
Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

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Leonardo "Hurry, guys!"

"Father and Donnie are down!"

"These damn things are everywhere!"

Leo "I can't hold 'em off much longer!"

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Raphael "Mikey, I've got Leo—you get Donnie and Splinter outta this mess!"

Michelangelo "Gotcha!"

Raph "Ragh!"

Donatello "Oh, man, anyone get the number of the bus that flattened me?"

Mikey "Donnie, thank God! We gotta get you outta here, bro!"

Donnie "Don't worry about me, Mikey. Just get Father somewhere safe. And watch out for Hob."

Mikey "Hob."

Donnie "Yeah, we saw him just before the cave-in..."

"...He's the one controlling these crazy robots."

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Raph "Hob?!"

Raph "I'm gonna kill that bastard!"

Leo "Not if we get killed first. These things are smart!"

Donnie "No, it's programming, Leo—they're just doing what Hob's telling them to do with that remote!"

Raph "Which just proves my point..."

"...The cat's gotta go!"

Old Hob "Perfect."

Mikey "You're gonna be okay, Master. Nothin's gonna get you, I promise."

Hob "Now."

Mikey "I've got you cov—"

Mikey "—Aw, crud."

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Mikey "Gah!"

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Krang "And you say this mutant cat of yours will deliver the compound soon, Stockman?"

Baxter Stockman "If all is going according to plan, General Krang..."

Baxter "...Mr. Hob will be well on his way to procuring the specimen and returning it to the StockGen labs for reclamation of the psychotropic compound."

Baxter "Can I interest you in some scotch?"

Krang "I don't drink."

Baxter "Your stone soldiers, then? On the rocks, perhaps, hm?"

Baxter "Heh."

Krang "Forget your fancy booze—I want results, Stockman."

Krang "Tell me, if you need to pull the compound from blood, why didn't you just take it from that blasted cat? Why the need to chase down some escaped rat when you've already got another mutant in your hands?"

Baxter "Yes, well... If only it was so simple a solution."

Baxter "We had considered using Mr. Hob's blood—covertly withdrew samples from him, no less—but my technicians discovered purity issues that could not be overcome."

Baxter "Accidental absorption of the compound from a filthy alley floor in no way compares to the rat's carefully controlled injections."

Baxter "Now would the mutated turtles we've observed—though their blood may provide for other unique research opportunities."

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Baxter "But, as for the compound itself, mental stability in all test subjects was one of your prerequisites, General, and Mr. Hob has proven to be, shall we say, infirm at best. Hardly the demeanor you'd wish in one of your own mutant soldiers."

Baxter "As far as we know, only the rat has been injected with a non-tainted form of the psychotropic. Hence our desire to locate and retrieve it."

Krang "What do you mean, "as far as we know"?"

Baxter "Your competitor—this mystery ninja—appears to have had his own success with the samples his people stole from our labs last year."

"I've received word that another mutant animal has been observed.* This creature is seemingly in full control of its mental capacity..."

Baxter "...Though I've yet to verify these claims as facts."

Krang "Facts? I'll give you facts, you smug buffoon."

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Krang "Fact number one: This person you call my competitor—this ninja—is nothing more than a nuisance—a bug to be swatted when the time comes."

Krang "My intel says his interest in the mutant technology you're developing relates to his own war, which, like everything else on this mud ball, will be meaningless once I've accomplished my mission."

Krang "What my intel can't tell me is how the hell he knows about the technology. But, like I said, it won't matter soon enough."

Krang "Fact number two: The success of my mission is all that matters."

Krang "Unfortunately, the only ones with the technical knowledge I need are not exactly cooperating—"

"They've proven more resistant than I'd expected."

Krang "which brings us to fact number three: your own pathetic existence is at risk."

Krang "I need disciplined, intelligent mutant super-soldiers. If you succeed, i will make you a very rich and powerful man. Fail?"

Krang "You die."

Krang "Your time is running out, Stockman, so all i can say is..."

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"...That damn cat better get what you sent him for."

Hob "Time to get the hell outta here."

Hob "First, a little smoke action."


Hob "And all that's left to do is push one measly, little autopilot button..."


Hob "...And snag one big, ugly rat."

Hob "So long, green freaks..."

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"...Say bye-bye to daddy."

April O'Neil "So you and your dad don't get along so well, huh?"

Casey Jones "Nah..."

Casey "...Never did, really. But since my mom died, we pretty much, uh... Ignore each other most of the time."

April "I'm really sorry about your mom. My parents are both alive, but my dad had a stroke a few years ago."

April "I almost left school to help my mom with him, but they wouldn't have it."

April "They said that I worked too hard to get my scholarship only to lose it on account of my dad being sick, so here I am."

Casey "Which makes me wonder somethin'—why's a smart girl like you wanna learn how to fight anyways?"

Casey "I mean, self-defense I get, but there's pepper spray for that."

Casey "Who're you gonna throw down with—the chess team?"

April "Well, self-defense is a part of all this, but it's... It's more than that. It's..."

April "...Well, it's crazy is what it is. You don't wanna know, trust me."

Casey "Look, English lit 101 kills me, but crazy I can handle, April."

Casey "C'mon, what's the scoop?"

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April "Okay, but you're gonna laugh."

April "So, I've been doing an intership at a science lab for a little more than a year now, part of my biotech degree requirements. I was studying there one night by myself when they had a break-in."

April "But... Well, it wasn't exactly what you'd call a normal break-in, I guess."

Casey "What d'ya mean? Did they have guns and stuff?"

April "No, not guns. They had... They had swords."

Casey "Swords?"

Casey "Ninjas?"

April "I know—totally insane, huh?"

April "But it's true, and one of them almost killed me. I... I barely survived and ever since, well... I've just been really scared, you know?"

April "Every shadow, every sudden sound, makes me jumpy and I thought learning how to fight... How to defend myself... Might make it a little better."

April "Don't look at me that way, Casey. I knew you wouldn't believe me."

Casey "No, I do. Really. It's just... How'd you get away?"

April "That's the craziest part. There was this rat at the lab—smart little guy they were doing some weird tests on. Used to run around free all the time."

April "Anyway, when the ninjas were attacking, the fire alarm went off all of a sudden and it scared them away, and I swear it was the rat who pulled the alarm."

April "So, that's the whole wacky story—I was saved from criminal ninjas by a lab rat named Splinter."

Casey "Did you say... Splinter?"

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Mikey "Master Splinter! Where are you?!"

Mikey "Dudes, I can't find Father!"

Raph "What?!"

Mikey "Sensei! I got jumped and now he's gone!"

Leo "Keep looking, Mikey!"

Mikey "I'm lookin' and I'm not findin', Leo! I'm tellin' you, he's not here!"

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Donnie "I'm not seeing Hob anywhere, either! You think he has Father?"

Raph "We gotta go after them!"

Raph "Grah!"

Mikey "But these things have us surrounded!"

Donnie "Wait! Hob being gone might actually work to our advantage!"

Leo "How?!"

Donnie "I think these things operate on some kind of object-detection protocol!"

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Leo "Come again?!"

Donnie "Radar—they're honing in on us by pinging our shapes!"

Leo "So?"

Donnie "With Hob gone, they've gotta be running on autopilot now."

Donnie "I think I know a way to get them out of this helter skelter formation!"

Donnie "Hurry, guys, get behind me in a straight line. Low profiles so they only key on me!"

Raph "What the hell you talkin' 'bout, Donnie?"

Donnie "Just do it, Raph! Now!"

Raph "This better be good."

Donnie "Okay... On my signal."

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Mikey "Don't know what you got in mind, bro, but why does this feel like a buffet line..."

Mikey "...And we're what's on the menu?"

6 3 8 32 9 45 10 28 1 9 79

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Casey "Stop here, April..."

Casey "...This is the place."

April "Here? Most of these buildings look abandoned, Casey, and um... Not too safe."

Casey "It's not in one of the buildings—if I told you where it was, no way you woulda came."

April "So, okay, enough of the mystery. Where are we going?"

Casey "Ta-da!"

April "You're joking, right?"

Casey "Uh-uh."

Casey "And if you thought seein' ninja robbers was crazy, well..."

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Casey "...You ain't seen nothin' yet."

Donnie "Okay... They're only seeing me now, guys. Stand steady and stay behind me."

Donnie >Just one more sec...<

Donnie "...Now!"

Donnie "Flank 'em!"

Mikey "And spank 'em!"

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Raph "That's the last of 'em. Stupid things!"

Leo "Great plan, Donnie—they totally didn't expect us to surround them like that."

Leo "You guys okay? Anyone hurt bad?"

Mikey "'Cept for psycho robot shellshock, I'm good to go."

Donnie "Check it out."

Donnie "Hob's remote—he must've dropped it or something, and it's on autopilot like I thought. He did take off."

Leo "And no sigh of Sensei. Hob must've taken him."

Mikey "Or worse."

Raph "Dammit, we gotta go after him. Like, right now!"

Leo "Raph's right—we can't waste time. No knowing what Hob's up to."

Raph "Nothin' good, that's for sure."

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Leo "We'll split up—we can cover more ground that way. If you don't find anything in a couple hours, head back here, but be care—"

April "I can't believe I let you talk me into this!"

Mikey "What now?"

April "This is so gross!"

Casey "It's just up this wa— Wait a minute. Somethin' ain't right."

April "Yeah, it's not right. In case you haven't noticed, this is a sewer, Casey..."

Raph "Casey!"

April "...And those are four giant turtle-men."

April "I can't... Deal with... Thisss..."

Casey "Crap!"

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Leo "Sorry, Casey, no time to talk. Let's go, guys."

Raph "She okay?"

Casey "Yeah—I guess seein' you guys was too much. I probably shoulda warned her."

Casey "I think she knew you four and your dad in that lab before you all... You know, grew up."

Casey "Brought her to meet you, but... Not a good time, huh?"

Raph "You don't know the half of it, bro."

Raph "We'll be back. Cute girl."

Casey "Yeah... Thanks."

Casey "I just wish I never taught her how to punch, 'cause somethin' tells me when she wakes up..."

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Casey "...She's gonna break my face."
