This is a transcript for Exodus, Part 1, the twenty-fifth episode of season three of TMNT (2003 series).
Splinter meditates in his room and experiences a vision... | |
Mortu | Master Hamato Yoshi, Premiere Guardian of the Utroms... we honor you for your exemplary services. |
Hamato Yoshi | I swear that I will never fail to protect the good and noble Utroms! Even if it costs me my life. |
The scene switches to the past, as Shredder lifts his gauntlet blades to deliver a killing blow. | |
Hamato Yoshi | He who lives without honor will end without honor. |
Shredder | Bah, I will finish you myself! |
He delivers the final strike and then laughs. | |
Shredder | Now nothing will save the Utroms from my wrath! |
Once more he laughs as the scene shifts to the Utrom homeworld and a possible future. Hundreds of Foot Mechs do battle against the Utroms, killing thousands. Shredder holds two worlds in his hands and laughs as they burn. The scene changes again to an icy landscape. Hamato Yoshi and Splinter stand on a snow covered mountain top, facing on another. They bow, and then Splinter glances down to find himself in a Guardian's uniform. | |
Splinter | Ah! Wakarimasu. I understand. |
He bows again and so does Yoshi. Splinter comes out of his meditation and back to himself. | |
Splinter | I will not fail you, my master... My father. |
{Opening sequence; title song}
The episodes begins at Oroku Saki’s mansion. In the courtyard, cloth covered tables have been set out to accommodate a dinner party for dozens of guests. Everyone is dressed in finery, as they represent the top echelon of New York City society. A podium sits at the bottom of the staircase. At the table on that podium sits the Mayor, with Oroku Saki to his right, and Karai to his left. He stands and taps his silverware against the glass he has raised. | |
Mayor | Excuse me, may I have your attention, please? It is with heavy heart that I stand here today, to say good-bye to one of the greatest men I’ve ever known. Oroku Saki, the man single-handedly responsible for restoring the great city of New York to its full glory, is leaving us. I would like you to put your hands together and show this fine man how much we are truly going to miss him. |
There is a loud round of applause. | |
Guests | Hear, hear! |
Saki stands and lifts a hand to quiet the guests. | |
Saki | You are too kind, thank you. [He and the mayor shake hands.] As my good friend the mayor has just reminded us, this is a farewell dinner. My way of saying thank you, and good-bye. Fortune has smiled on me in many ways. The opportunity to rectify certain matters at home has now presented itself and I must go. In my absence, my lovely daughter, Karai, will handle all my business affairs. [Karai stands.] I assure you, she is more than capable. The city has been good to me. It is my adopted home. I hope someday to return. Please, enjoy your dinner and let us make this a truly unforgettable evening. [He pauses as applause rings out, and then speaks to the mayor.] My daughter and I must tend to the details of my departure. Please, keep the guests entertained. |
He and Karai walk up the staircase. Outside the fence surrounding the mansion, a guard waits as April, dressed in evening attire, digs through her purse. | |
April O’Neil | I have my ticket here somewhere. I know it’s here. |
Casey arrives wearing a waiter’s outfit and pushing a food cart laden with covered dishes. A long white cloth covers the cart almost down to its wheels. The guard stops Casey as he’s about to push the cart through the gateway. | |
Guard | I need to see some identification. |
Casey Jones | Come on, man, the vishi-sushi’s are gonna get cold. |
Guard | I need to see some identification, now! |
Casey | Why you busting my balloons here, these dishes gotta get in there. [April backs up and then as Casey steps up next to the guard, she sneaks inside the compound.] Do me a favor, just check the cart and take it in yourself, will ya? |
The guard lifts the cloth and leans down to look under the cart. Raphael and Michelangelo are seated on the lower shelf. | |
Michelangelo | Hi there, nice party. [He delivers a kick to the man’s face that knocks him out. The turtles grab the man and yank him under the cart with them.] Oh yeah, like it wasn’t crowded enough under here already. |
Raphael | Quiet. |
Sound of a slap. | |
Michelangelo | Ow! |
Casey | You guys done or what? |
Raphael sticks his hand out and offers Casey a thumbs up. Casey nods and wheels the cart through the gateway. April waves at him from a side entrance as she holds the door open. Pan up to the building next door, where both Splinter and Leonardo are waiting on a window ledge. Leonardo is watching the activity through a pair of binoculars. | |
Leonardo | Casey, April, Raph and Mikey are in. |
Splinter | Leonardo, perhaps we should rethink this. It is very dangerous. I feel, perhaps, I should have... |
Leonardo | Please, Master Splinter, we’ve been over this. |
Splinter | Which does not alter the fact that I have dragged you all into a very dangerous situation. All because of a vision I cannot even explain. |
Leonardo | I’ll put my faith in one of your visions any day, Sensei. We all would. If the Shredder’s up to something, we’ll get to the bottom of it and we’ll stop him. It’s what you trained us to do. [Splinter nods and Leonardo gazes down at the mansion, changing the spectrum on his binoculars so that he can see the invisible security laser lights.] Hmm. Shredder’s security’s still hot. Team three, what’s your status? |
Below the mansion, in a tunnel, are Donatello and Leatherhead. | |
Donatello | We’re in place. [They turn a corner. Ahead of them is a door. Through his goggles, Donatello can see the security laser lights.] Sewer access security is also still active. Team two, what’s your status? |
April | Don, ask the Professor if a security camera wire will serve his purposes. |
Donatello’s tech tab shows an image of the Fugitoid. | |
Fugitoid | Oh yes, that will do nicely. [April takes a device from her purse and attaches it to the wire.] Link established, give me a minute to hack the system. Gentlemen, and lady, I am in. [Both Donatello and Leonardo see the red lights of the security lasers vanish.] The security systems are down and they don’t even know it. |
Splinter uses the bow he’s carrying to shoot an arrow across to the roof of the mansion. With the other end firmly stuck in a window frame, both Splinter and Leonardo slide down to the mansion. Atop another building across from the mansion’s courtyard, Agent John Bishop also watches the festivities through binoculars. | |
Agent Bishop | Well, this is interesting. [His gaze shifts to the roof, where he watches Splinter and Leonardo arrive.] Very interesting indeed. [Soldiers are standing behind him.] Check with our man on the inside. I get the distinct feeling there’s something he’s not telling us. |
Soldier | Yes, sir. |
In the tunnel beneath the mansion, Leatherhead rips the security door off its hinges and then he and Donatello walk through a short tunnel into a much larger one. Donatello lights a road flare and they start walking down the tunnel towards the mansion. | |
Donatello | This tunnel is huge. |
Leatherhead | And recently constructed. |
Fugitoid | It appears to lead from the Shredder’s mansion all the way to the river. |
Leatherhead | At least the coast is clear. |
They do not notice the pair of Foot Tech ninjas arrive on a ledge above them. Both ninjas activate their invisibility devices. Suddenly, Donatello is hit hard and knocked down. Then Leatherhead receives a punch to the face and chest. | |
Fugitoid | Oh, dear. |
Leatherhead is struck again. Donatello stands and retrieves his bō. | |
Donatello | Foot Tech, they’re cloaked. |
Leatherhead receives multiple blows and then growls, his eyes shifting to slits. He begins swinging, his blows landing enough to make the cloaking devices spark. Grabbing both Foot Tech ninjas, he slams them into each other, destroying the invisibility devices in the process. The Foot Techs hit the ground, unconscious. Donatello moves up alongside Leatherhead. | |
Donatello | Suffice it to say, I’m glad I brought you along, Leatherhead. [He lights another flare.] Let’s move. |
Leatherhead smashes a steel door open, allowing him and Donatello to proceed. As they enter a massive hangar, Donatello looks on in awe and disbelief. | |
Donatello | Guys, we're under the Shredder's mansion and... you know that really big thing that the Shredder was up to? [He looks up at a massive interstellar spacecraft. ] I think I just found it! |
Cut to Leonardo and Splinter who are making their way across the mansion’s roof. | |
Leonardo | Shredder has a starship? |
Splinter | He has finally found a way to leave this planet. |
Leonardo | And that’s not a good thing? |
Splinter | He will bring his evil to other worlds. He will attack our friends, the Utroms. Millions will suffer at his hands. |
Leonardo | We’ll just have to cancel his flight. How we doing guys? |
Michelangelo and Raphael use shuko spikes to cling to the ceiling above a corridor filled with Foot ninja, technicians, and Foot Elite. | |
Michelangelo | This is team, uh, team-- [In an aside to Raphael.] Are we team three or four? [Raphael smacks him.] Ow. |
Raphael | We’re in. And the place is crawling with Foot creeps. |
Leonardo | Understood. Team two, commence with Operation Lockdown. |
Donatello is at a control panel, attaching a cable. He then attaches that cable to his tech tab. | |
Donatello | You heard him, Professor. Close sesame. |
Shift to Shredder’s private chambers. He is studying diagrams as Karai looks on. | |
Karai | Doctor Chaplin reports that all starship systems are nominal. Congratulations. Tonight will be your last night on Earth. |
Shredder | After centuries of being imprisoned on this primitive backwater, I will finally return to the stars. When my Utrom enemies return here to imprison me, I will be gone. And when they least expect it, I will be at their throats. |
Karai | And what of me, Father? |
Shredder | Karai, my time here was not a total loss. I have forged a powerful dynasty with the Foot. And I have raised a daughter to rule that dynasty until my return. You will serve me as you have always served me faithfully and without question. Now, see to our guests. This is a celebration, not a wake. |
Karai | Yes, Master. |
Cut to a nearby rooftop. Bishop is conferring with his ‘man on the inside’ via wrist communicator. | |
Bishop | This is completely unacceptable. Why didn’t you tell us Oroku Saki has a starship? |
Baxter Stockman | You didn’t ask. |
Shift to Stockman’s workroom inside the mansion. | |
Bishop | Sarcasm is no way to build a working relationship with me, Stockman. |
Stockman | Relax, Agent Bishop, we have a deal. I’ll keep my end of the bargain, as long as you keep yours. [He hears the door slide open.] Huh? [Chaplin enters the room, humming to himself.] Must go, bye now. |
Inside a security control room of the mansion, Hun looks at a 3D hologram of the mansion. | |
Hun | I don’t like it. Where’s the guard at the front gate? [He walks over to a Foot Technician.] Send someone to check it out. |
Foot Security | Sir, there’s a glitch in the system. Something... I don’t know what it is. |
Hun | Well, find out. The master can’t have anything go wrong, not tonight. |
Cut to the starship silo. | |
Fugitoid | All right, taking complete control of the internal systems. Commencing internal lockdown... now. |
Doors throughout the mansion are sealed behind metal barriers. Red lights flash and alarms blare in the security control room. | |
Hun | What the...? Who ordered a lockdown? |
Below ground, in a tunnel containing railroad tracks, Bishop appears with numerous soldiers. | |
Bishop | I don’t know what Saki’s up to and I don’t care. Rig this tunnel for demolition. I don’t want to allow Saki any chance to move his ship. |
Back in Shredder’s chambers, as he continues to examine diagrams, a pair of uninvited visitors appear. | |
Raphael | Planning a little trip? |
Michelangelo | A little outer-space mayhem, perhaps? |
Shredder | Ah... |
Splinter and Leonardo drop into the room behind him. | |
Leonardo | Not if we have anything to say about it. |
Splinter | Your evil ends here and now, Shredder. |
He fires an arrow at Shredder, who catches it in mid-flight. | |
Shredder | I shall relish destroying— |
Both Raphael and Michelangelo kick him in the back. Shredder stays on his feet and Leonardo slashes at him with both katanas, which Shredder blocks with his forearms. Leonardo then kicks him the chest, sending Shredder flying backwards on his table. The table breaks in half but Shredder flips up onto his feet. Michelangelo attacks with his nunchaku, but Shredder dodges and then flings the turtle away. Raphael immediately plows into Shredder and shoves him against the wall. Shredder lifts a hand to swing, but an arrow pierces the arm and then the other one, pinning both to the wall. Splinter quickly fires two more arrows, one piercing Shredder’s chest, the other his stomach. This causes Shredder to cry out in pain and then he frees himself and yanks out all of the arrows. As he steps away from the wall, he finds himself confronted by all four attackers. Cut to the starship silo. | |
Bishop | This starship, it’s-- it’s unbelievable. How could Saki have— |
Soldier | Sir, tunnel wired for demolition, sir. |
Bishop | Then blow it. I’m not letting this ship slip through my fingers. |
The soldier presses the button on the detonator. There is a loud rumble, the tunnel shakes, and then fire and smoke from the explosion rolls through the tunnel, burying the tracks under rubble. Above ground, the courtyard shakes and all of the guests begin clamoring excitedly. Karai is seated at a table with the mayor. | |
Mayor | What was that? [Karai signals to a Foot security guard and whispers in his ear.] Ms. Saki, are you sure everything’s all right? |
Karai | Mr. Mayor, honored guests, do not be alarmed. [She lifts a hand towards the sky, where a fireworks display has begun.] This is just my father’s way of saying thank you and farewell. |
The guests all watch the display, spellbound. | |
Mayor | Very nice. Oh. |
Alarms are blaring in the starship silo. Inside the flight deck of the craft itself, Chaplin reacts with distress. | |
Chaplin | Oh no, oh no, oh no! [The instrument panel monitor shows Bishop and his soldiers inside the silo.] Those crazy commandos, they’ve completely collapsed the transport tunnel. I’ve gotta tell the boss. [He activates the intercom.] Mr. Saki, it’s that Bishop guy! [Shredder is battling the turtles, his suit in tatters, revealing the metal body beneath.] He and his men blew up the transport tunnel. There’s no way we’re moving the starship to the river! |
Shredder | Bishop, here? [A sword hits his arm.] Ah! [He falls to the floor.] That changes everything! |
Grunting, he jumps to his feet and kicks the turtles away from him. Splinter leaps down and swings his sword, but Shredder catches the blade between his hands. Neither move for a moment, and then Splinter spots the foot coming up at him. | |
Splinter | Huh? |
He is kicked across the room and hits a chair, which turns over on top of him. He drops his sword. There is a pounding on the door and then Hun bursts into the room, followed by the Foot Elite and dozens of Foot ninjas. | |
Hun | Protect the master! |
Shredder | Hun, control this situation! I need to get my ship to safety. |
Shredder runs towards the back of the room and presses a button on a handheld remote. | |
Leonardo | He’s making a break for it! |
Raphael | Get him! |
They are blocked by Foot ninjas. The large bust of Shredder opens to reveal his private elevator. Shredder steps inside and the elevator begins to descend. | |
Shredder | Chaplin, prepare the ship, we must launch immediately. |
Chaplin | But, Mr. Saki, we can’t move the ship. They’ve destroyed the transport tunnel. |
Shredder | I know, you fool! Commence the emergency launch sequence. |
Chaplin | But-but all those people are on the emergency silo doors. |
Shredder | Do it, Chaplin! Now! |
Chaplin looks distressed, but begins activating controls. | |
Chaplin | Opening emergency launch doors. |
The silo hatch locks pop open. In the courtyard, people are seated at their tables while they dine. | |
Waiter | I’ll be right back with that, ma’am. |
The waiter turns away from the table but pauses when he hears a creaking sound. Then the ground beneath his feet slowly parts. | |
Waiter | What the--? |
He manages to throw himself sideways as the silo doors open. Tables, chairs, and a few people fall into the silo. Everyone is screaming and fleeing. Casey runs to rescue two people who are clinging to the moving silo doors. He pulls them to safety and all three run. April helps an older woman move away quickly. | |
Soldier | Sir, it looks like Saki’s trying an emergency launch. |
Bishop | What? How could-- [A table almost clips him as it falls.] Ah! Huh? [He looks up to see the doors opening.] Bring in Strike Force Bravo, shut this whole place down! |
A pair of paramilitary helicopters swoop down over the mansion. | |
Bravo One | This is Bravo One. Roger that, Commander. Nothing goes up, nothing gets out. |
Foot guards close the gates to the courtyard as the helicopters zoom overhead. | |
Bravo Two | This is Bravo Two. We have control on the ground, Commander. |
A pair of military motorcycles jump over the exterior fence. Civilians run screaming in all directions as soldiers fast-rope to the ground from the helicopters. Both helicopters then fire missiles into one of the mansion entrances. Shredder’s elevator reaches the silo control room. He steps out to see three of his Foot Technicians battling Leatherhead. | |
Shredder | What?! |
Donatello leaps over Leatherhead, lands in front of Shredder, and strikes him with his bō. | |
Donatello | Thought you might try the back door. [Shredder tries to go around, but Donatello blocks his path.] That’s why we’re here. |
In Shredder’s chambers, Raphael uses his sai to pry open the elevator doors, smashing the bust in the process. Splinter and Michelangelo kick a pair of Foot Elite away and one of the Elite smash into Hun, knocking him down. Raphael, Michelangelo, and Splinter leap down the elevator shaft. | |
Hun | After them! Stop them! |
The Elite’s battling Leonardo turn to follow their fellows and Hun into the elevator shaft. Leonardo sheathes his swords and starts after them, but Karai runs up behind him and grabs his shoulder. | |
Karai | Wait, Leonardo, you must not do this. He is finally leaving our world. You must let him go. |
Leonardo | Let him go to destroy and enslave the Utroms? |
Karai | The Utroms have hunted my father all his life. They are heartless monsters. |
Leonardo | No, Karai, that’s not true. He’s lied to you. He’s the heartless monster and I’m gonna stop him. |
He runs to the elevator shaft. | |
Karai | Leonardo, no! |
In the silo... | |
Donatello | There’s no way we’re letting you get on that starship, Shredder! |
Shredder | The two of you cannot stop me. |
He turns his head at a sound and sees Splinter, Michelangelo, and Raphael. | |
Splinter | Together we will stop you! |
The Foot Elite and Hun appear from the elevator shaft. | |
Hun | Step away from the master. Now! |
A beeping sound startles everyone and they all pause. The beeping gets faster and faster. Then suddenly a door explodes and armed soldiers appear and drop to one knee as they aim their weapons at the group. | |
Bishop | Well, well, well, isn’t this cozy? On my mark, destroy them all! Open fire! |
The soldiers begin blasting and everyone runs for cover. Leonardo and Karai arrive and immediately dive aside to avoid being shot. Splinter blocks Shredder’s escape attempt and holds him a sword point. | |
Splinter | Shredder, you cannot be allowed to return to the stars, to wreak havoc on other planets or to revenge yourself upon the Utrom homeworld. |
Shredder | What? How do you know of this? |
Splinter | My father, Master Yoshi, was a Guardian. He protected the Utroms, he forbids your journey, and in his name I will not allow you passage. |
Shredder lunges at him and Splinter strikes his metal arm with the sword. Raphael leaps on Shredder’s back and stabs the top of his shoulders with his sais. | |
Raphael | Aah! |
Sparks fly and Shredder cries out before dropping to his knees. Michelangelo strikes Shredder’s face with his nunchuck, knocking him to the side. When Shredder turns, part of the lower half of his face is gone, revealing a robotic skull beneath. | |
Hun | No! [He swings his weapon and hits Splinter and Michelangelo, then wraps an arm around Shredder.] Go, Master, get to the ship. |
He swings his weapon at Raphael, who jumps out of the way. Leonardo leaps on top of Hun, knocking him down. Across the room, Karai does battle with Bishop’s soldiers, defeating several handily. The Foot Elite go after Bishop, but he handles all four of them. Leatherhead flings soldiers against a wall and then turns to see Shredder heading for the silo. | |
Leatherhead | Shredder. Shredder! |
He roars and jumps on Shredder, smashing him into a support beam and then proceeding the repeatedly hit his face with his fists. Hun shakes Leonardo off of him. | |
Hun | I’m coming, Master! |
Hun barrels into Leatherhead, knocking him aside. Leatherhead crashes through the glass of a large, chemical filled tube, and the orange colored liquid flows out onto the floor. Hun turns to Shredder, who is lying face down on the floor, and picks him up. He turns Shredder around and sees the robotic body and face. | |
Hun | Sir? [He rips off what remains of Shredder’s suit and sees Ch’rell inside the stomach portion of the robot.] You-- Huh? You’re an Utrom? |
Leatherhead leaps on Hun and they both roll away from Shredder. They battle and crash through the window overlooking the silo. Both fall, with Hun shouting his master’s name as they plummet. | |
Hun | Shredder! |
Shredder ignores the fighting going on around him and keeps walking. He steps onto the catwalk leading to the starship. | |
Donatello | Oh no you don’t. [He runs to a tank of liquid nitrogen and kicks it over.] Hyah! You’re not going anywhere, Shredder. [Using his staff, Donatello breaks open the top of the tank. The liquid inside sprays out and hits Shredder.] A little liquid nitrogen should slow you down. |
The exo-suit comes to a stop, though Ch’rell struggles inside trying to make it move. The other turtles and Splinter join Donatello and Splinter throws a kusarigama and hooks the exo-suit with the kama. He then yanks hard on the chain and the exo-suit snaps off at the ankles, falls over, and breaks into multiple pieces. Ch’rell falls but quickly hops onto his tentacles and turns to face his adversaries. Karai knocks aside a soldier and leaps for an overhead cable. Spinning several times, she gathers momentum and then flings yourself over the turtle’s heads to land behind Ch’rell. She snatches him up, turns, and starts running for the starship. | |
Karai | Chaplin, we are leaving. |
Karai runs along the catwalk, several yards ahead of her pursuers. Chaplin frantically works the controls and starts up the starship. | |
Chaplin | All systems go. Countdown already in progress. This is totally gonna be sketchy. |
Karai races into the starship and the door slides shut just as the turtles reach it. Donatello reaches into his duffel bag and takes out his tech tab. | |
Donatello | Professor, you have to open this door. |
He plugs a cable from the tech tab into the door controls. | |
Fugitoid | I’m on it, Donatello. |
Chaplin continues to work the starship controls. The Foot Elite lie unconscious at Bishop’s feet. | |
Bishop | No, Saki’s not getting away. I want that starship. Bravo Team, disable the ship. Don’t let it take off. |
Bravo One | Roger that, fire in the hole. |
The starship door begins to slide open and Donatello disengages his tech tab from the panel. | |
Donatello | Way to go, Professor. |
The soldiers fire missiles from the helicopter. | |
Michelangelo | Incoming! |
One of the missiles hits the catwalk. Splinter and three of the turtles leap backwards. Donatello leaps forward, landing on the edge of the starship entry. He slides back until he’s clinging by his fingertips. A countdown begins. | |
Countdown | Ten, nine, eight, [a missile hits the silo wall] seven, six, five, [another missile hits] four, three, [A missile strikes the umbilical cables and breaks them loose.] two, one. |
Chaplin presses a control button. | |
Chaplin | Ignition. |
The rockets fire and the starship slowly moves upward. The remaining umbilical cables detach. | |
Donatello | Uh, fellas? |
Leonardo | We have to jump for it. |
Raphael | Come on! |
Splinter, Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo all leap for the starship. The image freezes with them still in midair. | |
To Be Continued... |
{Roll end credits}