[Opening sequence and theme song.]

April O'Neil "Raphael?"

Raphael "
[still in bed]

Ease off, April, we had a rough night.

Michelangelo "I'm not doing a thing till we eat some serious breakfast."

Leonardo "And we don't eat until we practice."

Splinter "Michelangelo, don't lose your patience."

Raphael "I'd say you just got smoked, Michelangelo."

Splinter "Indeed, Michelangelo has much to learn about patience."

Donatello "Yeah, you got to learn to keep cool like the rest of us."

[At breakfast, turtles pouring cereal on pizza.]

Donatello "Who wants corn flakes?"

Raphael "I'm having raisin bran."

Michelangelo "Choco puffs for me."

April "You wouldn't have any, uh, real food, would you?"

Splinter "Of course. Sushi?"

April "I guess I can hold out until we get up to the street."

Michelangelo "Are we going somewhere?"

April "Don't you remember that big compound that was under the ninja's headquarters? That big Technodrome thingamajig. We've got to check it out. It's my only hope of getting a story out of all of this craziness."

Michelangelo "Funny, we don't get much rain here in the sewers."

April "It's not rain. It's water from last night's flood."

Donatello "Come on, we must be almost there. It should be right . . . here?"

Raphael "You know, a hot dog stand would clean up in a place like this."

Donatello "I don't get it. It's got to be here. See? There's the foundation of the building that flooded. Where could a vast subterranean compound go down here?"

Michelangelo "That-a-way."

April "What a story! Come on, we've gotta follow it."

Leonardo "Wait. We must tell Master Splinter about this."

[Scene change, cut to wall breaking, Technodrome drives through]

Shredder "I don't believe it. My mighty Foot soldiers beaten by a bunch of turtles? And mutant turtles at that."

Krang "
[on radio]

Saki? This is Krang. Report to me at once.

Shredder "Great! Terrific! We're on the run, and that idiot wants to chitchat. Well, what is it?"

Krang "Ah, Saki, my old friend."

Shredder "I told you, call me the Shredder."

Krang "You wouldn't be shredding anything if it weren't for me. I have given you vast technical knowledge-- but you have not fulfilled your half of the bargain. My legions are waiting in dimension x to storm into this world and crush it. All I lack is a body, a body which you have failed to provide for me."

Shredder "None of us is safe as long as Hamato Yoshi and his turtles roam the sewers."

Krang "Heh. With the body I designed, no force on earth could stop me."

Shredder "Including myself! That's why I don't trust you, Krang."

Krang "And if I gave you a means of defeating your enemies-- then would you trust me?"

Shredder "Possibly. But first tell me how to defeat the turtles."

Krang "You were the one who tried to destroy Yoshi with that mutagen but instead, he gained the powers of the rats.  But suppose Yoshi had been near a more powerful animal."

Shredder "Mutate my own people. The possibilities are endless. All I need are animals. Ha ha ha ha ha! Killers! That's quite a brain you've got, Krang."

Krang "Of course it is. It's all I've got."

[Cut scene, back at lair]

Splinter "You saw the ninja's leader in that underground compound last night?"

Leonardo "Yes, Master Splinter."

Splinter "And now the compound has vanished without a trace. I fear my ancient enemy Oroku Saki still lives, and I must join you in the search for this Technodrome."

Raphael "That isn't a job for us, it's a job for the department of sewers."

Splinter "Oroku Saki is the most cunning and dangerous man I know, and he is a ninja of the first rank."

April "I'll check the news room, maybe there's been some word on just where the Technodrome went."

Splinter "Quickly, our adversary already has a head start on us."

Raphael "Head start? We're gonna need sonar to find this geek."

Michelangelo "Relax, Raphael, we've got Splinter leading us now."

Donatello "Yeah, Splinter will find him, just like sniffing out a rat, uh, heh, a weasel."

[Cut scene, to zoo where drill breaks thru sidewalk. Robots use lasers to free warthog and rhino.]

Robot "Ok, buddy, you're coming with us.
[Lassos rhino, other robot lassos warthog.]

Just come along quietly, and you won't get hurt. Sorry for the disturbance, folks. Have a pleasant day.

[Cut scene, back underground.]

Raphael "Oh, still no sign of the Technodrome. Where's Tarzan when we need him?"

Michelangelo "Check this out. Whoa!"

Splinter "This way, I believe."

Donatello "That rock is freshly drilled. Look at the size of those tank treads!"

Michelangelo "That dude's driving Shea stadium around under the city. Ha ha ha!"

Raphael "This could put a serious crimp in our plans."

Splinter "Head upward, my sons.  Find some way around all this. I'll try to get through somehow."

Raphael "Through that?"

Splinter "Oh, we rats can burrow through anything."

[Cut scene, to Technodrome.]

Shredder "I need volunteers."

Group of thugs all talk at once "Aw, no, no way. Not me. Uh-uh."

Rocksteady "Yeah, we don't volunteer for nothin'."

Shredder "I need two of you for an experiment."

Rocksteady "Ah, forget it."

Shredder "It will give you strength and powers undreamed of."

Bebop "So what?"

Shredder "It will make you mightier than a dozen mortal men."

Rocksteady "Yeah? Big hairy deal."

Shredder "It will enable you to get even with the four turtles who so recently humiliated you."

Group all talk at once "Where do I sign? I'll do it! Yeah!"

Shredder "Ah, but I only need two volunteers. Just sit."

Bebop "I wish I'd brought some comics."

Rocksteady "Uhh? What you doing to us, man?"

Shredder "Just relax."

Bebop "What do you need them animals for?"

Shredder "It's all part of the experiment."

Rocksteady "Are you sure this is gonna give us all them, uh, powers you promised us, man?"

Shredder "Absolutely. Of course, you may have a little trouble getting a date on Saturday night."

[Cut scene, back to turtles.]

Raphael "Donatello, you sure this is getting us anywhere?"

Donatello "Of course. Every tunnel leads somewhere."

Raphael "You picked a heck of a time to become a philosopher."

Leonardo "Now, everybody be quiet. We don't want to make a disturbance.
[Comes out in middle of the street]

I’ve got a feelin' we're not in Kansas anymore, Uncle Toto.

Donatello "Come on! We've got to get out of here."

Raphael "And I thought the sewers were bad."

Michelangelo "Now that's what I call a serious pizza."

Leonardo "Channel 6? Isn't that the station where April works?"

[Cut scene to April in newsroom with her boss]

Burne Thompson "Three days you’ve been gone, April, and what do you bring me? Zip!"

April "Burne, listen to me. I'm on to something big."

Thompson "Save it. Against all better judgment, I'm gonna give you another chance. Somebody robbed the zoo two hours ago, the police report's in the wire room."

April "A zoo robbery? Aw, come on."

Thompson "Now, April."

April "I get yelled at, I get scooped on my story, I nearly get fired, all on account of those turtles."

[Exits building.]

Raphael "Yo, sister. What's the haps?"

April "Give me a break, guys."

Michelangelo "We had to disguise ourselves somehow."

April "Try to get serious for a moment. I'm on a story that could lead us straight to the Technodrome. Two hours ago a rhino and warthog were stolen from the Central Park Zoo."

Raphael "A rhino and a warthog are gonna lead us to the Technodrome?"

April "They were stolen by a couple of robots who dragged them underground."

Michelangelo "Robots? Well, come on, let's boogaloo."

[Underground, where Splinter discovers the Technodrome]

Splinter "There must be some way inside."

Robot "All right, buddy, just come along peacefully. Don't make this any tougher on yourself."

[Robot captures Splinter. At zoo, April and turtles inspecting hole.]

Donatello "
[As they enter hole.]

April, wait here for us.

April "But—"

Leonardo "If this hole caves in, we can dig our way out, you can't."

Michelangelo "Yeah. We know how to handle ourselves in the sew--aah!

Whoa, man. That was a short trip.

Leonardo "Master Splinter's walking stick."

Donatello "He's never without it. He must be in trouble."

Shredder "Indeed, he is. Ha ha ha! If you want to see him again, you'll have to come in."

Leonardo "
[as they enter Technodrome]

It's gotta be a trap.

Raphael "I hate it when he says that."

April "
[on pay phone at zoo]

Don't ask questions, just get a camera crew down here now! What do you mean, I got to have a story first? This is the story! Oh, yeah? You, too!

Shredder "All right, now to find out how good these turtles really are."

Michelangelo "Get the feeling somebody has it in for us? So, how do we get out?"

Donatello "There is no way out."

Raphael "Well, that's kind of a defeatist attitude, don't you think? What about that?"

Donatello "It could take hours to crack the code."

Raphael "Try fifteen seconds, chum."

Donatello "Leonardo, cut it open."

Michelangelo "I feel like a marshmallow in a nutcracker."

Raphael "Take your time, why don't you?
[attacks robots]

Lights out.

Robots "Help! Hey, no fair. That hurt."

Michelangelo "So long, guys. Hey, write us when you hit bottom. Ha ha!"

Robot "You won't get rid of us that easy."

Donatello "This must be some kind of manufacturing plant. We are in deep trouble."

Michelangelo "You think they want to mix it up with us?"

Donatello "If they do, I don't like the odds."

Raphael "Yeah, we were trained to fight people, not can openers."

Michelangelo "So, like, what do we do?"

Leonardo "You and Raphael, cut around to either side. Donatello, try to get to their rear."

Donatello "What will you do, Leonardo?"

Leonardo "Well, somebody's gotta take the middle. Attack! Hyah."

[Fighting with multiple robotic machines.]

Michelangelo "Rude, dude."

Donatello "Turtles fight with honor."

Leonardo "Taste cold steel. Uhh."

Michelangelo "Get funky!"

Robot "Hurry. We must stop them."

Raphael "Get him, Michelangelo! Aah! Get out of my face! Our rear flank's cut off, Sarge!"

Michelangelo "pflllllt! This way."

Raphael "I'd say we redecorated the place nicely."

Leonardo "More bad news."

Raphael "Didn't I tell you?"

Donatello "Hit it, Leonardo."

Leonardo "Splinter! I'll cut you down, Master."

Shredder "I must congratulate you."

Donatello "It's the same guys we fought last night."

Shredder "You passed your test with flying colors."

Raphael "Test? What test?"

Shredder "Your hairy little friend knows me as Oroku Saki, but you may call me the Shredder."

Raphael "A kitchen utensil?"

Shredder "You would be wise to lose your flippant ways if you wish to join the honorable Foot clan."

Leonardo "Why should we want to do that?"

Shredder "Because it was I who made you what you are today. If not for me, Hamato Yoshi would never have left Japan. I followed him to this country, where I gained my advanced technology, including my rare experimental mutagen. It was I who caused you to mutate into your humanoid form. You owe everything to me! Don't deny your destiny. Join me."

Raphael "Does the phrase "go suck a lemon" hold any meaning for you? Let's cut him down!"

Shredder "Very well. I have my own mutants. Bebop, Rocksteady, destroy them!"

Rocksteady "Grrr. With great pleasure, Master Shredder. Grrr!"

Bebop "Arr!"

Michelangelo "Jump for it!"

Shredder "You idiots!"

Donatello "The mutation didn't up their IQs any."

Raphael "Come on, Splinter. We're checking out of this dump."

Shredder "Come on, you fools."

April "
[driving news van]

I just hope I haven't missed out on the action!

Donatello "Rest here a moment, Master."

Leonardo "You know, that was almost too easy."

Raphael "I really wish you'd stop saying things like that."

Rocksteady "Rarrr! Say your prayers, turtles."

Michelangelo "Come on, let's annihilate those turkeys!"

Raphael "Didn't I see you in the jungle book? Ooh."

Rocksteady "What the—"

Raphael "Aw, this is ridiculous. We're never gonna stop those guys."

Michelangelo "Yeah, those jerks belong in a zoo, not the streets."

Donatello "Michelangelo, that's a brilliant notion. Come on."

Bebop "Where'd they go?"

Michelangelo "The party's over here!"

Rocksteady "Now for the final showdown."

Donatello "Sorry. We'll have to take a rain check on that."

Raphael "Now, you boys have fun together, and we'll be back to check on you in about ten years."

Michelangelo "Dumb, dumb, dumb. Those dudes are so dumb!"

April "Ok, guys, where's the action?"

Raphael "Afraid you missed the good stuff."

April "Ohh. Well, that's just great."

Michelangelo "Of course you could get a shot of those two bozos."

Rocksteady "Get back here and fight, you little web-footed creeps."

April "Oh, wow!"

Rocksteady "Ooh, the little bimbo! I'll make you eat that camera. Grrr!"

April "Where'd those guys come from?"

Leonardo "Come on. We must get Splinter home."

April "Let's take the van. I'm not letting you guys out of my sight until I've gotten the whole story."

Donatello "You'll get it. Remember, the Shredder's still loose."

Michelangelo "And probably trucking around in that Technodrome again."

[Robot arrives to free Rocksteady and Bebop.]

Bebop "What took you so long?"

Robot "The Shredder wants to have a little talk with you."

Rocksteady "Uh, you couldn't maybe put us back in that cage there, could you?"

[End Credits]
