Months after the conclusion to their adventure, Batman and the TMNT discover that the hidden threat has not passed and now Gotham is in danger! A last-ditch effort may be the only thing that saves two worlds!
Major characters[]
Minor characters[]
- April O'Neil
- Armaggon
- Baxter Fly
- Bebop
- Casey Jones
- Dream Beavers
- Fishface
- Footbot Soldiers
- Ice Cream Kitty
- Leatherhead
- Karai
- Metalhead
- Mona Lisa
- Mondo Gecko
- Monkey Brains
- Mousers
- Muckman
- Mutagen Man
- Napoleon Bonafrog
- Pigeon Pete
- Pizza Face
- Rahzar
- Rat King
- Renet
- Rocksteady
- Shinigami
- Shredder
- Slash
- Snakeweed
- Spider Bytez
- Splinter
- Tiger Claw
- Triceratons
Main Locations, Vehicles, and Accessories[]
Gotham City. Wearing tuxes, Bruce Wayne and Timothy Drake attend the Fox Foundation Film Festival. Tim complains about the tie and Bruce tells him to stop fidgeting. He then tells Tim that the film is about to start and they take their seats. As the film starts, Tim whispers about how he knows Bruce is in nostalgia love with the Gray Ghost character in the film but it’s beyond corny that he’s fighting aliens in this one. Bruce just smiles and tells him the longer he stays in their line of work, the more he’ll learn to keep an open mind. Tim groans that he’s having a hard enough time keeping his eyes open.
The film’s introduction is a narration about a notorious renegade scientist, which Tim makes fun of. Suddenly, Bruce leaps to his feet and shouts for everyone to get down. He and Tim both cover the elderly people seated next to them as some sort of ray strikes the stage, causing a huge explosion. As Tim helps a man to his feet, he asks what that was. Bruce goes to the balcony and looks out over the streets below. The Kraang war ships are flying through portals and attacking the city. Other Kraang machines as well as marching Kraangdroids are sending the citizens running for their lives. Bruce refers to it as preposterous.
Bruce uses his communicator to reach out to Batgirl, who informs him she’s already there as she battles Kraangdroids. She asks if they’re en route and Bruce tells her to give them two minutes. Batgirl leaps out of the way of a Kraang Walker that stomps down at her. Batman and Robin arrive in the Batmobile. Batgirl asks exactly how they are going to do this, and Batman says he’s working on it. The sound of a portal opening just behind him makes Batman grin.
While battling Kraangdroids, Batman greets the Turtles who drop through the portal and join the fight. Donatello awkwardly apologizes to Batgirl for all of this and she asks if he means the invading hordes of alien brain creatures, because she hardly noticed. Using two words, Batman asks Leonardo for a situation report. Leo replies that Donnie has a theory. Back when Mad Hatter somehow hacked into the Kraang’s systems, the Kraang was kind of defunct, but the Turtles think it woke them up and inspired them back into action. Batman says they tracked the signal or tracked one of them and Leo responds in the affirmative. Leo continues that when Raphael ran across a pair of Kraangdroids with a portal generator, he took them out. Then Donnie took a look at their log history which enabled the Turtles to follow them here.
Michelangelo and Robin dive to avoid being zapped. Mikey asks the boy how he got to be so small. Robin wants to know how he’s talking. Raph tells his brother that Robin is a different kid, which Mikey thinks is cool. He calls him a fun-size Robin. For his part, Robin wonders if he fell asleep during the movie. Mikey tells him he missed all the awesome, because they are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He explains that they fought alongside his pops a while back and took out the Mad Hatter, Joker and the Scarecrow guy. Robin tells him the Batman is not his dad. Mikey continues talking about the fear gas and how it was funny when Leo and Raph were wanting to be saved from the undead bug people.
This gives Leo an idea and he glances at Batman as he says that stuff really did a number on them. Batman picks up the thread of his thoughts and says that it could work, even if just to get them out of Gotham. Leo says it’s settled, and Batman takes Raph with him. Batman and Raph head up to the top of a nearby building and Mikey wants to know how Leo and Batman do the whole talking without talking thing.
Cut to the Scarecrow as he dives through a portal. He finds himself in a world of pink skies, floating islands and strange machines. He begins to ask “where…?” and then sees that he is surrounded by Kraang. Suddenly he realizes he can’t breathe and rushes back to the portal but is swarmed by Kraang before he can reach it. Suddenly, Jonathan Crane sits up in his bed screaming “No!”. He is in his cell at the Arkham Asylum and has had a nightmare. A voice says from the shadows says his name and he screams again. He then sees the outlines of both Batman and Raphael. Crane stutters about both of them there and says that means they’re here, too. Raph informs him they’re called the Kraang and wants to know how Crane knows about them. Crane tells him that his trip home while he was escaping from the Turtles’ world was bumpier than everyone else’s. He also says he knows why they need him. Crane was able to prepare for this while away from the institute. Batman wants an explanation and Crane tells him the blimps - the ones Gotham City police use to scour the skies. The police are unaware that for some time now they’ve been filling their dirigibles with fear gas.
Elsewhere, the fight against the Kraang continues. A Kraangdroid prepares to fire on a father and his daughter. Batgirl swings down to grab the pair and remove them from the line of fire while Don knocks the head off the Kraangdroid. Don asks what happened to the other Robin, the older one. Batgirl says that he moved on, which Don takes to mean he’s not around much. Just then, Nightwing drops on top of a mini-Kraang walker, crushing it as it opens fire on Don and Batgirl. Nightwing greets the pair and Batgirl returns the greeting, calling him by name. Don is less than enthusiastic to see him.
Mikey, though, is quite happy and calls out to “big Robin”. Batman, in the Batplane, communicates with Batgirl and Robin to let them know he and Raph are headed toward downtown. Crane has a plan. After an encounter with the Kraang, where one of them grabbed his leg, he found a minute trace of their DNA from the slime coating their tentacles. Crane has been filling the GCPD blimps with a type of anti-Kraang fear gas. This specific gas won’t affect humans, but it may affect mutants. Batgirl asks if he trusts Crane, and though Batman doesn’t, he could see from the man’s expression that he’s too terrified to try anything funny. Batman is using the code Crane gave him and is activating the release valves on the blimps. He tells Batgirl to be ready for anything.
The gas begins the spray out of the blimps and Robin says he thinks it’s already working. Batman then notices that one of the vents is malfunctioning. Raph thinks it’s no big deal because it’s only one. However, that one is over Gotham Square, which is ground zero of the invasion. Raph makes a sarcastic comment that of course it is. Then he tells Batman to open up, but Batman reminds him that the gas could affect him. Raph acknowledges this as he climbs onto the wing of the Batplane and leaps. He hits the blimp with both sais and slides down, ripping it wide open. Gas sprays out and Raphael falls, hitting the roof of a water tower. He crashes through into the water and when he swims to the surface, sees roaches crawling all over the inside. Shouting that it’s not real, he breaks his way out of the side of the tower.
Leo tells the Turtles to use their filtration units, which they do. All around them the Kraang start saying that they don’t understand what is happening. Looking around them, they begin to hallucinate, seeing all of the characters they’ve run across while trying to take over the Turtles’ Earth.
Raph watches from a rooftop as the Kraang begin fleeing back through their portals. Batman walks up behind him to ask if he’s okay and Raph screams in fright. To him, Batman looks like a giant roach. Raph says he’s good. The others arrive and Leo says it’s over. Mikey runs over to Raph, all excited, and grabs at him. Raph pushes him back and asks that everyone stop touching him for a minute.
Saying that he hates to cut the reunion short, Leo shakes hands with Batman, who understands that they have to go deal with the Kraang who have retreated to the Turtles’ dimension. Robin then notices what Mikey did about the pair talking without talking. Mikey proclaims him to be his favorite Robin. Don slinks up to Batgirl and wearing a goofy grin, tells her it was good to see her again. Raph immediately grabs him and drags him away, telling the lover boy to pack it in. Don replies that he’s going to fill Raph’s bed with cockroaches tonight. Raph starts to respond to that, but then looks back at a sound and sees Shredder inside a portal. The next second it’s gone and when he’s asked if he’s okay, Raph says yes, he’s fine.
The Turtles step through a portal and before he leaves, Leo salutes Batman, who tells him “until next time”. The portal vanishes and Batman turns to Robin, who agrees to watch the movie. As Batman, Batgirl, Nightwing and Robin swing through the night on their batlines, Robin says that he’s not wearing the tie this time. Batman agrees.
The End.
- Mega Man was one of the hallucinations that the Kraang see.