Shredder kicks him hard, sending him barreling towards Karai and right into her outstretched blade. Leonardo grunts and falls, leaving Karai standing with his sword sheathes hanging from her sword. She drops the sheathes on his shell. | |
Raphael | Leo! No! [Leonardo groans in pain.] Karai! |
He charges her, stabbing with his sais. She dodges and then he kicks her in the stomach, hard. She bounces across the floor, losing her weapon in the process. As she starts to turn over, Raphael leaps and kicks her again. She slides into the railing and Raphael runs at her. Shredder jumps down in his path, blocking Raphael from his target. He grabs Raphael’s arm and lifts him. Raphael tries to stab him with his other sai, but Shredder also grabs that arm. Shredder then slams Raphael down across his knee and flings the turtle across the catwalk. Raphael rolls to a stop next to Leonardo. Michelangelo and Donatello rise groggily to their feet and take in the situation. Michelangelo spins both his nunchaku and jumps at Shredder, flying over his head. As he lands, Shredder kicks his leg and there is a crunching sound. | |
Shredder | Hi-yah! |
Michelangelo | Aah! |
He drops to one knee and Shredder kicks his shell, flattening Michelangelo. Donatello charges, leaping and striking Shredder’s armor with his staff. Shredder grabs the staff and tosses it and Donatello to the floor. Donatello stands and swings a punch at Shredder, who grabs his wrist and then slams his elbow into Donatello’s shoulder. With a groan, Donatello sinks to the floor. All four turtles and Splinter lay unconscious on the floor and Shredder laughs maniacally. Another missile hits the starship. On the flight deck, Stockman’s recording continues to play on the control panel. | |
Stockman | Ah, ah, ah. You didn’t say, “May I”. |
Chaplin | Oh, shut up Dr. Stockman! |
Stockman | Ah, ah, ah. |
Chaplin | We are so cooked. [The starship rockets through space with a pair of missiles right behind it. Suddenly the missiles fizzle out and float harmless away.] What? [The alarms stop blaring.] Yes! We are out of range! We made it! |
In the power core room, the Fugitoid is still plugged into the maintenance panel. | |
Fugitoid | Eight seconds until I have control. Seven... |
Shredder | Meddlesome machine! |
He lifts his gauntlet and slices the tech tab out of the panel. It bounces across the floor. Shredder grabs his helmet and places it back on his head. He then slides an arm underneath Leonardo, who grunts in pain as Shredder lifts him. | |
Shredder | It is time we finally end this. [Leonardo groans but lays helpless as Shredder slashes down at him. Before the Tekko-kagi can strike the helpless turtle, Karai catches the blades on her sword.] How dare you? |
Karai | You have defeated them, my Lord. Leave them in their dishonor. |
In the tandem rotor helicopter, Bishop receives a report. | |
Soldier | Agent Bishop, sir, target starship has moved out of range of terrestrial launch sites, but we now have satellite control. Bringing weapon online. |
Above Earth, a satellite’s mechanical arms extend. | |
Bishop | Fire at will. |
A missile launches from the satellite and shoots straight at the starship. Alarms on the flight deck begin blaring again. Chaplin looks at his monitor. | |
Chaplin | Oh, no. No, no, no, no! |
In the power core room, Karai and Shredder hold their positions. | |
Shredder | Karai, you go too far. |
He drops Leonardo on the floor and then backhands Karai. She hits the catwalk outside the power core room on her back. | |
Karai | Aah! |
Shredder | You dishonor me with your insolence. [He stomps over to her and prepares to strike Karai with his bladed gauntlet. The missile hits the starship and rocks it.] What? Chaplin, what is happening up there? Chaplin? [He runs for the door to the power core room, but it slides shut in front of him, locking him out.] Dr. Chaplin, get this door open now! |
Chaplin | Uh, okay, but it’ll take a minute. I’ll have to bypass the emergency protocols. Those wacky missiles jammed the security overrides pretty darn good. But not to worry, big guy. We’re still on course for the rendezvous at Tenela-5. |
Sparks fly around him. Meanwhile, the turtles are groaning and trying to rise as Shredder continues banging on the door. | |
Michelangelo | Man, my everything hurts. |
Leonardo pulls himself up using the maintenance panel as a brace. | |
Leonardo | The Shredder’s trying to get back in. He’ll finish us for sure. How’s Master Splinter? |
Donatello crawls over to him. Splinter is lying on his back. | |
Splinter | My sons, I am sorry. |
Leonardo squats down next to Donatello. | |
Leonardo | No, Sensei, it’s our fault, we couldn’t stop him. We failed. We failed the Utroms, Master Yoshi, we failed you. I failed you. |
Raphael | So that’s it? Shredder wins? |
Michelangelo | It’s not like we’re in any shape to stop him. |
Leonardo | Unless... You know... [He looks back at the power core.] That’s a lot of energy. |
Raphael | In the wrong hands... |
Michelangelo | It would make a pretty big bang. |
Donatello | We’d never survive. |
Leonardo | But neither would the Shredder. We could end this. |
Splinter | No, my sons, I could never ask you to... |
Michelangelo uses a railing to rise to his feet. | |
Michelangelo | It’s okay, Sensei. We know the score. |
Raphael | If we don’t stop the Shredder now... |
Donatello | Millions of innocent beings throughout the galaxy will suffer at his hands. |
Leonardo | It’s all right, Father, we’re all agreed. |
Splinter | Then let us finish this, together. |
Donatello picks up the damaged tech tab and walks back to the maintenance panel with it. | |
Donatello | Come on, Professor, be okay. Be okay. |
The picture on the tech tab fluctuates with static lines, and the Fugitoid’s image appears, vanishes and reappears. | |
Fugitoid | Donatello, what... |
Donatello | Professor, we need you to overload the power core. |
Fugitoid | But that would cause an explosion of great magnitude and... Oh, I see. I feared the situation was hopeless, but I understand. I am with you to the end. Here we go then. [Donatello slides him into the panel.] Overload in five, four... [The turtles brace themselves.] three... two... one. |
The power core room door slides open and Shredder’s eyes widen. | |
Shredder | No! |
Donatello runs as the power core explodes, flinging him into the air. Cut to an Utrom starship. The screen reads “Just outside Earth’s orbit 30 seconds earlier”. | |
Council of Three | Mortu, we close in on Honeycutt’s signal. But we sense that the destruction of the evil one’s ship is imminent. |
Council 1 | We can delay no longer. |
Council 2 | Prepare the exo-suits... |
Council 3 | And transmat aboard immediately. |
Utrom | Commander, all is in order. |
Mortu | Agreed, to the transmat now! And activate the stasis bubble immediately. |
A beam from the Utrom ship hits Shredder’s starship and encases it in a stasis bubble. Everything inside the starship freezes in place, leaving the turtles and Splinter suspended in mid-air. A pair of Utroms in exo-suits transmat into the power core room. | |
Utrom | Mr. Mortu, sir, collapse of the stasis bubble is imminent. It will not hold. |
Mortu | Transmat the turtles and Master Splinter to the infirmary immediately. Send Professor Honeycutt to our main laboratories. [The Utrom takes the tech tab out of the maintenance panel. Nearby, both Shredder and Karai are also frozen in mid-run.] Send this scum to the holding cells, [Chaplin is frozen on the flight deck.] along with their accomplice on the bridge. |
Utrom | Yes, sir. Transmatting now. |
Everyone transmats off of the starship just before the stasis bubble disappears. Explosions rip the starship apart. On the helicopter, Bishop receives a report about the starship. | |
Soldier | Target destroyed, sir. Scanning the wreckage. No survivors, sir. |
Stockman | The Shredder, destroyed? It’s too good to be true. For once in my life, I’m-I’m speechless. |
Bishop | Stockman, you’ve been very useful. This could be the start of a mutually beneficial partnership. |
Across the screen appears “Utrom Homeworld Galaxy Theta”. Pan down into a domed building. Inside the large chamber of the Utrom High Council , hundreds of sentient alien species appear overhead on a holographic screen to view the proceedings. A platform rises from the floor in the center of the room. On it, held in place by a pair of tractor beams, is Ch’rell, still inside the exo-suit. Another platform rises. On it, in shackles, are Karai and Chaplin. She looks over to the next platform to rise. Standing on it are the turtles, Splinter, and the Fugitoid, now housed in a new robotic body. Splinter has burns over his body and the turtles are heavily bandaged. Michelangelo has casts on both legs and uses crutches. Spotlights suddenly flash on, one for each of the seven members of the Utrom High Council. | |
Councilor 1 | Hail and peace to all sentient beings. In the name of the great lawgiver, Matthes Arles, this tribunal is now called to order. We sit in judgement over Ch’rell, for war crimes and atrocities committed throughout the galaxy. Ch’rell, also known as Torrinon, Kako Naso, Duke Acureds, Oroku Saki, and the Shredder. [The tractor beams force Ch’rell out of his exo-suit.] Prepare to face the following charges. |
Blue beams disintegrate the exo-suit. An image of a planet appears on a large screen. | |
Councilor 1 | Let it be known that as Dolphette has testified, [A picture of Dolphette is shown.] you did willingly launch an attack on the planet Enefgold. [There is a replay of scenes of that attack.] Over one million innocent inhabitants perished. |
Another alien image appears, along with a different planet. | |
Councilor 1 | And as Wan-ran Otho has proven, you incited and funded a civil war on Eno II... [Scenes of the warfare play.] an effort to mine their raw minerals without restriction. Three-point-two million perished. Finally, your crimes against the Utrom Homeworld include multiple attempts to take control of the government, through an illegal and violent coup. [Karai lowers her head.] We will now commune upon the verdict. |
The council members close their eyes. A chanting sound can be heard as everyone waits. All of the council members open their eyes and speak together. | |
High Council | In the name of the great lawgiver, this tribunal finds you, Ch’rell... guilty! |
Ch’rell reacts with shock and then anger. | |
Chaplin | Ouch. |
Councilor 1 | Ch’rell, you are hereby sentenced to eternal exile on the ice asteroid Mor Gal Tal. |
Karai gasps. | |
Ch’rell | You are not fit to judge me! I am the Shredder! I am invincible! [The blue beams hit him and the tractor beams vanish. Ch’rell struggles.] I... I... No! |
His body is pulled, flattened, and then vanishes. | |
Councilor 1 | May your actions haunt you forever. |
Mortu | As for the Shredder’s comrades, they shall be returned to Earth and handed over to the proper authorities. |
The platform on which Karai and Chaplin are standing lowers. | |
Karai | This is not what I wanted, Leonardo... This is not what I wanted! |
The floor closes over them. | |
Mortu | We all owe you a debt of gratitude. The Shredder has finally been brought to justice. |
Leonardo | Is it really over? |
Raphael | No more Shredder? |
Splinter | Yes, my sons. My Master Yoshi’s spirit can finally rest in peace. The Shredder is finished! |
Cut to the ice asteroid with its barren landscape of ice and snow, somewhere in the vast expanse of space. | |
Ch’rell | No~o! No~o! Aah! |
Pan outward. Mor Gal Tal is part of a belt of ice asteroids that form an orbiting ring around an unnamed planet. |
{Roll end credits}