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[The final episode arc begins. A zombified clawed hand rises from the glass coffin and then grabs its ledge.]
Tiger Claw: Yes. Yes! The Master has arisen! Long live the Shredder!
[Zombified Shredder rises from the coffin. However, we only see his silhouetted form.]
Z.Shredder: [dark voice]I am... cold. [looking up.] Is this truly the earth? Or another illusion? I have been gone for eons.
Tiger Claw: No. Many months, but not eons, Shredder.[Kavaxas lands behind Tiger Claw and the rest of the foot members.] You need to recover. Kavaxas, will he heal?
Kavaxas: In time.
Tiger Claw: What? [Turning to face Kavaxas.] Restore him, NOW! I do not want an excuse to keep you here.
[A crunching noise was heard, Zombified Shredder's foot came into the camera and out, Tiger Claw backed away into the rest of the foot members, all terrified at their master’s undead form.]
Z Shredder: Kavaxas stays with us, Tiger Claw. [Zombie looms over the foot clan.] Soon this pitiful world will be ours.
[Theme song]
Ryan: Such a strange alien dimension. I've never seen anything like it.
Crankshaw Jr: Captain Ryan . The alien simply known as Z has found us. What are we going to do-?
[He gets slapped to the ground as a brain alien appears.]
Ryan: What do you want, Z?
Z: I want to destroy everything. Reality is boring and meaningless to me.
Ryan: But what about love? Compassion? Come, my friend. Let me introduce you to our Pleasure Ray which will let you feel human emotion.
Z: I'm ready, Captain. To feel... emotion.
[Ryan activates the laser, destorying the alien.]
Crankshaw Jr: But that was a Photon Eradicator, Captain. You just violated Confederation Rules-[gets slapped]
MIkey: You're missing another classic Space-Heroes: The Next Generation, guys!
Raph: We gotta get ready for the recon mission. Like you should be doing.
Donnie: Ugh, I gotta collect more data on Hot Head. Now that Tiger Claw has all of the pieces that can resurrect Shredder, we don't have much time.
Casey: You realize Leo is gonna be stupid mad when he finds out you watched Space-Heroes without him!
Mikey: Um, where is Leo anyway?
April: Where else? He's in the dojo, meditating. I feel so bad for him. The weight of the world is always on his shoulders.
[Leo is at the shine.]
Leo: I can't do this anymore. It's too much.
Splinter: I felt the same way many times in life, my son. But we always endure.
Leo: Father, why can't you appear more often? Why do you have to leave?
Splinter: I have come to tell you, Leonardo, that you must be spiritually prepared for what is to come.
Leo: We're getting ready, Sensei. But it's not the Foot I'm worried about. It's that dragon man. He's even more powerful than the Super Shredder.
Splinter: Yes. And if he roams free, the earth will forever be cast in shadow. My son. Remember what I told you before.In darkness, look towards the light:.
Leo: What does that even mean? [sighs] How can we stop him, Father?
Donnie: All right. I need to get one last reading from Kavaxas to calibrate my new invention.
Leo: Team, it's time to go.
[The teens head to the sewers and to the dungeons.]
Mikey: So far, so good, guys. No creepy robed Foot dudes anywhere!
[Green eyes appear. Mikey screamed. Leo knocked one off, until it was revealed that the creature's face was a Gollum like creature.]
Leo: They look like... Shredder freaks.
April: There's too many.
[They lunge until Fishface comes to the rescue, holding a lantern.]
Fishface: Back, you wretched, stinking Shredder beasts!
[The monsters run away.]
Leo: They have a weakness after all. Fire.
Fishface: No. Bright light of any kind.
Raph: Well right, trout-mouth, why did you help us? You got three seconds to explain yourself.
Casey: I'll give him two before I open up a can of sardines.
April: Take it easy. He means well. For once. I don't think it's a trick.
Leo: All right, Fishface. Talk.
Fishface: You want to know the truth of the Shredder mutants, yes? Well, prepare yourselves for a wild tale.
[The flashback begins during Splinter and Super Shredder's fight.]
Fishface: Remember when Shredder fought Splinter? Some of Shredder's experimental mutagen blood spilled in the sewers. Well, not long after, a man roaming the sewers found the green glowing ooze. For some reason, and I do not care to know why, he touched it and transformed into the first of these horrible monsters. He captured more people from the streets, transforming a small army. All possessing random thoughts, memories of the Shredder. These clones built an underground shrine to Shredder, and that is when Tiger Claw, hunting for you Turtles, found them. He used their power and their dedication to build a new Foot army.
Raph: Man, that is the craziest story I've ever heard. Even weirder than your stories, Mikey.
Mikey: I really did meet Megan Fox on that rooftop, yo!
Leo: Anyway, thanks, Xever. For helping us.
April: So, are you gonna help us take Kavaxas down?
Fishface: Heck no. [chuckles] This is getting to be too much, even for a talking fish. Shredder is back, and he is all gross undead and disgusting.
[Everyone gasped in horror.]
Leo: They already brought Shredder back?!
Fishface: Ah, yes. I want to go back to a nice life of crime, stealing stuff, romancing the ladies, that kind of thing. Later, tartarugas.
[Fishface leaves. now redeemed.]
Casey: Eh, who needs that robo-guppy anyway. Let's do this.
[They head to the altar.]
April: They're here. They're close.
[Evl laughter as Kavaxas arrives, the rest of the villains have arrive.]
Kavaxas: Welcome, my enemies.
Zombie Shredder: How many millennia have I waited.[Getting up from his makeshift throne and gait walk down toward his enemies.] I will send you to the Netherworld...to take my place. Now I shall have...my revenge!
[Shredder emerges from the shadows gross looking, skeletal, no mask but a skull.]
Leo: Shredder?
Mikey: Booyaka... ungh!
[Mikey attempts to jump at Zombie Shredder, but the monster used his telekinesis to stop him midair. Mikey paniked flaoting mid-air as the monster's eyes glow and uses his telekinesis to hurl him at Casey, knocking them both out. Zombie Shredder lands at the center of the circle.]
Leo: Get him!
[They begin to attack but Shredder knocks them away. Leo rolls over at Shredder and sliced his hand off and head but he revives and roars making Donnie scream. The hand started to move as Leo tried to stop it. Zombie Shredder knocked the protagonists out long enough for his severed hand to be reattatched again.]
Casey: Goongala!
[The hand came back to Shredder and grabbed Leo's face. Meanwhile, Mikey sneakily stole the seal from Tiger Claw.]
Tiger Claw:[Noticed the seal is not in his hand anymore.] What? No!
Mikey: Yes! Thanks, Kitty Claw.
[He used the seal as Kavaxas breathed fire on Mikey. the seal protected the young orange turtle.]
Leo: Mikey!
Mikey: Ah-ha! All right, Hot Head. Attack Zombie Shredder!
[Kavaxas tackles Z Shredder thanks to Mikey's command.]
Kavaxas:[Trying to resist.] Cannot... disobey. [Kavaxas flys up.]
Mikey: It's just like a video game. Aww, yeah! Level up!
[Bebop appears and takes the seal.]
Bebop: Nice try, Turtle.[Smacks Mikey.] Heads up, T.C. [Throws the seal to Tiger Claw.]
Tiger Claw:[Catches the Seal and halted kavaxas's assault.] You obey only me, your master.
Donnie: I got the readings I need. Mikey, we need an exit.
Mikey: Booyakabunga! [throws smoke bomb.]
[The teens disappear]
Rocksteady: I hates when they do that.
Tiger Claw: [growling] How easily you turned on us. [Angerily turning toward kavaxas.] What is your game?
Kavaxas: Only to serve the one who holds the Seal, Master. [Bowing down.]
[Z. Shredder's foot came into the camera.]
Tiger Claw: Shredder, what will you have me do? Banish the Demodragon back to the Netherworld?
Z Shredder: No. Kavaxas is a powerful ally. [puts his head back on] He will remain on Earth with us... as my second in command.
Tiger Claw: [shocked] What?
[Kavaxas snickers]
[in the lair, Donnie finished making a ghost blaster.]
Donnie: There. Finished. Based on this new data, my spectral blasters will be good to go. These babies are specially designed to take down supernatural entities.
Casey: Oh, this is the coolest thing! [accidently blasts it] I'll just put this down right here.
Donnie: I've got five spectral blasters, one for each of us, except Casey.
Casey: [offended] What? That's racialist, yo!
Leo: We just don't trust you with anything that shoots anything. especially lasers. Sorry, Casey.
Casey: [upset] Ah, weak!
[They get themselves prepared]
April: All right, let's move out.
[A loud roar and Leatherhead arrives with Karai on his back.]
Mikey: Leatherhead! Yes! I called for some back-up, dudes.
Leo: Karai, I thought I told you to heal up, we'd take care of this.
Karai: Like I was really going to listen to your advice, Leo? Come on.
Raph: Well, we got the tools, we got the talent. Let's kick some undead Shredder butt, and take Hot Head down once and for all.
[At the dungeons.]
[Kavaxas was whispering something to Z. Shredder while the later was sitting on his makeshift throne.]
Tiger Claw:[Weary.] I question whether Shredder is alive at all or simply the puppet of Kavaxas.
Bebop: I feel you, T.C. What are you gonna do? Go on mutant strike?
Z Shredder: Tiger Claw. Now that Kavaxas is my second in command, you will relinquish the Seal of the Ancients to him.[Camera cuts to Kavaxas Snickering while facing Tiger Claw.] Right now.
Tiger Claw: [Horrified of what his master comamnds and refuses] No, never. It is too dangerous, Shredder. I will not allow it.
Z Shredder: If you will not obey me, then you shall be DESTROYED.
[Z. Rahzar roars and tackles Tiger Claw hurling him off the stairs. Tiger Claw breaks free from Rahzar by kicking him. Just as Tiger Claw tries to go after the seal... "STOMP!" ...Shredder breaks it with his foot.]
Kavaxas:[Laugh evily.] Yes! Finally! It is done.
Tiger Claw: What? What is done?
Kavaxas: I had to achieve three deeds to end this world. First, destroy a great warrior: Tatsu. Next, resurrect an evil warrior: Shredder. And finally, destroy the Seal that binds me. And now... [He summons his staff.] I can unleash the spirits of the Netherworld onto the earth and control both worlds.
[He flare his wings.]
Tiger Claw: [desperate] Master Shredder, we must stop him!
Z Shredder: Don't you understand, Tiger Claw? [Turns around looking down with sadness.] You were right. Kavaxas, is my master now.
[Tiger claw backed away upon hearing what his Master said. Bebop and Rocksteady backed away.]
Kavaxas: Watch... as the world ends.
[He summons his staff as the cave glows green. The cracks split on the roar as everyone screamed. The sky turned green as thousands of ghosts came out from the hole. The others have arrives and witness the horror.]
April: You've gotta be kidding me.
Casey: I don't play with dead things, yo.
[Tatsu's ghost arrives.]
Karai: Tatsu!
Mikey: Oh, no, Ho Chan?
[Ho chan appears.]
Ho Chan: Oh, boy. You're doomed!
Leo: Mikey, Karai, and Leatherhead, you're with me. We're going after Kavaxas. The rest of you take down these ghosts.
[Mikey gives Casey the blaster.]
Mikey: I don't need it, Casey. I got Leatherhead.
both: Booyakasha!
[They leave]
Casey: Totally metal.
[They charge at the ghosts. Tiger Claw tries to charge at Kavaxas, only to be stopped by Rahzar. Tiger Claw tries to swing at Rahzar with his Machete, only to have the later grab it with his jaw. Tiger Claw Struggles to pry his machete off from Rahzar, but ends up being swatted by the later.]
Kavaxas: Fight, my undead minions.
Bebop:[Clenching on Rocksteady's arm.] This is too freaky-deaky for me, dog!
Rocksteady:[Grabs Bebop's head.] Let us make like tree and run.
[Rocksteady and Bebop leave. Leo arrives and blasts Kavaxas. Z.Shredder arrives and smacks Leo away disarming the Ghost blaster. Falls from the platform, back flips to recover, then draws his two katanas.]
Kavaxas: In a dimension of suffering, in an age of pain, I ruled on a throne of bone. I, Kavaxas, swore one day I would rule all dimensions. The time has come!
[The ground began to split as Tige Claw grabs onto one of the standing platforms. Rahzar follows Tiger Claw only to be kicked by the later and fall into the netherworld screaming. The teens continue on defeating ghosts.]
Donnie: They just keep coming.
Ho: Oh! Giant hands!
[The hands grabbed Casey.]
Casey: Pecs... getting... crushed.
Splinter: Why don't you pick on someone your own size, Ho Chan?
[They looked and saw Splinter's spirit.]
April: Splinter!
Donnie: Sensei?
Raph: Father?
Ho: Hamato Yoshi? Now this really ticks me off to no end.
Splinter: I will send you back to the Netherworld from where you came, demon!
[He begins to fight Ho Chan. Leatherhead throws Mikey up to the ledge.]
Kavaxas: Now is the season of evil. Humanity's last cry.
Leatherhead: Never!
[Leatherhead leaps off.]
Splinter: Your power is waning, wizard.
April: Eat hot plasma, Tatsu.
[The others help by blasting Tatsu into goo.]
Casey: It's endless. I hate dead things.
[Tiger Claw begins to fire at Zombie Shredder which didnt phase the undead footclan leader. Zombie Shredder uses his telekenisis to knock Tiger Claw off the platoform and disarming his weapons. Zombie Shredder Lands infront of Leo. Shredder was about to attack leo but Karai stabs Shredder in the back, sending him falling. Kavaxas continues to spew fire at Leatherhead until the gator was down.]
Mikey: No! Leatherhead!
[Mikey dodged and saw the broken seal. He began to pull out three gums, and then leapt to the other side with Kavaxas chasing him.]
Mikey: Yeah, boy!
[He managed to get the seal]
Kavaxas: What are you doing? No!
[Mikey fixed the seal with the gum and stops him]
Kavaxas: [shocked] Impossible! The Seal cannot be fixed. How... how is it working?
Mikey: 'Cause I'm super dope like that, fool! Okay, Hot Head, you're gonna stop the ghost invasion and make everything normal again! Your new boss, Mikey, commands you
Kavaxas: I must... obey!
[The ground shook as green flames burst from the ground. The ghosts slowly disappear back to the ground. Ho Chan Struggles to break free from being sucked into the ground.]
Splinter: It is time to go back to your abyss, Ho Chan!
Ho Chan: No! Please! Seriously! I don't wanna!
[Splinter kicks him back to the netherworld and disappears.]
Splinter: In darkness, look towards the light.
[Leo turned as the dungeon turned orange again.]
Leo: I get it now. Mikey! Force Kavaxas to open up a portal back to the Netherworld! Hurry!
Mikey: You heard him, Hot Head! Open up that portal, now!
Kavaxas: As... you... command, Master.
[He flies off and opens up the portal in the circle. Kavaxas uses all of his might to hold onto the portal's edge, until he was bewildered that Z Shredder runs into Kavaxas then furiously lands on him.]
Z Shredder: We do not belong here, demon.
[With that, Shredder punch him, causing Kavaxas to loose his grip then dragged into the hole. Kavaxas is defeated and the cracks begin revert on the street again. It was finally over. On the rooftops, Karai and Leo share their last moments with Splinter's spirit.]
Splinter: Goodbye, my family. I love you all.
[He finally descends to heaven.]
Raph: So long, Master Splinter.
Leo: We've got the Seal. We're gonna smash it into dust and spread it over the ocean. That power will never be used again.
Leatherhead: Tiger Claw helped us. He left, declaring a truce.
Raph: Wow. Who would have thought?
Donnie: I guess miracles really can happen.
April: Like that amazing sunset. I was pretty sure we'd never see one of those again.
Leo: Come on, team. Let's go home.
Karai: Hold on, Leo. I just want to appreciate this moment... for a little while longer.
[The episode ends with the group on the rooftop.]